Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,941 to 7,960 of 58,959
  1. Kaufmann family collection

    Collection of prewar photographs, photographic postcards, and written testimony relating to the Kaufmann family from Cologne, Germany. Photos document the family before WWII, and the postcards were written by the donor's brother in Amsterdam to their parents in New York, NY. Includes a testimony written by donor in 1998 and 2011 regarding her experiences during the Holocaust.

  2. Guggenheim and Goldman families collection

    Collection of photographs depicting Erna Guggenheim (donor's mother), born December 22, 1917 in Hamburg, Germany, with her family and friends, during activities in "Kadima Blau-Weiss" Zionist Youth movement, and family vacations; wedding photographs of Erna and Moshe Martin Goldman, born May 14, 1914 in Dessau; Erna and Moshe met in the youth movement but Moshe immigrated to Palestine in 1933; Erna and her mother Rosa Guggenheim immigrated to Palestine in 1935 after the death of Theodor Guggenheim in 1934; Erna and Moshe married in 1935 in Tel Aviv in "Palatin Hotel."

  3. Birthday celebration for President Benes in May 1945

    08:55 Posted newspaper: “OSLAVA NAROZENIN pana presidenta republiky DR. EDVARDA BENESE v nedeli dne 27. Kvetna 1945” announcing the birthday celebration of President Benes on May 27, 1945. Large banner on the side of a building: “AT ZIJE PRESIDENT BENES!” [Long live President Benes]. Two Czechoslovak officers in the street. Side view of soldiers lining up. Children in costume and women march along the cobblestone street in Humpolec, the tower of the Church of Saint Nicholas behind them. The parade continues with a marching band followed by men in suits with armbands and officers. Statue of ...

  4. Americans visit family in Vienna, 1930

    Pan of well-dressed men and women seated and eating at dining tables on an outdoor patio. View of a city below them. 00:50 Pan of an ornate fountain and swimming pool. People wade in the water, a man slides down a waterslide. 1:27 Views of a large crowd of people in bathing suits. A well-dressed woman in the foreground. People mill about on the beach and in the water. 1:54 Views of a crowded outdoor café. 2:18 Pan of a gated building, perhaps an apartment. Three well-dressed people pose for the camera in front of the gate. The three walk in a garden towards the camera and pose for the camer...

  5. Sim Ashkenazi collection

    Documents of Sim Ashkenazi (donor's late husband) relating to his attendance at the gymnasia in Russe, Bulgaria and at Clement Ochridsky University, Sofia as well as document from the Spanish Consulate in Bulgaria; class photo, gymnasia in Russe, Bulgaria, 1941-1942; photo album documenting the Ashkenazi family in Bulgaria and Israel during the Holocaust

  6. Side of a pew from a synagogue in Beregszasz

    Side of a pew from the so-called "large" synagogue of Beregszasz [Beregovo]. The synagogue was the storage site of looted objects from Jewish homes of Beregovo. The synagogue’s building was renovated in 1960 and the furniture has been stored offsite since that time.

  7. Selected records related to history of the Jewish Community of Estonia from the National Archives of Estonia in Tallinn

    Correspondence, minutes, reports, statistics, registers, etc. of various government offices (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Police Department, Credit Unions, State Chancery, Tax Office, Banks, etc.) and Jewish organizations, banks and schools (Jewish National Committee, Cultural Autonomy of the Jewish Minority, Jewish communities of Tallinn and of Tartu, Jewish Cooperative Bank, etc.). The collection includes records related to the confiscation of the Jewish property (by the Soviet and German authorities 1940-1945), nationalization of the Tallinn J...

  8. Vacationing in Italy, 1929; parade

    Well-dressed woman walks around a manicured sculpture garden. Pan of a large building, terrace and mountains behind. 0:46 Pan of a café terrace; a string ensemble plays, waiters smile for the camera. 1:12 Well-dressed woman walks down the steps of a large building, walks towards the camera. 1:38 Views of a large sculpture, mountains in the distance. Children, group of women walk in front of a guarded fortress. 2:27 Pan of a café terrace, cars, bicycles pass by. Pan of a rooftop pool, women sit, drink at umbrella tables. A group plays in a fountain in the pool. Another pan of the pool. 3:57 ...

  9. Raphael Allie photograph collection

    Collection of photographs, copy prints, and photographic postcards documenting the Dachau concentration camp and other locations, and American GIs after liberation. Possibly images of the 3rd Armored Division. First Sgt. Raphael "Ray" Allie, a member of the 3rd Armored Division, brought these photographs home after his military service during WWII.

  10. Selected records of the County Starosty in Włoszczowa Starostwo Powiatowe we Włoszczowie (Sygn. 736)

    Situational reports of the County Starosty of Włoszczowa 1933-1938; included is information about anti-Communist and anti-Jewish events in areas of the country.

  11. Book, Missals et Vesperals

    Missal given to Jacques Lajbman by Father Philippe Laurent Cleeremans (1878-1944) while he was in hiding in the Belgian village of Tourinnes-St. Lambert.

  12. Chaja and Teifeld families photographs

    The collection primarily contains pre-war photographs of the Chaja (Guyer) and Teifeld families of Gąbin, Poland. Subjects include depictions of family life, sports teams, drama clubs and the theatre, and post-war life in Poland, Israel, and Detroit, Michigan. Also include are theatre playbills in Yiddish of plays that Max Chaja and Zelda Teifeld performed in.

  13. Hafftka and Jonisch families photographs

    The collection documents the Holocaust era experiences of the Hafftka family of Częstochowa, Poland and the Jonisch family of Żarki, Poland. Included are photographs of Ola Hafftka (née Jonsich), her husband Aleksander Hafftka, and their daughter Sylvia Hafftka (now Sylvia Smoller), along with other family members. Also included are photographs of the Hie Maru, the ship that Ola, Aleksander, and Sylvia sailed on from Kobe, Japan to Seattle, Washington in 1941 after obtaining Japanese visas from Chiune Sugihara. Additionally, there is an identification card of Ola’s from Warsaw, Poland.

  14. Munich, Alps, Innsbruck

    Private films. "Harry Scherer zeigt: von Nord nach Süd"

  15. Trip to East Prussia, 1937

    Amateur travelogue, railways. Essen, Dortmund, drive through Ruhrgebiet to Hamm, train Cologne-Berlin, Minden, Hannover Linden, Königsberg color, harbor, memory, Excursion from Heilsberg to the voting monument at Allenstein, Cranz 1937, to Cranzbeek, steamer, Rossitten, moose, excursion to the Amber Coast, Mikolajki, boat trip, Masuria color, Kurhaus Rudzanny, Pillau color

  16. Konig and Bressler families collection

    Contains letters, photographs, and other documents related to the König and Bressler family from Pasieczna and Nadwórna, Poland; includes two letters, one written by Chana, searching for her brother Max and the other recommendation letter from US officer, dated June 24, 1946. Also includes documents and photographs; related to Chaim Nieswiecki (donor’s step-father), who was born in Baranowicze, Poland (now Baranavichy, Belarus) on March 23, 1911, including letters written by the Koenigl family in Pasieczna and Nadworna to their son and brother Max in the USA 1933-1938; false documents issue...

  17. Color film of Arnstadt, Wartha, Dresden (pan shot)

    Arnstadt, city tower, Landhaus Wartha, Dresden, swing over Elbe and city panorama

  18. German home movies; soldiers touring France

    Paris, Merchants on the Seine, church, soldiers for group photo, (thereafter about 90 seconds of commercial film that the filmmaker bought in Paris at the time).10:02:12 soldiers in a cafe, nurse, everyday life. 10:03:34 Haus: "General of the Air Force. Paris “, everyday life. 10:04:11 Paris at night, bars, variety shows, 10:13:04 guest performance Herbert von Karajan / Staatsoper Berlin. 10:14:08 Eiffel Tower, German soldiers, Karajan conducts. 10:16:04 Flight over France, Mont St. Michel, car trip. 10:20:31 color: Mont St. Michel,. 10:23:56 Railway, soldiers in St. Michel. Coffee table. 1...

  19. German tanks in Budapest, Russian Federation train (partly in color), Kampfpause/Westpreussen (partly in color)

    Military Training, Holy Spirit Church, German tanks, Russian Campaign

  20. Salzburg in 1941/42

    Salzburg in 1941/42