Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,921 to 7,940 of 58,959
  1. Selected records from the Library of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    Selected documents from two major record groups in the holdings of the Library of the United Nations Office at Geneva: the High Commissioner for German Refugees, Autonomous Period (1933-1936) and the Intergovernmental Committee Conference at Evian (1938-1939). These records relate to the Evian Conference as well as to Jewish refugees seeking to flee from Nazi persecution. Includes records pertaining to the British Mandate of Palestine, situation reports on various countries in Europe, and correspondence with Jewish communities in Europe and refugee organizations worldwide such as the Jewish...

  2. Nachmias family papers

    The Nachmias family papers consist of documents related to the immigration of Jacob Nachmias (born 1928), and his parents and sister, from Sofia, Bulgaria to the United States in 1939, as well as biographical documents pertaining to various generations of the Nachmias family of Russe, Bulgaria, between the 1870s and 1910s. Included are letters written by Jacob Nachmias to his father in the summer of 1939, prior to emigration from Bulgaria, and a journal kept by Jacob recounting events on their voyage in August and September 1939. Genealogical documents pertaining to the Nachmias family incl...

  3. Journey continues in Konstanz, Zurich, and Paris; Family celebrations; Onboard the SS New York returning to America

    With intertitles in English. “On the boat to Konstanz- Germany- scenes along the Bodensee.” Scenes of the town and seagulls from the water. 0:23 “The Insel Hotel and Gardens at Konstanz.” Shots of swans, other birds in the water. Well-dressed woman walks around the courtyard of the hotel. 1:13 “Scenes in Zurich- Switzerland.” Views of Zurich and the mountains behind it. 1:22 “The University.” Views of the University, city behind it and a busy, snowy street. A man directs traffic as a streetcar passes in front of the camera. 1:42 “The Garden of the Hotel Baur au Lac.” Well-dressed woman walk...

  4. Regina Gruber and Tuvia Sheres papers

    The collection contains correspondence, identification papers, photographs, testimonies, and restitution claims documenting the experiences of Regina Gruber and Tuvia Sheres in Poland, Lithuania, and Italy during the Holocaust, and their post-war experiences in Italy prior to immigrating to Canada. Included are papers regarding their time as displaced persons in Bari, Italy; and their work with the Joint Distribution Committee; their immigration to Canada; testimonies; and restitution claims. The restitution papers also reflect Regina's attempts to reclaim funds from a Swiss bank that her f...

  5. Selected records of the Jewish communities of the Travnik kanton

    Selected records of the Jewish communities of the Travnik kanton in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Includes selected records of Jewish properties and the local schools (public and Catholic) related to individual Jews and Jewish families residing in the town of Travnik and Travnik kanton before, during and after World War II. The collection also includes records from the personal archival collection of Anton Pelić, with a large number of postcards and photographs of private buildings (houses, synagogue, shops, small factories etc.) owned and occupied by Jewish families in Travnik before WWII.

  6. Personal files of Jewish students who studied in Warsaw University before World War II Teczki osobowe studentów Żydów studiujących przed II wojną światową na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim

    Students’ personal files related to the admission to studies (application, resume, matura (A level) certificate, other documents, e.g. an excerpt of a population book, birth certificate), a course of studies (applications, a student’s book, marks, official letters, documents concerning granted scholarship, reminders of payment), as well as the completion of studies (diplomas, certificates). Most of the files contain photos for identity or membership documents of the given person. Personal files contain personal data of a given individual, most of the Jewish students of the Warsaw University...

  7. Documentary portrait of Karl Hermann Frank

    Ttitles: “STATNI PUJCOVNA, UVADI KRATKY FILM.” “Frank mezi nami” Credits. The city of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) after the war. The Mill Colonnade. Teplá River running through the city. Portrait of Karl Hermann Frank's father, Heinrich, a teacher; his wife and children (Ernst, Walter, Karl). A German school certificate for KHF, “K.k. Franz Josef Staats Gymnasium in Karlsbad. Reifezeugnis” showing his grades, classes, and teachers, dated “28. Juni. 1918.” ECU of KHF in the 1920s. Another certificate in Czech regarding his job as a provisional assistant with official stamp and signature. Nazism ...

  8. German soldiers move through Morsbach and Hornbach

    With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. “Am Divisions-Gefechtsstrand in Morsbach.” Soldier on a motorcycle, camera pans to the trees and hill beyond. A car moves along a dirt road, tree-covered hills in the distance. WS of a building at the base of a hill. “Morsbach und Umgebung” Morsbach and the surrounding area. Houses at the top of a hill. “Zugang zum Divisions-Gefechtsstand.” Soldiers at the Division Command Post. Two soldiers help a man get his motorcycle started by runn...

  9. Occupied France

    Cafe with soldiers, Montmartre, street scenes, flight over Paris, landing, Louvre

  10. March of SA storm troopers in 1933

    Hilter youth, Adolf Hitler, Ernst Röhm, Heinrich Himmler, swastika flags, German greetings

  11. Lucie Ulin collection

    Contains a photograph of Herman and Helen Weissbard and their daughter Lucie (donor), aboard a train in Bremerhaven, Bramen, Germany during their postwar emigration from Germany to the United States. Herman and Helen had been interned in the Sambor ghetto and then as slave laborers in Sambor, Poland (present day Ukraine). After their liberation they were in Bad Reichenhall displaced persons camp; dated circa 1948.

  12. Ministry of Public Administration in Warsaw Ministerstwo Administracji Publicznej w Warszawie (Sygn. 199)

    Selected files from the following departments of the Ministry of Public Administration in Warsaw: The Cabinet of the Minister (Gabinet Ministra), Political Department (Departament Polityczny), Department of Administration and Law (Departament Administracyjno-Prawny), Department of Religious Denominations (Departament Wyznaniowy). The materials refer to: repatriation, the organization and activities of the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP), Jewish political parties, organizations (e.g. Joint, Jewish Agency for Palestine, Polamit), statistical data and Jewish religious congregations,...

  13. Diary of Jakow Tobaisz

    Contains a photocopy of a diary written by Jakow Tobias (December 12, 1900 - September 17, 1970), kept ; written in Karakulino, Russia between 1941-1946.

  14. Caribbean internment camp envelopes

    Two empty envelopes, sent by internees in camps for European refugees in the Caribbean during World War II. One envelope, with illegible postmark, was sent by Ruchel Nayberg from Gibraltar Camp 2, in Jamaica, British West Indies, addressed to Michel Nayberg care of Mr. Bidermann's bookstore in New York. The second envelope, postmarked May 1945, was sent from Heinrich Hauser, at Camp Guatemala, Bonaire, Netherlands West Indies, addressed to Olaf Domnauer in Paterson, New Jersey. Both envelopes show evidence of having been opened and examined by censors.

  15. Frank's headquarters at Wawel castle

    Wawel Castle where Hans Frank set up residence after being named Governor General of the German-occupied (General Government) Polish territories in October 1939. LS and CU of Nazi flag waving from the castle. Pans of Wawel's open courtyard. View of courtyard of Jagellonian University's Collegium Maius, and a memorial statue of Nicolaus Copernicus. 01:04:32 Pan down stone sign for the Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit (established at Krakow on April 20, 1940 as a German-dominated scientific and historical arm of the General Government of Poland to investigate race and nationality in Poland. It...

  16. Berlin in Color

    Old Berlin, stroll through city, "Reich capital Berlin 1936". The recordings are from the years 1941/42, shot by the professional cameraman Frederick Fuglsang. East-West axis, decorated with swastika flags, traffic towards Brandenburg Gate, Uniformed. Unter den Linden, Radio tower, exhibition halls at the radio tower, Cafe, Hitler Youth, Old library, Hedwigskirche, Scharnhorst monument, Old St. Mary's Church, Theodor Körner Residential building, where Körner lived as a student.

  17. Germans building bridge

    Germans building a railway bridge. Officials in uniform.

  18. 257th German Infantry in Galicia region: roundup of Jews; Jewish quarter; German soldiers

    With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. “Mit dem stab der 256 inf. Div. im Krieg” In the region of Galicja (near the border of Poland and the Ukraine), German officers from the 257th Infantry round Jewish civilians wearing white armbands into forced labor divisions in the town center. Galicja had a large Jewish population (about 800,000) living relatively peacefully amongst the larger Ukrainian and Polish populations in the 1930s. The women of Galicja buy and sell vegetables ...

  19. Broadside

    Broadside: Announcing a memorial gathering in Williamsburg, Brooklyn for the recently deceased Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzenski of Vilna. Sponsored by Merkaz Chorev of America at the Tifereth Yisrael Synagoge, in which Rabbi Eliezer Silver will speak and prayers recited for those murdered in the current outrages in Europe; New York, 1940

  20. Norman Kamelgard collection

    Contains a manuscript (in Yiddish) written by Norman Kamelgard in late 1945 while being detained by the British in Palestine, which documents his experiences during the Holocaust, surviving multiple concentration camps including Płaszów and Ebensee. The collection also includes "The Storm In My Childhood," which is the direct English translation of the original manuscript, and "My Stormy Youth," an edited copy of the translation for publication with annotations by Joseph Kamelgard for the audio book.