Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,961 to 7,980 of 58,959
  1. Krieger and Frankel families photograph collection

    The collection contains 13 prewar, wartime, and postwar photographs of the Krieger and Frankel families of Łódź, Poland. Included is a prewar childhood photograph of Ben Zion, Kaila, and Shifra Krieger; wartime photographs of the Łódź ghetto, 1941; postwar photographs of Nacha Frankel Krieger, her brother Shlomo Frankel, Yuma Krieger, Yuma Krieger's wife at the Feldafing displaced persons camp; and a camp liberation photograph that is likely a copy.

  2. Selected records of the Brus Commune Akta Gminy Brus (Sygn. 224)

    Ordinances of the German occupation authorities, various statistics related to the population, agricultural and industrial production, various data about the commune, registers of residents of the commune, along with indexes, registration books, and records relating to culture and education in the commune, public health, sanitary and order matters, as well as inspections of trade companies. The File No 185 of the collection contains the number of Jews in the Brus commune.

  3. Selected records from the District Office of Liquidation in Kielce Okręgowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Kielcach (Sygn. 336)

    Correspondence and reports of the District Office of Liquidation in Kielce. Included are records of abandoned property that belonged to Jews before World War II, and German deserted property.

  4. Wallenfels family papers

    The collection documents the experiences of György Wallenfels, his wife Illona, and their children Miklos and Eva of Budapest, Hungary during the Holocaust. Included are identification papers, death certificates, correspondence, genealogy research, and a small amount of photographs that document the György’s conscription into the Hungarian army and his death from typhus in 1945; Illona’s deportation to the Ravensbrück and Buchenwald concentration camps in 1944; and Miklos and Eva’s deportation to the ghetto in Budapest; as well as pre-war family history. Also documented is the experiences o...

  5. Igo Krischer papers

    The collection contains correspondence, certificates, booklets, flyers, and photographs, related to the musical career of Igo Krischer (1906-1993), a Polish jazz drummer, singer, and composer, and to his activities during World War II, which he spent in exile in Iran and Palestine. Included is correspondence from his family who remained in occupied Poland; photographs of family, friends, and bandmates, from approximately the 1930s and 1940s, as well as later images of Krischer; identification documents used by Krischer, ranging from his birth certificate to his union membership card; and pr...

  6. Russian campaign; Tram "Für Juden verboten" in Belgrade; combat

    Agfa 8. Russian campaign: pioneers. Color: prisoners, dead horses, place. France: colonial troops. Balkans. Color: tram labeled "Not for Jews" in Belgrade in May 1941. Jews work. Russia: tanks. Hanged, winter, cemeteries. 8.8cm - guns. Armored combat. Frozen corpses

  7. Motorcycle racing 1935

    Motorcycle racing at Nürburgring, race car

  8. Anti-Hitler propaganda flyer

    Contains a flyer or broadside with Yiddish poem against Hitler, wishing and praying for his downfall. Privately published by a I. Green matrimonial agent (traditional shadchan), 146 Norfolk Street NY; Stamp on verso dated March 19, 1939.

  9. Card file index of Jews, Slovakia Kartotékové listy Židov

    General card file index of Jews living in Slovakia, circa 1942-1944. This card file index probably covers those Slovak Jews who had not yet been transported by the Slovak authorities to the border of the Government General or the German Reich and turned over to the German SS and police, and who still lived in the territory of Slovakia. A majority of the cards carry a date stamp (either from 1942 or 1944, starting with September 1942) in the top margin as well as a location stamp, which might indicate a forced labor camp. The cards provide personal data on each person and in some cases also ...

  10. Sudetenland

    Buch und Regie: C.A. Engel. Bild: Fritz Lehmann. Musik: Lothar Bar, Fritz Wenneis. Boehner Film.

  11. Pomerania, land by the sea

    Pomeranian village on the River, Lute boy gets a beating, barefoot, Kashubians in the district of Bütow, Industry, landscape, agriculture, watermill

  12. Train station and sights in Krakow; Nazi motorcade

    Handwritten film title card reading "Krakau." A train pulls into station. German soldiers carry bags down the stairs. Men unload luggage and cargo from the cars. A child sells newspapers in Krakow's main square. Troops and civilians mull about. Horses and carriages are lined up for passengers. Telegraph offices, St. Mary's Basilica, and the Podgorze Church. Street scenes including a tram and horses and carriages. A Polish civilian in a business suit crossing the street heils for the camera. Peasants exchange goods at the marketplace. Polish women smile at the camera. CUs of money and food e...

  13. Iteld family papers

    The collection contains correspondence, identification and immigration papers, and photographs documenting the Iteld family’s pre-war life in Brańsk, Poland, and their immigration to the United States in 1938. Included are immigration cards and documents, an autograph book, passport, and a day planner from 1938. Also included are prewar and wartime photographs documenting the Iteld and Shereshefsky families in Brańsk and the United States. Many of the photographs are annotated on the back with identifications of relatives and friends.

  14. Oral history interview wtih Adam Leczycki

  15. Poland; Warsaw ghetto

    Officer training course Prien, Chiemsee, chess game, excursion, sunbathing, rowing. 10:05:45 Knight cross holder, igloo building (exercise for Russia), snowball fight with women. 10:16:40 Title: "Poland 1940/41" Horses, Polish village, riders, everyday life, guns, Draw well. 10:24:16 Soldiers with young dogs, eating, riding column, guns, laughing young woman.10:30:00 Medical vehicle, winter, "patch hour", snowfall, hairdresser, market, graves. 10:40:41 Warsaw Ghetto, driving, train station "Warschau-West" sign. 10:42:20 In Mszczonow, Poland, sign "Mszczonow", village, ruins, market, office,...

  16. Americans visit Netherlands, Bavaria, and Croatia on a Mediterranean cruise; Nazi flags and posters in Bavaria

    Reel 32. European trip to pick up Dr. Pfister's daughter, Maja, after her junior year in Germany, including a Mediterranean cruise in 1934. Waterside town - the island of Marken, the Netherlands. House on stilts. The dock. People with baskets outside of a small marketplace, with a sign that reads, “Dutch Silver…” Men relax outside building next to that shop. The sign above reads, “Costumes and curiosities.” Women walk about along the pathway. A woman and a young girl. The young girl pushes a small baby carriage. Two men walk by. Laundry drying on a line. A girl holds the hand of a smaller y...

  17. Jewish community in Włocławek and its region Gmina Żydowska we Włocławku oraz akta gmin żydowskich Aleksandrów, Brześć Kujawski, Chodecz, Izbica, Kowal, Lubień, Lubraniec, Przedecz

    Various documents of the Jewish community in Włocławek and its region: minutes of the Board meetings, lists of incomes and expenses, budgets, correspondence, inspection of the community in Włocławek, lists of community members, materials related to the election of the community leaders, applications of candidates for rabbis. Lists of payers to the community funds, birth, marriage and death certificates, register books, posters, announcements, etc.

  18. Report on Inspection of German Concentration Camp at Buchenwald

    Contains a mimeograph copy of a report, 5 pages, distributed by SHAEF, G-5 Division, entitled "Report on Inspection of German Concentration Camp at Buchenwald," dated April 25, 1945. Includes typed signature by Frank McSherry, Brigadier General, Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff, G-5. Inspection report made by Eric Wood, Charles Ott and S.M. Dye. Physical inspection includes camp's mission ["extermination factory"], barracks, hospital, "body disposal" rations, attempted evacuation and "tattooing."

  19. Activities of the 257th German Infantry

    With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. Solciers and their activities.

  20. Antisemetic Nazi propaganda leaflet mimicking a US silver certificate

    Anti-Jewish and anti-Allied forces Nazi propaganda leaflet like those dropped from planes over Paris in late 1943, as part of a German propaganda campaign to raise suspicions against the United States and its part in the worldwide Jewish conspiracy which threatened the safety of France and all of Europe.