Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,901 to 7,920 of 58,959
  1. Bitterman family photographs

    Contains photographs of the Bitterman family, including two photographs of the donor's parents' wedding in Ulm, Germany; one photo of Yaakov Bitterman and his sister Devora, dated 1937; one photo of the donor's paternal grandparents, Baruch Bitterman and Sheindl Nachnonsohn; one photo of the donor's grandmother with her children Yaakov and Bluma Bitterman; and one photo of Yaakov Bitterman and his wife and daughter (donor).

  2. Horse race in Austria; thermal baths

    Horses race around a track, pulling jockeys. People lay on lounge chairs at the thermal baths in Bad Vöslau, Austria. A woman in a polka dot dress approaches the camera, speaking to the camera operator. A man and a woman in their swimsuits at outdoor showers. Young boy. Sign at entrance, “VÖSLAU-GAINFARN.” Train station. Rows of train tracks to the right. Woman seen earlier walks down the stairs. Young boy in lederhosen in the background. The rounded colonnade entrance to the thermal baths says “Thermalbad” on the facade. The woman walks towards the camera. INT of the thermal baths. A fount...

  3. Scrapbook album, "First Reunion, 1958"

    Scrapbook, containing photographs and ephemera, titled "First Reunion, 1958," compiled by an unidentified German emigre couple (possibly Charlotte and Herbert Jewell, originally Jewelowski) who fled the country in 1938, documenting their return to Germany and England for the first time in 1958, to visit relatives. Contains pre-war pictures of family, and depicts departure from New York in May 1958, arrival and visit with relatives in Berlin, trip to Munich and Bad Gastein, Austria; a visit to London to visit the burial site of their parents and relatives (including memorial to those killed ...

  4. Soccer in Vienna

    Soccer match at Wiener Stadion. March 19, 1939 Austria wins against Rapid 4:2. Procession with marching band. Crowds.

  5. Resort in mountains; Family poses

    Pan of a spa town in the mountains, cafes. Views of the mountains and a stream. The village is likely Bad Gastein in Austria. 02:17 Views of a busy street. More views of the mountains and the town. A group of well-dressed people pose for the camera outside a building, one smokes a cigar. 03:36 An assembly of people in the street, likely Budapest, Gellért tér (square) 4:00 Two men sit at a table smoking on board a ship, a man in uniform (perhaps the captain) climbs the stairs and waves to the camera.) Views of the deck of the ship, people walk towards the camera. 4:46 Three young girls exit ...

  6. 93 Infantry Division private films

    93rd Infantry Division. People, horses, gun scenes, French prisoners of war. Short sequence in color: grooming horses in a stream.

  7. Man and silence

    Man and silence, Fishermen Hunting in Trakehnen, Folk art, The German Order’s land

  8. Ministry of Interior-Transport cards of Jews Ministerstvo vnútra. Transportné karty Židov

    45,826 registration cards of deported Slovak Jews, 1942. Each card pertains to one deported person. Each card measures 10,5 x 7, 5 cm. The cards are arranged by last name in alphabetical order. Cards contain the following information: surname, first name, year of birth, place of birth, last domicile in Slovakia, date of deportation/transport, place from which the transport departed, number of the transport, and notes.

  9. Swastikas; Boycott of Jewish shops; Parade; Nazi soldiers

    Intertitles: “W L Film- Nr. 3.” “Leipziger Fahresschau,” “Ein Bild-Bericht von Walther Lenger,” “Camera…. Bearbeitung Walther Lenger Projektor….” “1933,” “März 1933: Sieg der nationalen Revolution: Schwarz-weiss-rote Fahnen und Hakenkreuz-Banner wehen überall.” Shot of a grid of Hakenkreuz side by side. A Nazi flag flies in the street. Then the flag of Germany. Flags fly from buildings in Leipzig. A woman eats a spoonful of something. 10:19:16 Intertitle: “1. April 1933. Boykott. Jüdischer Geschafte.” A newspaper reads, “Boykott! Wir Kampfen, bis Juda kapituliert!” There is a cartoon that s...

  10. Untitled

  11. John Bogdan papers

    The John Bogdan papers consist of identification documents, passports, and about biographical documents about the life and career of John Bogdan (born Iancu Berman), originally of Bucharest, Romania. The collection includes certificates documenting Bogdan’s work as a Jewish forced laborer for the Romanian National Railway during the regime of Ion Antonescu from 1941-1944, his post-war career working in the Romanian ministry of commerce, his later work as an administrator for the Jewish Federation of Romania, and his immigration to the United States in 1980.

  12. Prison in Kielce Więzienie w Kielcach (Sygn. 186)

    Prison daily orders and ordinances, circular letters of the Minister of Justice, files concerning the staff of the prison, finances, budgets, food supply for inmates, economic matters, transport of prisoners, health care, prisoner-professional workers, escapes and disciplinary violations of the prisoners, personal files and registers of the prisoners.

  13. Streator Times Press newspaper article

    Contains a newspaper clipping from the Streator Times Press, dated June 12, 1944. Headline reads: "Jews Still Being Killed by Germans." The article details President Roosevelt's comments to Congress with his submission of a report on caring for war refugees. "Knowing they have lost the war, the Nazis are determined to complete their program on mass extermination." He then details the work of the War Refugee Board.

  14. Battle Squadron 51 "Edelweiss" France

    “III Kampfgeschwader 51” [Fighter squadron 51] “Edelweiss” in France. Luftwaffe Officers. Paris. Terrible damage in French city. On Yugoslavian assignment. Onwards “nach Lezani” Poland. Russia. 11:03:40, Roma/Sinti. General Alexander Löhr. Luftwaffe men grabbing pigs; relaxing. 11:20:27 Roma girls - palm reading, bare breasts, jiggling for men. Russia. Odessa, Nikolajew, Charkow.

  15. Dr. Josef Kiefer scrapbooks

    The Dr. Josef Kiefer scrapbooks consist of two albums created by a Wehrmacht medical officer documenting his World War II medical service between August 1939 and May 1940 in the areas of Saarbrucken, Oberstein, and Bad Homburg in Germany and the Moselle region in France. The scrapbooks include photographs of Kiefer, medical examinations, and military life, equipment, and installations, as well as clippings, maps, and Kiefer’s labels and commentary.

  16. Ship SS France; Visiting Morocco and Spain

    With intertitles in English. “Europe and the North Coast of Africa, 1929. Before sailing on deck of ‘SS France’” Large group of well-dressed men and women gather on the deck of the SS France for a group shot. 1.11 Man leans on the railing looking out. Other groups of people gather for group shots, laughing and embracing each other. A final large group of people form a line, walking on the deck of the ship. 1:47 “Dropping the Pilot.” Overhead shot of a small paddle boat and shots of the open water. 2:18 “Advertising the races during 5 o’clock tea.” Men in uniform carry large cutouts of horse...

  17. Loewy family papers

    The collection primarily documents the wartime experiences of the Paul and Margarete Loewy, their children Hans and Vera, and their extended family in Berlin, Germany. The biographical material includes birth and marriage certificates; World War I veteran documents of Friedrich Abt; passports and other identification documents; Paul Loewy’s wartime workbook (arbeitbuch); and Jüdische Kultusvereinigung documents. There are also papers documenting Max and Hedwig Lasker’s attempt to emigrate from Berlin to Uruguay. The correspondence includes postcards written from family and friends imprisone...

  18. Press tour in the Wachau region in 1928, Austria

    Monopol Mondial film. With German title cards. Press trip 1928 in the Wachau. Nice snapshots.

  19. Selected records of the Municipal School Council in Kielc Rada Szkolna Miejska w Kielcach (Sygn. 248)

    Records of the Municipal School Board, which supervised the activities of all schools in Kielce before the war. Included are numerous lists of Polish and Jewish schoolchildren. The Board granted and withdrew licenses for teaching and corresponded with the schools. Among the materials are documents related to Jewish private schools in Kielce.

  20. Pair of tefillin and pouch owned by a Polish Jewish immigrant

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn544143
    • English
    • a: Height: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) | Width: 1.625 inches (4.128 cm) | Depth: 2.250 inches (5.715 cm) b: Height: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) | Width: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) | Depth: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) c: Height: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) | Width: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm) | Depth: 2.250 inches (5.715 cm) d: Height: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) | Width: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) | Depth: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) e: Height: 9.000 inches (22.86 cm) | Width: 6.250 inches (15.875 cm) | Depth: 0.250 inches (0.635 cm) f: Width: 63.000 inches (160.02 cm) | Depth: 0.250 inches (0.635 cm)

    A pair of tefillin with cardboard covers and pouch, owned by Max Zuckerman, a Polish Jewish immigrant who left Poland in 1923. Tefillin are small boxes containing prayers attached to leather straps and worn by Orthodox Jewish males during morning prayers. One of eleven siblings born in the town of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Max left to escape growing antisemitism, violent pogroms, and persecution by non-Jewish populations. He immigrated to Brazil where he worked as a peddler until he saved enough money to immigrate to the United States. Max wrote to his family to implore them to leave Poland ...