Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,021 to 8,040 of 58,959
  1. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Chęciny Sąd Grodzki w Chęcinach (Sygn. 1155)

    Records of the Court Grodzki in Chęciny related to Jews. Files usually consist of the following information: the date of the trial, the plaintiff’s name, the defendant’s name, a short description of the cause of litigation, the date of verdict, etc., as well as information about the trials in which Jews from Chęciny were participants.

  2. Color private films of Germany

    10:00:00 Color: 8-mm private film from Upper Silesia / Peiskretscham, 1938 10:33:51 Color: Private film: Nuremberg, shoveling snow, young people, fair, garden

  3. Ava Berry collection

    Contains a letter from Clara, Gidus, and Schulim in Lvov, Ukraine, written by Schulim three weeks after their liberation, describing their survival through Nazi occupation. Schulim describes torture and murder in and around Krakow and "Limberg." In addtion, he describes being interned in the ghetto [Lwow?] He describes being told about the killing center Belzec and Jews transported there to be killed. Letter is in English and addressed to Schulim's brother.

  4. Dachau photograph collection

    Contains post-liberation photographs identified as the Dachau concentration camp. The photos belonged to a medic who was donor's great uncle (name unknown). Some images are labeled on verso; one is addressed to "Eddie" [Edward Galarneau, donor's paternal grandfather]. The images were likely taken clandestinely and show various scenes of victims in rail cars and on horse-drawn carriages.

  5. Portrait created by a Dutch internee at Drancy transit camp

    Portrait drawing of an unidentified man created by Max Van Dam, a Dutch artist, during his internment at Drancy transit camp in German occupied Paris, France, in February 1943. Van Dam was later deported to Sobibor killing center, where he perished.

  6. Nazi parade in Berlin

    Nazi party flags hanging from the side of a building along the Pariser Platz in Berlin. Crowd. People lineup, awaiting the parade. More Nazi flags. Pan up to sky and back to more flags and spectators standing. A colonnade has been erected in the middle of the street. This is Unter den Linden, a boulevard in Berlin. Swastikas top the first two columns. 10:01:42 The Brandenburg Gate, with people lining up in preparation for the parade. Huge crowds move through the square. Cars drive through the gate, spectators wave. CU of the car passengers. Luftwaffe planes fly in formation overhead. More p...

  7. Nazi Germany, 42 pfennig postage stamps, one sheet

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn538398
    • English
    • a: Height: 6.375 inches (16.192 cm) | Width: 10.560 inches (26.822 cm) b: Height: 6.375 inches (16.192 cm) | Width: 10.560 inches (26.822 cm)
  8. UNRRA selected records AG-018-006 : Balkan Mission and Middle East Office.

    Selected records of the Albania Mission, Bureau of Relief Services, 1944-46: correspondence, registration cards, statistics, policy and procedures, repatriation, and tracing and inquiry forms and other records relating to displaced persons, Albanian Prisoners of War, Albanians employed during the war, forced labors and deportees; Records of the Bureau of Requirements and Supply-Greek Relief Series-Joint Relief Commission 1944-1949: reports on medical supplies, food and care; Records of the Bureau of Finance and Administration-Central Registry Series, 1944-1949: correspondence, and intellige...

  9. Oral history interview with Hanna Green

  10. Kaplan family photograph

    Contains a studio portrait of Chaim Aron Kaplan (on left wearing bow tie and glasses) [donor's paternal great uncle], Sarah Kaplan Trobovich [donor's paternal great aunt, half-sister of Chaim and Harry], and Harry Kaplan [donor's paternal grandfather and brother of Chaim]; dated 1921; Brooklyn, NY.

  11. Drawing by a Theresienstadt inmate of a castle near Prague

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn533520
    • English
    • 1943
    • overall: Height: 5.750 inches (14.605 cm) | Width: 4.750 inches (12.065 cm) pictorial area: Height: 0.750 inches (1.905 cm) | Width: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm)

    Drawing of the Prague townscape featuring the Prazsky Hard castle created on wood by an unknown inmate in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp in German occupied Czechoslovakia in 1943. It was once owned by Ales Jermar, a Czech-born pianist.

  12. Letter requesting release from marriage obligation (chalitzah), written by a Holocaust survivor at the St. Ottilien displaced persons camp.

    One letter, handwritten, 5 pages, dated 26 May 1946, from Sara Rudney, writing from the St. Ottilien displaced persons camp, to her brother-in-law, Saul Rudney, presumably in Baltimore, Maryland, asking from release from her halakhic obligations to marry him after the death of her husband during the Holocaust. In the letter, Sara Rudney describes the circumstances of the death of her husband, Moishe, at the age of 36 on 31 December 1944, in the Landsberg concentration camp, and notes that her rabbi has instructed her to obtain chalitzah from her brother-in-law. She mentions the loss of most...

  13. Nightfighter unit 2

    Captain Hissbach, JU 88 in flames, fire-fighting operations, pilot’s every day life

  14. Nazi local party organization festivity

    BDM (League of German Girls), Jungvolk (Hitler Youth aged ten to fourteen years), SS

  15. UFA documentary film on the Reich Labor Service (RAD)

    UFA documentary film on the RAD. Titles in German. Camera by Kurt Stanke; Music by Hans Ebert.

  16. Nuremberg demonstration

    AGFA 1938. Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg, 1938. Crowds. HAS, parade in streets. Demonstrations in the stadium. Street scenes. Swastika flags.

  17. Marianne and Josef Schömann portrait

    Portrait of Marianne and Josef Schömann, parents of three daughters who immigrated to the United States from Germany before the war. Mr. and Mrs. Schömann managed to reach Holland; on October 30, 1942 they were arrested and taken to the Westerbork transit camp, and deported to the Auschwitz death camp on November 2, 1942.

  18. Boating; German wedding

    Sailboats, steamboats, kayaks on river. Man with an injury walks with a cane, observes activities on the river from porch and beach. MS, group of young friends, sitting on bench, with tea and cookies, dog. Building with sign in German (illegible). Crew teams practice. Sailing (filmed from boat). Group gathers on land, some in Nazi uniform. Young woman plays with a sheep. 10:06:02 Woman in patterned dress and pearls on a balcony. Young man in uniform. Nurse. Young injured German in uniform and cap walks with cane (possibly in late fall). 10:07:45 Man with cane walks with girlfriend (he appea...

  19. Helen and Willie Abraham photograph collection

    The collection documents the post-war experiences of Helen Abraham (born Hencia Wagner) of Dąbrowica Mała, Leżajsk, Poland in the Ainring displaced persons camp and Willie Abraham of Vel'ky Rakovec, Czechoslovakia (present day Velykyi Rakovets, Zakarpat'ska Oblast, Ukraine) in the Bindermichl displaced persons camp. Included are photographs of Helen at Ainring and the munitions factory in Menden, Germany where she worked under a false identity; a letter written to Helen from her brother David Wagner in 1943 while he was in hiding before he was discovered and murdered by the Gestapo; photogr...

  20. Erntedanktag Parade; Hairstyles; Carnival

    KODAK. Titles: “Allerlei vom Tage” “Erntedanktag.” A military parade with a marching band, a flag bearer carrying a Nazi flag, and women dressed in traditional German garb. Various floats in this festival for the “Erntedanktag,” an official holiday in Germany celebrating the harvest. "Frisuren 1938" Mannequins displaying 1938 hairstyles. Carnival rides at the fairgrounds. Man reading newspaper.