Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,861 to 7,880 of 58,959
  1. Daily life and religious celebrations in Austria in summer 1939

    Filmed by the local photography shop owner. “Die Aufnahmen Stammen aus dem Photohaus Risch- Lau R. Mathis in Landeck.” In color, men women and children in traditional Austrian dress, some holding large flags. They watch a priest perform a sermon outdoors. Changes to black and white as people walk along. People look down from a balcony. A woman leans out an open window, smiling. Marching band. [cut to white] Three men talk. People walk through the street, sign on the right, “HOTEL GOLDENER ADLER” (in Innsbruck). People in small buses line the streets. A man waves from the window of the first...

  2. Moses and DeGroot families photographs

    The collection contains pre-war, wartime, and post-war photographs of the Moses and DeGroot families in the Netherlands.

  3. Jewish forced laborers

    12:00:00 - 12:27:58 refer to M 3048 12:28:06 Cameraman films himself in the mirror. 12:30:53 Everyday winter, summer: staff eats outdoors, HK flag. 12:32:53 "Warsaw 52 KM", guard soldier presents rifle, market, winter, Jews. 12:37:58 Polish children at Landsern, dead horse, market day, winter, cart dirt, 12:44:12 Summer, Landser started, "bulletin board" stage. 12:48:10 Winter: column marching, house cleaning, field kitchen, Polish market, Winter, ruins, child in rags collects from garbage. 12:51:10 Polish market, winter, ruins. 12:52:11 shot unit. 12:5...

  4. Color film on the 2. Staffel 1. Fighter squadron 77 (“Green hearts”) in 1939

    Green hearts, day in the squadron, soldiers in vehicle, tanks, refueling of aircrafts, laughing pilots, men eating, relay dog, pilots napping in meadow, mechanics

  5. DAF activities

    September 6, 1934 was a milestone in the development of the Deutschen Arbeitsdienst [German Labor Service]. For the first time the army of workers marched in front of Hitler. Stadium. Close-ups of workers in uniform. Continuation of RG-60.5396.

  6. SA and Ernst Roehm in Bayreuth, 1934

    SA March of the SA Brigade 77 in Bayreuth on May 13, 1934. Men march in columns. They then stand side by side, Nazi flags billowing in the wind beside them. WS of the soldiers in a field with long rows of motorbikes. Officers on horseback do the Nazi salute. 10:01:30 Ernst Röhm, a Nazi Party founder, leans over to speak to a soldier. They salute, before the officer continues down the line of men. Three men on horseback carry flags bearing the symbols of the Nazi party. The officers ride away down the field. Soldiers stand still in rows, looking right towards the camera. The men bring their ...

  7. Posters; Nazi officials visit Tatra mountain region

    Perutz logo. 01:15:20 In color, CUs of an poster "Kampf den Wanzen!" (Fight against bedbugs!) and poster for 1939 UFA comedy film "Ich bin gleich weider da" starring Paul Klinger and Mady Rahl. A soldier adjusts a camera tripod. 01:15:45 Scenes of the Polish countryside and Tatra mountains from a slow-moving funicular. 01:16:06 Hans Frank (in the middle with a cane) and other Nazi officials walk outdoors in the snow by a gate that reads "Berghaus Krakau," a mountain hotel on Kalatówki in the Tatra Alp region which served as a guest house for high-ranking German officers during the Nazi occu...

  8. Luftwaffe (partly in color)

    Replacement Fighter Group 50, hunting group, bull fight, Parisian brothel scenes

  9. Goering visits small towns in Austria

    Marketplace of Tamsweg in Lungau, Austria. Göring walks through rows of proud women saluting him. He smiles at them and nods his head. Standing amongst the crowd is a mascot in traditional German costume with a very large head, wearing a dirndl - Goliath. Nazi flags. Göring chatting with people, in front of a banner that reads “Hermann Göring-Straße.” Crowds stand in a square in front of a building decorated with garlands and long Nazi banners. The building has two large initials on its façade as well, “H.G.” People watch as a very tall doll-like German figure spins in circles in the square...

  10. Carl Schurz Tour of American professors and students through Germany in summer 1934

    REEL 2. The American students dine on a train on their way to East Prussia. Sculptural relief of Danzig’s Coat of Arms. Gdańsk belltower. Clocktower of the townhall. The group tours the town. President Schanz? takes a photo. The unique gables of Gdansk houses. Boats in the canal. The old port crane used for loading and unloading ships. Visitors walk out onto the pier and tour the grounds of Marlbork Castle. BDM girls sell flowers from baskets. Schurz tour group poses for a photo. Border crossing with Poland - “Halt! Grenze.” Americans visit Schurz’s House. One holds a kitten. The Kwidzyn Ca...

  11. City children

    Street kids in Berlin, Playground in Neukölln, Sail on the Havel

  12. Wooden sculpture of a grieving woman made by a Lithuanian Jewish artist

    Wooden sculpture depicting a woman grieving over a loved one’s body carved by Jakovas Bunka to commemorate the Jews who were massacred in Plungė, Lithuania in 1941. In August 1940, Lithuania was annexed by the Soviet Union. On June 22, 1941, German forces invaded Soviet-occupied Lithuania, and Jakovas’ family fled east into the Soviet Union. Many Jews from Plungė were unable to flee, and within days local collaborators locked them all in the Great Synagogue with no food, water or fresh air. On Sunday, July 15, the Jews were marched to a forest where the adults were shot by drunken guards ...

  13. Archives of the Jewish Community of Rhodes

    Registration cards of the Jewish families residing in Rhodes in 1939, registered by the local authorities in accordance with Italian Racial Laws of November 17, 1938.

  14. Bayreuth in 1934

    Olympic Games, motor race with Silver Arrows, motorcycle race in Hanover

  15. Abraham and Lilly Malnik collection

    Consists of photographs, original documents, photocopies, research files, and clippings related to the wartime and post-war experiences of Abraham (Abe) (originally of Kovno, Lithuania) and Lilly (née Applebaum) Malnik (originally of Belgium) Includes wartime and post-war photographs from the Malnik and Applebaum families, oral history transcripts and biographical information, research about family history, and documentation of the Malniks’ involvement in the creation and support of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

  16. Politics in the forest; Goering's estate at Carinhall

    “Politik im Walde” [Politics in the forest]. Göring in the forest in red leather pants with the British Ambassador Nevile Henderson. They stand by two trees. Göring takes something off the street and puts it down on a bench. They talk. Göring stands with his hands on his hips. “Agfa 1938” Color. Large estate in the forest. Göring’s Carinhall in the Schorfheide forest. A bronze sculpture of a woman sits atop stone blocks in an entryway. Stone arches. Plants. Scenes inside the house: artwork, maid. The trees outside shot through the arches. A garden surrounded by a walking path, decorated wit...

  17. Chronicle of the Prague uprising and first days of liberation, May 1945

    TÝDEN VE FILMU. Ceskoslovenska filmova kronika KVĚTEN 1945. The first post-war newsreel - called Week in Film 1945 no. 1 WS of Prague. St. Vitus cathedral above the rest of the city. Street in Prague. Trees. Soldiers. Women in a crowd try to hand another woman money. News of the death of Hitler: “VUDCE PADL.” A man reads “LIDOVE LISTY” on the sidewalk. Women and children stand with their belongings on the sidewalk. Women in uniform walk into the street carrying suitcases. Young boys lounge, one packs his suitcase. People stand on the back of a truck. Military trucks. Trolley cars. 5. KVĚTEN...

  18. Itzkovitz and Heshkovitz Families collection

    Collection of photographs of the Izkovitz family in Beregszasz (Berehove), Czechoslovakia.

  19. Mayerson family papers

    The Mayerson family papers consist of identification and immigration papers documenting the family of Polish Holocaust survivors Jose and Felicia Mayerson and their migration from Zeilsheim Displaced Persons Camp, to France, Bolivia, and Chile.

  20. Mutual Credit Bank in Kielce. A Cooperative Ltd. Kielecki Wzajemny Kredyt Spółdzielnia z o.o. (Sygn. 1405)

    Financial records of one of the Jewish banks in Kielce, including are: a statute, minutes of the General Assembly of the Supervisory Board and Board of Directors, minutes of sessions of the Board of Cooperative, books of registers and shares, and a cash book.