Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,041 to 5,060 of 58,959
  1. The Jolly Boys recordings

    Side A: Kabootar (Khatibi) ["La Paloma" by Sebastian de Iradier (c. 1860)] - Columbia G.P. 107/CO 189. Side B: Yasseman (Fakoor) ["Solamente una vez" by Agustin Lara (1941)] - Columbia G.P. 107/CO 191. An instrumental recording featuring Polish popular jazz band, "The Jolly Boys," exiled to Iran. The performers include Stanislaw Sperber, Sonia Vartanian, Ghanbary, F. Socolow, and Igo Krischer. The Jewish band found unexpected sanctuary in Tehran, where they had been invited to perform at the future Shah’s wedding party (in the summer of 1939), and where they continued to perform as a group ...

  2. German military hospital; liberated German town

    Building that is serving as hospital (German military hospital). Patients in yard. German ambulances with Red Cross symbol. German officer in uniform walking down street with white band on left arm. Shot of street, old man, horse drawn cart. Gene Solow (war correspondent) and GIs walking down the street. LS of street with horse drawn cart and civilians pulling wagon. Street sign unreadable indicating direction to neighboring towns. Shot of street and woman and other civilians, giving it the feel of a 'normal' town. Top sign reads: "Arolsan 43 kms" beneath it sign reads: "Ederze 13 kms." Gre...

  3. Horthy and Hitler at German occupation in March 1944

    Miklós Horthy, statesman of Hungary, and Hitler walk up a grand staircase towards the camera. Other men follow behind them. German soldiers move through the road on a tank. A crowd watches. More trucks and tanks drive along the road. Soldiers look out at the Danube, a statue on the left side of the frame. The chain bridge spans the river in the background.

  4. Edith Ernst on vacation

    Edith Ernst (later Vishniac) on a pier on a lake. Edith drinking beer by lake (the family on the pier behind her is not the Vishniac family). Edith in a canoe. Edith with a goat. Edith with a peacock. Edith laughing, leaning over balcony.

  5. African-American troops; US infantry in Germany

    (LIB 390) "US Negro Troops, 969th Field Artillery, Luxembourg, 1 Nov 1944" (LIB 391) "Infantry Advancing, Hurtgen Forest Near Vossemack (?) Germany, 2 Nov 1944" 04:30 (LIB 392) "1104th Engineer Combat Group, Marienberg, Germany, 2 Nov 1944" Slates: "Uncovering Pill Box. 2 Nov 44. Raddatz"

  6. Contemporary interview; Nazi power in Bulgaria ceases

    Reel 4 Village in Bulgaria. Contemporary footage of man singing a song in Bulgarian and playing the guitar while walking through a small town (the song is performed other times over the duration of the film). Contemporary footage - interview in home of elderly couple, woman reads from letter. Orthodox priest. Nazi women marching, band. Gathering in Sofia. Familiar scene of swastika blowing up. Contemporary scenes of anniversary event/conference. Contemporary footage of man singing the song in Bulgarian and playing the guitar again. End credits in Bulgarian.

  7. Sightseeing in Paris

    In Paris, Lou Hartman with August Levy standing at an outdoor café. The family converses and takes a walk. 01:20:47 The Palace at Fontainebleau. Statue in the square near the Fontainebleau. 01:21:37 The family tours the Palace of Versailles. Robert Levy at a café table. 01:22:00 Family aboard "Rubber-neck Buses" for tourists to see the sights. Place de la Concorde with automobile traffic. 01:22:31 LS, Eiffel Tower (visited on May 30, 1927). Military men on horseback in street. CU, decorated French war veteran (according to diary, he was 98 years old and fought under Napoleon). MS, Bois de B...

  8. Refugees, liberation, and an illegal ship (some staged)

    This footage contains a number of scenes from a fiction (staged) film, with Hebrew subtitles, that indicate the year as 1946 to 1948. There are also a number of scenes in concentration camps (staged or liberation: unable to confirm at time of record entry), scenes on boats, people fleeing, being captured, etc. 04:00:36 Shots from behind, crowds marching in streets with suitcases. Smaller group of men and women in forests, a child is helped up a snowy hill. Women helped aboard a boat (presumably to safety). LS of boat, crowded conditions. Boat moving, man with binoculars, hair blowing in the...

  9. The Nazi Plan, edited version

    Edited version of "The Nazi Plan" for screening at the Goethe Institut on November 29-30, 2005, in conjunction with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's public program commemorating the 60th anniversary of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg called "Filmmakers for the Prosecution: Budd Schulberg, Stuart Schulberg, and the Nuremberg Trial."

  10. Farming activities; Nazi supporters parade in small German village

    Tall wheat blowing in the wind. Field of flowers. Women in traditional dresses tend to crops, farming, tractor. Man uses a wrench to fix a wheel. Farmers cut away at the wheat. Horses pull grain drills across the field. Woman and young boy in the field. The farmers pile hay on top of wagons. Repairs. Shot from inside a moving car of the fields as the end of day sun peaks through the clouds above. 01:02:52 Children raise a pole decorated in garland. Young boys and a dog. Girl stares at the camera. People walk in a line through the village, past the garland-wrapped pole. Nazi flag. Group of m...

  11. Funeral procession in Budapest

    Magyar Híradó 120. Men on horseback lead the funeral procession for Vázsonyi Vilmos on the streets of Budapest. Soldiers in rows of three march next. Then come horse-drawn carriages decorated with flowers, followed by men carrying a flag and numerous other men in round black hats and long coats. More of the horse-drawn carriages. The funeral carriage moves through town, alongside a crowd of people.

  12. Interviews with Holocaust witnesses, collaborators, and perpetrators

    A short video highlighting overseas interviews with witnesses, collaborators, and perpetrators created as part of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Oral History program. The 12 minute video combining excerpts of four interviews, three in Polish and one in Lithuanian with a convicted member of a killing squad, has had a wide and powerful impact. 1. Stefan Kucharek, Polish engine driver, shuttled deportation trains between the local railway station and the gate of Treblinka killing center, Poland 1943 2. Aleksandra Nizio and Wiktoria Salega, Polish sisters, as young girls witnesse...

  13. Liberation special exhibition monitors E1-G

    Monitors E1-G exhibited as part of "Liberation 1945" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from May 9, 1995 to May 8, 1996.

  14. Oral history interview with Sioma Zubicky

  15. Illich family activities in 1941 to 1942 including forced sale of villa

    Family activities in the years 1941-1942. [There are no German titles.] Leader shows "Agfa 1942" and "Agfa 1941". (Color) Pan of the Vienna skyline at dusk. The boys saw a tree stump with the help of their driver Leithner. Good CUs. Fritz Regenstreif and nurse walk arm in arm down a cobblestone road [this is the last film of Fritz before dying a natural death in his house on May 8, 1941]. The boys continue sawing and Maexie appears for a brief moment. One of the twins awkwardly pushes lumber in a wheelbarrow. Aerial views of the villa grounds. 03:17:15 (B/W) Boxes and furniture are being lo...

  16. American soldiers return home

    Soldiers line up on a dock and board a ship. The ship from afar. A parting view of the dock. Smoke stacks on board the ship. Murray and fellow soldiers at the deck’s railing. A soldier shows off his American money. Ocean shots. Scenes of soldier life on the ship: playing cards, smoking cigarettes, reading, laughing, sleeping, getting sick over the side of the boat. Murray poses for the camera. More ocean shots. Shot of buildings on the coastline. A smaller rowboat by the side of the ship. Soldiers jump off this boat and swim in the ocean. More coastline shots. “The End.”

  17. Liberation of Nordhausen; Red Cross; V2 rockets

    Shot of stretchers containing emaciated corpses, name "Orlich" and number written on body. Stevens and Moffat talking through window to inmate in striped coat. Inmates in striped coats talking to Stevens and others. Panning shot of camp buildings - Dora in Nordhausen. Bare trees in BG. VS of camp. Small sign reads: "Holzverwertung." Inmate in striped uniform with red cross walks past sign. CU of ambulances and Red Cross tent. Series of Red Cross tents at side of an airfield by ambulances (LoC cataloger's handwritten annotations indicate that this footage is not from Nordhausen, but from ano...

  18. First film documentary of the events of D-day

    A compilation of the first four days of the D-Day assault prepared by SHAEF [Supreme Headquarter Allied Expeditionary Forces] Public Relations Division for the civilian and military leadership. This film report was compiled within days of the invasion on June 11, 1944. Both John Ford's Field Photographic Branch (OSS) and George Steven's Special Coverage Unit were assigned to filming this combat camera footage of the invasion.

  19. Dachau camp, postwar

    Film footage of unknown provenance documenting a tour of cities and towns in Poland, Germany, and Austria during the 1960s. Includes approximately 2 minutes of footage showing the exterior of Dachau concentration camp and memorial from 20:30 to 22:12.

  20. Of Lovers, Dreamers & Thieves

    "Of Lovers, Dreamers & Thieves: Yiddish Folk Songs from Eastern Europe" Selection of folk songs performed by Abraham Brumberg and ensemble. Content listing and annotations on LP back cover.