Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,061 to 5,080 of 58,959
  1. Refugees in France

    Paramount Newsreel, Issue 74, Released May 1941 “Preview of Despair” Voice: Gilbert Martyn "First authentic films of refugee camps in conquered France - the first real hint of what's going on throughout a Europe in Nazi chains." Refugees work in unidentified internment camp; French flag; man digging with one arm. Wounded refugees. Women walk into women’s barracks (probably Rivesaltes). INT of barracks, fixes bunks, luggage on shelf, scrubs clothes. INT, wounded men in hospital (matches photo from Récébédou), nurses. “1938” Refugees trek over mountain in snow, warm a boy’s feet at fire (acco...

  2. Festival in Bayreuth; House of German Art in Munich

    “Ufa Schmalfilm Magazin” / UFA film logo / “Nr. 43” “Beute im Werte von hunderten von Millionen Mark.” Rows and rows of small carts in a field, some covered. A pile of soldiers helmets. Aerial view of a city. Smokestacks. Nazi officers walk alongside piles of weapon parts. INT weaponry facility. Men pour water from a metal cylinder. Steel rods. Neatly stacked rows of German bombs. 01:01:43 Intertitle, “Friedliche Leben in Deutschland.” Bayreuth Festspielhaus. People walk under banners that read, “Herzlich Willkommen in Bayreuth,” and “Suheee! Deutschland bist Du!” Nazi flags. More people wa...

  3. Oral history interview with Arthur Tenenbaum

  4. Belsen: corpses

    Women survivors, dressed. VAR MLS women hanging around, eating. CUs faces of female corpses, some mangled. VCU, face of female, hollowed, glassy eyed.

  5. Kriegsberichterstattung: Kriegsberichterzug Panzerdivision Totenkopf

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Otto Peter Bühler. Daily report from the combat area northeast of Warsaw and the lower bridgehead at Narev. The war reporter is traveling with Tank Division Death's Head.

  6. Oral history interview with Joseph Gorajek

  7. Liberator clips

    Video clips compiled for screening at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Days of Remembrance activities in April 2010 commemorating the role of liberators. The videos were displayed in the classrooms on the concourse level of the Museum during the Collections Open House activities. Contents include: Russell Collection - Postwar destruction of Germany and liberation of Dachau in b/w (USHMM Film ID 2856, 01:06:39 to 01:20:16)

  8. The Boy With The Fiddle | Don't Destroy The World

    a) "The Boy With The Fiddle," Holocaust-themed song by Hefer & Argov, performed by Aric Lavie, from 1971 Broadway musical "To Live Another Summer, To Pass Another Winter"; b) "Don't Destroy The World," by Hefer-Guri-Seltzer (same credit details as above).

  9. Bergen-Belsen memorial planning information

    Consists of planning notes, memoranda, and other materials relating to the establishment of the Bergen-Belsen memorial and cemetery. Included is information about inscriptions for the memorial, translation of inscriptions, the dedication ceremony for the memorial, and the maintenance of the memorial site.

  10. Oral history interview with Eugene Messer

  11. Newlywed American couple travels to and in Western Europe

    Title card: “Leaving New York August 20, 1932.” The newlyweds Ruth Carlson Horn and Dr. Morris Horn depart on their year-long honeymoon. They walk, embracing and kissing, down a corridor. Pan to group of men and women standing in a crowd behind a fence, who look up towards the camera and wave goodbye. They are on a dock labelled “City of New York Department Docks - Italian Line Swedish American.” A freight ship passes by in the harbor, with another passenger ship still docked behind it. NYC skyscrapers are visible in the distance. Title card: “On Board M.V. Saturnia.” The Horns and two wome...

  12. Alfred Rossner and other managers at work behind-the-scenes

    “1942” Alfred Rossner, the SS-appointed German manager of a textile factory in Bedzin, Poland, answers the phone at his desk and writes down some notes. Rossner protected and saved some Jewish workers and has been named a "Righteous Gentile" by Yad Vashem. 00:37 Mr. Rossner rides on the back of a horse-drawn carriage on a country road, smokes a cigarette and looks out towards a field and back at the camera. Slow pan of the carriage and horse. 01:05 Jewish men at work in an office, filing papers and logging data in a notebook, CUs of man with Jude star. CU, woman at work, writing. Another Je...

  13. Burning the barracks at Belsen

    Huts/barracks burned by "flame throwing" from military tank (to prevent the spread of typhus). Conflagration. Building engulfed in flames and thick black smoke. Soldiers. Panoramic shots of smoke and burning camp.

  14. POWs and German advance in Ukraine

    A German soldier is decorated with the Balkenkreuz. 00:15:55 German soldiers oversee POWs in the countryside. A massive line of (Soviet?) POWs march up hill. LS, the POWs rest at a campsite. 00:16:21 Large body of water, bridge, maritime vehicles docked. 00:16:38 Two German planes in an open field. A soldier talks to the cameraman from inside the plane. 00:16:56 Aerial shots of the river and a city from aboard the plane. AGFA 1941 logo.

  15. Visit of David Teitelbaum to Wielopole Skrzynskie

    David Teitelbaum visits his family in his birthplace of Wielopole Skrzynskie, Poland. The film shows members of the Teitelbaum, Rappaport and Sartoria families, their neighbors, and acquaintances. Individuals appearing in the film include: Oizer Teitelbaum and his wife Leah née Blattberg; the filmmaker David Teitelbaum and Chiel Teitelbaum; Rachel Sartoria née Teitelbaum and her husband Moshe; Sheindel Rappaport née Teitelbaum and her husband Moshe Aaron and their children, Simcha, Chiel, Shlomo, Channa, Chaim, and Etla; Juda Redel and his wife Eidel; and Nathan Lipschitz. Camera rotates, C...

  16. Nazi speeches and music

    The eight recordings include: -Hitlerjugend: Eine Dokumentation ueber Jugenderziehung im Dritten Reich von Horst Siebecke -Macht ohne Moral: Eine Dokumentatoin ueber Heinrich Himmler und die SS -Triumph of the Will: A Sound Documentary of the 1933 Party Day, Marches, Speeches, Ceremonies -Joseph Goebbels: das Dritte Reich und seine Propaganda -Hitler's Inferno in words, in music 1932-1945 -Hitler’s Inferno vol. 2: Marches, Songs, and Speeches Nazi Germany - WWII -Deutschland im Zweiten Weltkrieg [Germany in the Second World War] -Deutschland aus der Asche: Originalaufnahmen aus den Jahren 1...

  17. Selected Records of the Board of Surveillance and Final Disposition of Enemy Property Selected Records of Junta de Vigilancia y Disposición Final de la Propiedad Enemgia (Sección 46)

    Selected documents relating to the expropriation of German businesses and property from individuals when Argentina declared war on Germany in 1945, included in the files are restitution claims, including from Jewish survivors which contain personal histories.

  18. Sen. Hiram Johnson opposes third term for President Roosevelt

    Seated at a desk filled with papers, Senator Hiram Johnson speaks into a microphone for the newsreel camera. He opposes a third term for FDR and supports Republican Wendell Wilkie. Cuts from Johnson's CU, Johnson coughs and says, "It makes no difference to me whether this chance of election may have one sort or another. It makes a vast difference that I shall preserve that which has been most dear to me in my life -- my independence and my country's will." Cut. "I emphasize, this an American crisis alone, and for that reason, we must salvage ourselves as Americans in order that our coveted ...

  19. Restaurant interiors

    INT, restaurant, waiters.

  20. Hungarian forced laborers

    Magyar Híradó 805. Intertitle reads “MEGKEZDODÖTT A MUNKASZOLGÁLAT. Az I. hadtesthez bevonult munkaszolgálato-sok eskiitéle a szentendrei táborban. M.F.I. ZSABKA-NAGY L.” accompanied with music. An officer in glasses reads from a paper at a podium with the Hungarian flag on the left. The forced labor service stands in neat rows in front of him, each man with his right hand up and fingers extended except for the pinky and ring finger. More of the officer as he reads from the paper. He reads aloud, and then men in front of him respond in unison. Two shovels stick up from the sides of a weapon...