Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,021 to 5,040 of 58,959
  1. Soviet parade; beach; Kharkov Trial verdict; US soldiers in Paris

    Title: UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL. SOVIET PARADES ITS ARMED MIGHT IN RECORD REVIEW. MOSCOW, U.S.S.R. Infantry units march in formation in Moscow’s Red Square. Soviet officers salute from platforms above. Narrator describes this as the “greatest display of might and power ever staged by Soviet Russia.” Artillery, motorcycles and tanks speed by, all meant to show the success of Russia’s mass production. Josef Stalin speaks and looks at the planes of the Russian Air Force flying in formation above. The narrator declares the parade “an assurance to communists and a warning to Russia’s enemies.” Men and...

  2. Liberation of Buchenwald; VE Day in Paris

    Video clips compiled for screening at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Days of Remembrance activities in April 2010 commemorating the role of liberators. The videos were displayed in the classrooms on the concourse level of the Museum during the Collections Open House activities. Contents include films taken by cameraman Arthur Mainzer: Liberation of Buchenwald, April 16, 1945 in color (USHMM Film ID 849, 07:01:12 to 07:04:00) Soldiers near Torgau and Buchenwald in color (USHMM Film ID 850, 08:07:59 to 08:10:16) VE celebration in Paris on May 8, 1945 in b/w (USHMM Film ID 2513,...

  3. American soldiers at an unidentified concentration camp; ruined cities; baseball

    Three American soldiers on a bridge construction site. Multiple dead bodies both covered and uncovered at a concentration camp. Two legs of a corpse in the door of the crematory furnace. American soldiers stand in front of the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich, Germany. Across the street soldiers stand around washing pots and pans in hot water from which steam rises. Trucks with French? flags carrying large numbers of people drive past. 01:02:38 One soldier sits chatting amongst three young men and four young women. He lights a cigarette and another soldier joins them, smoking a cigar. He tosses t...

  4. A Jewish wedding in Budapest

    Tinted amateur film. S. Jay Kaufmann’s wife gets in a car, followed by S. Jay. The car pulls up in front of a building with an ornate iron fence entrance and they exit the vehicle. INT as the coupel moves through a hall, followed by their guests. They enter a room with a chuppah and rows of pews, where the Jewish wedding ceremony is performed. Still photos of the bride and groom and the ceremony. EXT young boys line the steps and a rabbi walks towards the camera. Another rabbi moves down the stairs, followed by the wedding party. The bride’s dress gets stuck for a moment and she tugs it fre...

  5. Goebbels in Danzig; German battleships

    (1) Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels waves to crowd at rally in Danzig. Street traffic and German banners adorning city. (2) Japanese infantry and navy attack Chinese town; infantry takes city. (3) German battleships, cruisers and speedboats perform maneuvers; Adolf Hitler launches battleship Bismarck.

  6. Kriegsberichterstattung: Bomben auf Castel Gandolfo

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Jaegesen? "Bombs on Castel Gandolfo." Castel Gandolfo is the seat of the Papal summer residence in Italy which was respected by the Germans and forbidden to go to. In February 1944, the place was bombed by Anglo-American bomber formations, and more than 500 people were killed.

  7. Two songs from the Anders' Army Performing Ensemble

    Songs from the repertoire of the 2 Korpus Polski (Anders' Army) Performing Ensemble. Privately recorded in Rome, Italy, 1945. Side A: Czekam (piosenka dla lotnika) [I am waiting (song for an aviator)] Music: Henryk Wars Words: Ref-Ren (Feliks Konarski) Vocalists: Renata Bogdańska; Filip Ende. Performing ensemble of the 2 Korpus Polski: Wydział Dobrobytu Żołnierza (Polish 2nd Corps, Soldier Welfare Department) Music Director: Henryk Wars Plyta Polska - La voce del padrone (BA-5928 N. 205). Side B: Gdzie Najlepiej (piosenka lwówska) [Where was it best (song about Lwów)] Music: Henryk Wars Wor...

  8. RAF airfield; US military advances

    Stevens and Moffat walking toward camera and then to what is apparently RAF airfield being briefed by British or Canadian officer next to fighter plane. Stevens climbs into cockpit of fighter (Hawker Sea Fury), officer explaining it. Panning shot of bombed out hangars and other buildings, smoke in distance. Shot of four men at jeep, bombs to side, jeep drives off. Stevens and others in helmets with weapons filming troops advancing in trucks. VS of camouflage tanks coming toward camera and passing (according to handwritten notes in the LOC original cataloger's notes, this depicts the beginni...

  9. British family visits Germany and Czechoslovakia in 1937; Reichs exhibition; Charles Bridge; Hitler Youth

    Kodak. Title: Holiday in Germany August 1937. Vacation scenes interspersed with images of a hand drawing lines on the map that correspond to various destinations. The Bates family leaves their house (in Halling, Kent). The car is lifted by crane onto the ferry at Dover. Busy street scene in Antwerp, Belgium, with bicycles, a streetcar, and ornate buildings. The next stop is Duesseldorf where the family visits what is probably the Reichsaustellung Schaffendes Volk ("Creative People" exhibition). This exhibition was open from May to October 1937. Deutsche Arbeitsfront pavilion. CU of German e...

  10. Jewish farmers in the Carpathian mountains

    Scenes of Jewish farmers, carpenters, lumbering in the remote Carpathian village of Vysni Apsa. Interior of cheder. CUs of people. Basket making. Various pople pose/work in fields. CUs of orthodox men. Interiors of girls in school. Exteriors of houses. Crossing river. Cattle. Scenes are scattered. Chaim Simcha Mechlowitz, an Orthodox Jewish farmer, tanner, and father of eleven children appears from 12:33:50 to 12:34:11 and 12:35:54 to 12:36:00. He was killed at Auschwitz in 1944. In 1938, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) commissioned Roman Vishniac to make three films...

  11. Oral history interview with Victor Fishman

  12. Antisemitism film on display in the USHMM Permanent Exhibition

    4.22 Antisemitism. Antisemitism film with archival photographs, footage, and interviews shown on the fourth floor of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust". This is the original (1993) version without captions. USHMM made revisions to the Antisemitism film in May 1995 and again in 2000 - for access, refer to the USHMM Institutional Archives.

  13. Burning the barracks at Belsen

    Burning barracks. Brief shot of British flag on flagpole. Crowd of survivors watching barracks on fire.

  14. Constructing the Siegfried Line

    German film on the construction of the Siegfried Line. Reel 1, views of various German cities and maps the site of the fortifications. Dr. Todt studies plans, officers survey the land, and draftsmen draw plans. An animated chart depicts the Todt engineering organization. The ground is cleared, steel is made in mills, and railroads move supplies to the site. Workers arrive, march to the site, live in barracks, eat and construct and camouflage forts. Reel 2, Hitler, Todt, and staff arrive to inspect construction. Antitank obstructions and trenches, barbed wire entanglements, and the French an...

  15. Touring the sights in London; returning to New York on Georgic

    Title card: “LONDON: Picadilly Circus – Trafalgar Square – Horse Guards - Cenotaph.” Visiting London. Piccadilly Circus. Street scenes of a policeman directing traffic. Double decker buses. Trafalgar Square. Street scenes. Horse guards. The Cenotaph. Title card: “Westminister Abbey – Big Ben – Parliament.” Big Ben with external scaffolding around it. Westminster Abbey. Parliament building from across the Thames. Street scenes in London. Horse-drawn cabs. Group of people, including policemen, crossing the street, then pans to a CU of Ruth Carlson Horn. Street scenes of double decker buses. A...

  16. Refugees crossing bridge

    Refugees carrying their children and belongings across a bridge. Stevens, in shorts holding machine gun, firing gun into river. Caravan of soldiers and refugees, seven abreast, walking across bridge carrying belongings followed by women and other refugees. Sign in Russian, with date reads: "May 30, 1945." Underneath Russian sign there is a sign that reads: "Friendship Bridge constructed by 250 Engineer Combat BN 1146 Engineer Combat Gp, US Army."

  17. Illich family activities in 1936

    Family activities in the year 1936. Introduced with German titles throughout, some are comical. The Illich boys play-act for the camera and take a walk through a park in April 1936 with their grandfather, Fritz Regenstreif. CUs of the spring blossoms and the boys getting into a car. A religious procession for communion on May 21, 1936. The twins are part of the ceremony, parade in the square in front of the Maria Treu Piarist Church, and gather with classmates for a group photograph. Ellen (Maexie), Ivan, Sascha, and Micha depart by foot and car. They speak with a priest and plant a tree on...

  18. Jewish DPs leaving Berlin, Germany

    DPs (Jewish) Leaving Berlin, Germany, May 17, 1949. Semitrailer truck loaded with personal belongings of families pulling away from apartment house. LS, neighborhood in German city, truck standing in courtyard. MS, few civilians standing at entrance as workmen are taking out personal belongings. MS, middle-aged woman holding infant child; several people in BG. Household goods standing next to truck. CU, truck. Hand-written on truck "Lufttransport Munchen Frankfurt." LS, man carrying suitcase in litter-strewn yard. LS, semitrailer truck loaded with household effects going into courtyard entr...

  19. Dutch radio broadcast recordings

    Dutch radio broadcasts: CD 1: Stemmen Des Tijds 1942-1943 (a Radio Nederland documentary) CD 2 and 3: Radio Oranje broadcasts transcribed in occupied Netherlands. Includes signature tune, speeches by Dutch royalty and politicians, cabaret, music. Audible noise as Germans attempt to jam broadcasts.

  20. Oral history interview with Markus Safirstein