Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,001 to 5,020 of 58,959
  1. IRO Children's Village in Bad Aibling

    This personal film of the IRO Children's Village Bad Aibling in the American Zone of Germany was filmed by John Powelson, an AFSC worker assigned to the Children’s Village. Military vehicle driving past a sign pointing to “IRO Children's Village Bad Aibling IRO Area 7.” Children hold hands with adult men and women, probably in late winter 1949. 0:31 The woman in the green overcoat could be Wendy Elliott who coordinated kindergarten teachers and activities (this woman appears in several following scenes). Adults and teenagers pose for the camera and speak with one another in front of camp bu...

  2. Nordhausen; dead US soldiers; demolition of Nazi swastika at Nuremberg stadium

    (LIB 5663) V Weapon Plant and Dead Workers. Nordhausen, Germany. 15 Apr 45 Maj Gen J Lawton Collins, Commander VII Corps, Third Army, followed by officers and men examines bodies of Nazi slave laborers and tours the grounds of weapons plant. CU, Gen Collins looking at corpse. CU, corpse with name and nationality written upon chest: "Orlich, Yuogoslave". (LIB 5787) Moscow Nazi Murder, Eller Str., Hilden, Germany. 18 Apr 45 MSs, US officer interviews Russian civilian near wrecked M-4 tank of the 13th Army Div. MS, bodies of three US soldiers of the 13th Army Div tank who were taken prisoners ...

  3. GIs swimming; Brenner Pass

    VS of Stevens and others in unit dressed in German hats. Shots on bridge over river. Old chateau or apartment building bombed out. Appears to be mausoleum with caskets with swastikas on them. GIs swimming in cold river. Men sitting by campfire. Stevens and others swimming. Stevens and others by jeep overlooking lake. This may be Berchtesgaden. VS of lake. Small two-engine German fighter in field. Village square with sign that reads: "Brenner Pass." Shot of main street of town, CU of sign that reads: "Brenner." Men of unit in street. Barricade reads: "All vehicles stop here." Sign with snow-...

  4. Dutch harbor and GIs with cameras

    VS of port, Stevens standing on dock. Large ship with name "Wilhelmhaven." VS of harbor activity. Two GIs with still cameras. Large ship on its side in harbor. Another shot with American army sedan in FG, wrecked ship in BG.

  5. Jewish people in Lublin and Krasnik, 1940

    Lublin, late summer 1940, man rides bike down the street. People mill about on the sidewalk. A Polish officer crosses the street. German soldiers march in twos down the street. More men in uniform walking along the sidewalk, as well as women and children. Large trees line the sidewalk. Another group of soldiers walking together. A woman walks across the street but halts as a line of men march on in her path. They make a right and turn down another street. Swastika flag on building, mostly obscured by trees. Horse-drawn carriage. Buildings bombed out along the street. The Cathedral of Lublin...

  6. Oral history interview with Peter Malkin

  7. Vishniac family in the snow

    Luta Bagg Vishniac (first wife of Roman Vishniac, mother of Mara and Wolf Vishniac) wearing a thick winter coat in the snow, pulling a sled (the other women in the background and waving cannot be identified - possibly the children's nanny or Luta's sisters). Luta sledding down the hill, facing the camera. Roman Vishniac sledding down the hill, he tosses up his hat and playfully catches it, facing the camera.

  8. Dutch civilians; ferry boats

    Sign reads: "Monnikendam 7.2, Amsterdam 21." Dutchman in wooden shoes and black bloused pants walks toward camera. Two young Dutch girls in aprons pose for camera. Other Dutch civilians in native costumes are photographed sitting at side of street. Men in black cloaks and black caps. Jeep Toluca pulling weapons carrier on green country road. Jeep on what appears to be a ferry boat, sign reads: "Rikswaterstat." DC3 flies over. VS of Red Cross vehicles on a ferry boat, bombed out bridge in BG. VS of bridge from ferry boat.

  9. Laemmle family in Stuttgart; returning to New York

    Laemmle family gathers on the balcony of their apartment in Stuttgart, which the family was forced to handover to the Nazis a few months after this film was recorded. Including shots of the grandmother of Kurt, Hermine, and Alyse. Alyse leans in to shake hands with Hermine, and kiss her. Kurt stands between the two of them. Kurt's parents, Siegfried and Alice talk to each other. The family, including Kurt's brother, Max, and his wife, Bobbie, and young son, Robert, stand behind Hermine, smiling at the camera. From left to right: Siegfried, Kurt, Hermine, Alyse, and Alice. Pan left and right...

  10. DPs boarding truck with luggage

    Displaced persons boarding truck with luggage. Men kissing. More boarding/luggage.

  11. Funeral; Speech in Brussels; Germans training; SS advance in Normany; Russian front

    29/44 No. 38. Part 1, Adolf Hitler speaks at the funeral of Gen. Dietl as Himmler and Keitel look on. Part 2, Leon Degrelle makes an anticommunist speech in Brussels. Part 3, German officer candidates train near the fighting front. Part 4, German coastal guns fire on a U.S. cruiser off Cherbourg and set it afire. Part 5, wrecked U.S. equipment on a beach and along roads, destroyed tanks in ruined villages, and captured U.S. paratroopers. Part 6, German SS troops and tanks advance in Normandy. Part 7, German tanks and rocket guns fire on the Russian front.

  12. Tourists visit museum in Russia

    INT, museum. Group looking at paintings, closer shots/pan of paintings, sculptures, patrons.

  13. Execution of Antonescu

    Antonescu and other Nazi collaborators from the Romanian wartime regime are led to their execution after being tried for war crimes, walking on village road surrounded by police with rifles. VAR CUs, collaborators saying their last words. Lined up against wooden posts, Antonescu and the 3 other men are shot repeatedly, from far range at first, then closer with a pistol and rifle. CUs bodies. Men rolling bodies over to ensure death. LS, crowd watching from afar. VAR CUs bodies. Men loading bodies on litters, taking bodies away.

  14. Oral history interview with Bertha Zuckerman

  15. Various scenes in Novogrodok, Poland

    EXT, large crowd of men and women, smiling, filing into a building. Title: "The Talmudical" VS, INT of Yeshiva. Boys at desks davening, teacher instructing. Title: "The Metchet" EXT of prayer house. Title: "The Jewish Library" Still of library, MCU books on bookshelves. Title: "House of Tarbuth School" EXT of school, men exiting. Title: "Jewish Trade School" EXT of trade school. INT of boys woodworking, students eating, girls working on sewing machines. EXT, Group of men posing for the camera, some are smoking cigarettes, some are speaking to each other and to cameraman, smiling, all are dr...

  16. Jewish children at Whittingehame Farm School, 1939

    Color scenes of Whittingehame Farm School filmed by an unnamed teacher at the school. Between 1939 and 1941 Viscount Traprain (Robert Balfour, nephew of Lord Balfour, author of the Balfour Declaration) sheltered 160 Jewish children from Austria, Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia as part of the Kinderstransport program. The children lived in the Whittingehame mansion and learned Hebrew and agriculture subjects that would be useful in Palestine, where they were intended to settle after the war. When the school closed in 1941 most of the children were at least 17 and remained in the UK. Some...

  17. Scrapbook

    Includes information about the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, the outbreak of disease at the time of liberation, Josef Kramer and SS guards at the camp, the United Jewish Appeal Conference in Atlantic City, N.J., in December 1945, and the establishment of the Bergen-Belsen liberation memorial.

  18. Hospital for former Jewish prisoners; medical care

    St. Ottilien Hospital for Jewish Former Political Prisoners near Landsberg, Germany. Pan of hospital. Shots of doctors and patients: in beds, during examinations, surgery. Patients walking the hospital grounds. Labor: sewing, making uniforms. Bris ceremony (circumcision).

  19. Passazhirka

    Home recording of Mieczyslaw Weinberg's opera "Passazhirka" (The Passenger; 1968) performed at the piano by the composer.