Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,121 to 5,140 of 58,959
  1. Oral history interview with Gerda Weissmann Klein

  2. Ship at sea

    Shot of felucca at sea. George Stevens and two others in outboard motorboat. CU of military police badge on someone's sleeve. Old wooden sailing ship. Loading supplies, tires, etc. on dock, people in summer uniforms, apparently North Africans.

  3. Russians meet Americans at Torgau; refugees

    Color film coverage of Americans linking up with Russians on the Elbe River in April 1945. Jeep passing another on country road. Road sign reads: "Torgau." Stevens and others at Bahnhof Drogerie. Parked jeeps on road in town. Group of Russian soldiers and a woman. Pan to Russian soldiers and brief shot of Ivan Moffat. Stevens with goggles on, pan to group of soldiers. CU of Russian soldier holding a machine gun. More CUs of Russian soldiers. Stevens with helmet and goggles and Russian soldiers, cameramen kneeling taking a shot of the scene. Stevens in FG, bombed out bridge in BG. Lieutenant...

  4. Recordings from the Zurawski Polish Music Collection

    Recordings from the Zurawski Polish Music Collection. Consists of 16 tracks of mostly Jewish-themed Polish-American popular songs, recorded on 78rpm discs during the 1920s-30s, primarily in the Chicago area.

  5. Wedding of Kurt and Alyse Laemmle

    Kurt and Alyse marry in Chicago. EXT, Chicago Sinai Congregation building. MCU a group of people get out of a car, including Alyse in a wedding gown. A woman in a white fur coat caries the gown behind her as Alyse walks up the steps of the synagogue. People follow. CU, a man in a brown hat and coat (possibly Alyse’s father?). The bride and groom (Alice and Kurt) walking out of the Emile G. Hirch Center. A woman in a red dress helps Alyse with her gown. CU Alyse and Kurt, as they move in to kiss each other. The newlyweds are joined by a short older gentleman wearing a white hat and black sui...

  6. Sport events at DP camp; Eisenhower visits Neu Freimann

    Men and women outdoors doing calisthenics, gymnastics, various track and field events at a DP camp in Germany. Women playing tennis. Crowd of men watching a boxing match. Pan, men's soccer team. Men playing chess. 01:55:32 General Dwight D. Eisenhower arriving at Neu Freimann DP camp, touring buildings, school, warehouse, synagogue. Crowds gathering for Eisenhower. Eisenhower leaving in automobile.

  7. Czechoslovakia; refugees; protests in London

    Paramount Newsreel, Issue 16, Released September 1938. Title: "Filtering through rigorous censorships, these first pictures bring realization of Europe's extreme peril." Elevated view the city of Liberec, Czechoslovakia. “LIBEREC. REICHENBERG” sign. Streetcar and townspeople travel about the city’s Main Street. Czech Policemen, mounted on horses, patrol the streets. Six Czech troops stand guard at the border. CU of a Czech soldier wearing his kevlar. A Czech military official points to something afar while speaking to his subordinates. 00:24 PAN of the city of Eger. CU sign for the city of ...

  8. Oral history interview with Lucia Shabasson

  9. 8 video progams about the Holocaust: rescue, collaborators, the Warsaw ghetto uprising, the Nazi takeover, rescued and hidden children, Nazi terror and expansion

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Second floor (2.04) - Courage to Rescue Third floor (3.15b) - Mobile Killing Squads - Accomplices Third floor (3.19) - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Fourth floor (4.09a) - Takeover of Power Second floor (2.09a) - Children: Rescued to England Fourth floor (4.09b)- The Terror Begins Second floor (2.09b) - Children: Hidden Children Fourth floor (4.18) - Expansion Without War

  10. Tourists visit Russian city; skylines

    Mostly male tourists visiting city, pan up ornate building (Kiev?). View of riverside. City skyline at dusk. More different shots of the skyline (Moscow?).

  11. Ralph Bellamy reads books

    Ralph Bellamy in autobiographical account talks about need to read books--as a way to learn and not make future wars--he decided to become an actor through library experiences--from Pocket Books in 1945--good shots of barber pole and barber shop, books in library, pioneers crossing the plains, etc.

  12. Border between Pilsen and Prague; railcars

    Aerial view of Pilsen. Murray posing for the camera. Russian border checkpoint between Pilsen and Prague. Scenes from Prague, including St. Vitus Cathedral and the Hebrew clock at the Jewish Town Hall. Prague Castle. Soldiers on a boxcar with “Dachau” painted on the outside. They line up and board boxcars.

  13. Oral history interview with Lidia Demarin

  14. Max Eisikovits recordings

    A collection of recordings by Max Eisikovits, Romanian composer, conductor, musicologist and pedagogue, including a publication and documentary: 1. Toamna Muzcala Clujeana Cenenar 'Max Eisikovits' - An autumn musical at the Max Eisikovits Center in Cluj. Performance recording dated October 8, 2008. 2. "Seara de muzica romaneasca" - Evening of Romanian Music including performers: Formatia Art-Contrast (Art-Contrast ensemble, Violin, Viola, Piano). Features two instrumental works by Max Eisikovits. Performance recording dated March 12, 2012. Track listing on CD insert card. 3. Barabas Kasler ...

  15. Victory parade; Hitler

    “Das ganze deutsche Volk dankt dem Führer für den glänzendsten Sieg der Geschichte. Die Fahrt von der Front zurück nach der Reichshauptstadt wurde zu einem wahren Triumphzug.” [The entire German people thank the Fuehrer for the most glorious victory in history. The journey from the front back to the capitol city became a true victory parade.] Pretty young woman hands Adolf Hitler a basket during a train stop. Hitler Youth boy does the same. Train passes. Marbach/Neckar sign. Passing through. Hitler’s train on the move. Crowds waving, flowers… Hiitler at train window. Shaking hands out the w...

  16. 1 video program about the Holocaust: Eichmann trial

    Audiovisual monitor shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Second flor (2.08d) - The Killers: Eichmann Trial

  17. Underground factory in Germany; prisoners at liberated camp

    Slate: "Camera 3-H, Combat Camera Unit 1, 5/27, FF-31, Take 1" (several slates appear in the five minute film). Underground factory in Germany postwar, near Muehldorf?. Views of abandoned buildings, rail lines. LS, camp barracks surrounded by barbed wire, soldiers. 04:01 Group of liberated prisoners (forced laborers? Ostarbeiter?) posing for camera. Young women shaking hands with a man, at far right in dirt is the shadow of soldiers directing the individuals to dance or perform for the camera, barbed wire fence in BG.

  18. Liberator clips

    Video clips compiled for screening at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Days of Remembrance activities in April 2010 commemorating the role of liberators. The videos were displayed in the classrooms on the concourse level of the Museum during the Collections Open House activities. Contents include: US infantry; German civilians (April 1945) in color (USHMM Tape HMM106, 01:23:42 to 01:33:34) Nordhausen; Eisenhower at Ohrdruf (April 1945) in b/w (USHMM Tape HMM107, 01:22:48 to 01:31:17) Ebensee liberation (Summer 1945) in color (USHMM Film ID 513, 11:23:11to 11:27:11)

  19. V-1 explosion in Antwerp

    Misc. film, no. 1286. Reel 2, victims of a V-1 explosion are removed from a destroyed building. Anti-aircraft guns fire on V-1s and radar detects their approach. Maps V-1 launching sites and shows an anti-V-1 control center.

  20. Coal mining; Warsaw street scenes-daily life

    There are burn-in time codes on the intermediate Betacam SP (Protection) video. Factory, church and mining sequences. Warsaw shots begin at 01:11:04:00. Trams. POV from tram to streets. People window shopping at various shops. Shop fronts. Kiosk with Charlie Chaplin poster. Street scenes, traffic, pedestrians. Gliders. LS town square. VS, MCUs, pedestrians. Trams, tram sign, INT shots of people in tram. LS to MS to MCU- policeman directs traffic, acknowledging the camera's presence, looking out of the corner of his eye. Street scenes, buses, automobiles, bicycles, horse drawn carts, pas...