Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,101 to 5,120 of 58,959
  1. Excerpts from the Testimony film with survivor interviews

    Excerpts from the Testimony film shown on the second floor of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust".

  2. Parade; Krosno town square; ship to America

    Parade with elaborate floats and crowds of spectators. CU, three children and their elders. Toddler with bowlegs. MS, portraits of families outside village homes (still in Krosno?). 00:12:55 Polish troops marching in the street. Banner in Polish above the street. A man with white beard and hat holds a Torah scroll behind gentlemen in formal dress. The American visitors and friends wave at the camera. Locals. 00:14:08 Synagogue (?) in Krosno. MS of a Polish soldier in uniform. The Krosno town square, local children, Jewish men, and crowds. 00:16:16 The large group of Mahler family and Krosno...

  3. Oral history interview with Ruth Gabrielle Silten

  4. Oral history interview with Leon Skurko

  5. Tourist ferry and boats on town harbor

    VAR shots of civilians on ferry/tourist cruise ship moving slowly. City harbor seen from boat. From land, shots of boat "VOLGAR" pulling up to dock full of people. Another boat operating by steam, CUs, steam vent. Larger ships at city port, shots of city from water. Villagers at land port, some waiting in line to board boats, another walking towards the camera carrying a bundle on his shoulder. Man raises flag with three boys watching. Life preserver. MS, smaller boats. Flag flying on mast. Shots of water, land from boat. MS, group of American students on small motorboat. City from the rive...

  6. Oral history interview with Irving Lebo

  7. Illich family tours Italy, 1937

    No title card, but includes German intertitles. Film can says "Bilder aus Italien (1937)". The Illich family visits Rome (there are no shots of family members in the entire reel). Pan of the cityscape, the Coliseum, and other ruins, statues, fountains, buildings. Includes brief views of Italians, street scenes, and other spectators. The family then tours Perugia, Assisi, and Venice. Gondola ride, populated narrow city streets. Waves crash along the shore. 04:53:52 (color) Sightseeing in Venice, including wonderful scenes of the famous architecture, people, and the harbor.

  8. Touring Austria for Maexie's birthday

    Introduced with German titles throughout. House in a sparse mountain village in summer. Ivan and a dog. Good CUs of the boys playing in the forest with their driver Leithner. Camera view from the top of the Austrian Alps in November. Snowy mountains in Schneeberg, Maexie points at the lookout. The boys ski and slalom down a mountain. Mountain peaks above the clouds (from an airplane?). Two St. Bernard puppies. More views of the majestic clouds. Frost and icy buds. 03:38:50 Blossoms in spring line the streets. Driving tour with visits to small towns in lower Austria in the springtime (each i...

  9. Highlights from the Film and Video Archive in the year 2007

    Rita Wolman Stern & Deborah Wolman Rosen Collection The first two segments illustrate street scenes in Warsaw in 1932, including the Grand Theater, Nalewki Street in the Jewish quarter, and the Mirkowska Hala market. The final clip shows the cameraman Robert Wolman's family at a park in Warsaw. 3:48 minutes, Silent Judy Simon Collection Dr. Benjamin Gasul, the donor's father, shot this footage on 16mm Kodachrome (color) film just a few months before World War II began. This excerpt shows people on the streets of Warsaw's Jewish quarter as they enjoy the sunny weather and clown for the c...

  10. Kriegsberichterstattung: Tiger nach vorn Teil II

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Joachim Manzinoki, SS Standarte Kurt Eggers, 3. Kriegsberichter-Kompagnie. "Tigers to the Front" Part 2. Report directly from tanks with radio extension. Battle Report. 5 tanks shot down: "Mein lieber Otto das haste wieder gut gemacht"

  11. Expanding German culture in East Prussia: Gdansk to Krakow

    Kulturfilm - Map of Sudeten territory, ”ausbreitende deutsche Kultur” [expanding German culture]. Rivers, towns, cows. 12th, 13th, 14th centuries, “Ostraum” 01:02:48 "Ordensburg auf den Weichsel" Ruins (between Danzig and Krakow). Travelogue style scenes of churches, castles, etc. Kopernicus statue. Schlesien. Geese. Posen. City hall. Kaiser castle. "Durch Deutsche geist, deutsche Kraft, deutsche Arbeit - wurde der Ostraum wieder Deutsches Raum!” [Through German spirit, German strength, German work, the Ostraum will become German land again]

  12. Parade of soldiers in Nuremberg, Germany

    LS, Parade of US soldiers in Nuremberg, Germany. Military air review.

  13. US Army liberates Paris

    Jeeps coming across pontoon bridge towards camera. VS of numerous French tanks and other vehicles coming around curve of cobblestone road. Underlit shot of Leicester Hemingway in hotel room. Stevens and officer, possibly British, walking down French street, enter restaurant. Two-part sign reads: "Route N10 Versailles 32, Paris 52." Top of sign: "Seine-et-oise" right and "Route N306 Cernay La Ville 12, Chevreuse 19." Pan of jeeps, civilians, and soldiers in street. Two military men with red caps. Shot of Stevens smoking pipe with several other officers, including a heavy set older man. Ivan ...

  14. Oral history interview with Hessy Taft

  15. Records relating to the Committee for Refugee Education

    Includes essay written by refugee students studying English in a program provided by the Committee for Refugee Education after World War II. The essays describe experiences of new life in the United States, memories of persecution and imprisonment in concentration camps, and liberation. Also included are samples of teaching materials used in the English lessons and a 18 December 1949 letter written by one of the English instructors.

  16. Bomb destroyed Europe

    Aerial shot from airplane with bomb craters very apparent. VS from lower altitude of bomb craters. Bill Mellor in plane, underexposed shot of another unidentified man in the plane. Aerial views of unidentified town and river.

  17. US Army kissing French girls; parade

    Stevens and Moffat in crowd of French civilians, French girls talking, Stevens signing autographs. Solow, Stevens and others in front of Scribe Hotel, crowds in streets, blue and white sign: "M.L.N." in window of Scribe. American GI taking picture with speed graphic. Shot of weapons carrier and jeep with camera set on tripod. Hamilton holding and kissing two girls. Shot of several Americans and French girls driving past in jeep. Large numbers of civilians walking past, American jeep "Flash Gordon." Six or seven men crouched behind jeep firing at sniper in window. Stevens puts rifle on shoul...

  18. Warsaw after German occupation

    Shot by unidentified German soldier. HA panning shots of Warsaw showing people in a wide open space, probably after rubble from destroyed buildings was cleared. Camera pans in the opposite direction and shows the Central Railway Station. Ground-level shot of the Hotel Polonia and buildings next to it on Jerozolimskie Avenue. People pass by on foot and in horse-drawn carriages. 00:41 Man (foreground, carrying briefcase) and woman (background, carrying shopping bag) wearing armbands among other pedestrians on Marszalkowska Street. Panning shots around Zbawiciela Place show halted street car, ...

  19. Oral history interview with Charlotte Pogel

  20. The Sugihara family in Bucharest, Romania, 1942

    8mm film is severely compromised by mold. WS, pan of buildings in the city streets of Bucharest (Patriarchate Hill), pedestrians. Sugihara's official car with a small Japanese flag in FG. Driving along the city street in the car with tall buildings in BG. Toddler boy and mother, Yukiko Sugihara, pick flowers from the garden adjacent to the Japanese diplomat's residence. Sister Setsuko and two siblings join, one on a tricycle. The toddler runs towards the camera along the home's walkway and returns to his mother behind. The children play in the yard, the car is parked in front with the resid...