Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,081 to 5,100 of 58,959
  1. Parade in DC; Eleanor Roosevelt; Taking of Aachen

    Part 1, Navy Day parade in Washington, D.C., and the battleship Iowa joining a Pacific fleet. Part 2, Eleanor Roosevelt views an exhibition of paintings by service men in New York city. Part 3, Boys in Maryland grade schools attend sewing and cooking classes. Part 4, Battle shots of Marines in the Pacific. Part 5, German troops flee through the streets of Antwerp. The Belgian underground sabotages German vehicles. U.S. troops enter the city. Artillery and aerial bombardment precedes the 1st Army as U.S. troops occupy Aachen.

  2. Soldiers relax at the French Riviera

    In color, the coast of the French Riviera comes into view from the plane. Street scenes on the Riviera. Murray poses in front of the beach. People sunbathing on rock beaches. “Positively no whistling or stamping allowed.” Various shots of the Riviera from different perspectives. American flag waving. Murray on a boat. More coastline scenes on the beach. Murray in a canoe. Street and beach scenes of civilians. Grass. Planes take off. View from mid-flight on the return to Pilsen.

  3. Travel on the Aramis SS ship to Manila

    Walter Rauscher left for Manila from Marseille, France on February 3, 1939 aboard the Aramis SS ship. Street scene in Marseille under the Porte d'Aix Arc de Triomphe. Street scenes. Pan of the Cathedrale Sainte-Marie-Majeure de Marseille. Man reads the newspaper on a balcony overlooking the harbor and shipyard. Large boats on the water. People walk on the deck of the Aramis SS boat. (3:57) A young child faces the camera. People stand on the deck watching. Man dressed in a suit walks toward the camera smiling. (4:41) Walter Rauscher, the cameraman, walks towards the camera. (5:22) CUs of Wal...

  4. 6 video programs about the Holocaust: Kristallnacht, children, orientation to USHMM Learning Center

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Fourth floor (4.23a) - The Night of Broken Glass Fourth floor (4.23b) - The Night of Broken Glass Fourth floor (4.23c) - The Night of Broken Glass Fourth floor (4.23d) - The Night of Broken Glass Second floor (2.09e) - Children: After Liberation Second floor - Learning Center Orientation

  5. Video finding aid about Lwow

    Compilation of footage (produced earlier than HMM153) on wartime Lwow, including the Lwow pogrom in 1941. Scenes show Jews being rounded up and beaten. ** Please see HMM153 for an updated version. **

  6. GIs; German landscape

    Underexposed INT shot of American soldiers. Aerial shot of river running between mountains. VS, aerial views of mountains with wing of military plane in FG of shot.

  7. Eksodus 1947

    Dr. Marc Fingerhut performs "Eksodus 1947", a Yiddish topical song by Yitzchok Perlov (text) and Lola Furman (music). Chamber orchestra accompaniment. Recording made for the DP exhibition curated by Lillian Gewirtzman at Columbia University on March 9, 2003.

  8. Oral history interview with Hannah Marsh

  9. Nehama Lifshitsaite Recital

    Side A: ту 35 хп 558-63 д-5605: 1) Pesni Materi [Babi Yar] (Yampolski/Driz); 2) Pesni Pesnaya (Shalom Aleichem); 3) Za Mir I Druzhbu. M. Feigin, piano. Lyric sheet (Yiddish) for Babi Yar included inside album sleeve. Side B: ту 35 хп 558-63 д-5606: 1) Kolibelnaya [Cradle Song] (Gebirtig); 2) Bolnoy Portnoy [Sick Tailor] (Pulver/Ansky); 3) Napev [Chant] (folksong). M. Feigin, piano.

  10. Family life in Vienna, 1936

    Introduced with German titles throughout, some are comical. This film is titled "Dreibubenhaus" [The House of the Three Boys] in honor of a then current theatrical presentation in Vienna. CUs, the twin boys don hats and joke for the camera. Sequence of the boys waking up, saying prayers, washing faces, getting dressed, and ready for school. The three Illich boys eat breakfast and exit their home (filmed from mother Ellen (Maexie) Regenstreif's room on the top floor of the villa), walking the grand grounds of Villa Regenstreif. The governess "Selli" Frauer escorts the boys onto a tram and ki...

  11. Mikhoels performs a Yiddish play in Moscow

    HAS, LS set, production, actors in costume performing a play, likely for the Moscow State Yiddish Theater. 01:02:22 CU, Solomon (Shloyme) Mikhoels in makeup and costume on stage. 01:03:20 Actors on stage.

  12. Society for Trades and Agricultural Labor (ORT) training at Marseilles

    In 1939, Roman Vishniac was commissioned to make a promotional film at a Society for Trades and Agricultural Labor (ORT) vocational training facility near Marseille. The film was never completed, and only outtakes have survived. ORT schools throughout Europe worked to train and certify Jewish refugees in whichever skills were most desired by host countries. When French military mobilization reduced the available agricultural manpower, ORT refugees provided labor, and also eased the immersion of these foreign workers into French society. ORT training activities. Group of men with suitcases w...

  13. Soviet War Memorial; atomic bomb explosion

    Welt im Film Nr. 33, 12/28/1945 "Berliner Bilder" At the Soviet War Memorial in Berlin, a large military ceremony takes place, possibly the dedication in November 1945. CUs of individuals and the memorial. Destruction from the street. People shovel large piles of rubble. 01:01:26 Brief cut of three male runners stand on a track and shake hands with a man in a suit. 01:01:32 Welt im Film Nr. 66, 8/28/1946 "Bikini Atom-Explosion Unter Wasser" A film recording of the second nuclear test in Bikini Atoll on July 24, 1946. The bomb was attached under a boat in 27 meters of water. The underwater e...

  14. Allied troops advance; Tirpitz ship bombed; Japanese-American soldiers

    Part 1, Ceremonies at Compiegne. Part 2, Allied troops advance through mud and snow in Europe. Part 3, the German battleship Tirpitz is bombed and sunk on the coast of Norway. Hitler at its launching in 1939. British Air Marshall Harris. Part 4, Japanese-American soldiers rescue soldiers of the 36th Division surrounded in France.

  15. Oral history interview with Felix van Beek

  16. Horse show

    “Filmováno komorou Ciné Kodak OSM Na Panchro-Filmu Ciné Kodak OSM” A group of men on horseback entering a riding rink. 5 men sitting on a balcony, two of them are wearing Czechoslovak military uniforms, and while the person to the left of them seems to be a major politician (possibly president Benes?). Another group of horseback riders enter the rink, with two white horses leading. Two white horses are also in the rear of the group, and they in turn are followed by six men on what appear to be miniature cars. The horseback riders and the tractor riders line up in the center of the rink. The...

  17. From the Heart of a People

    Songs by Emma Schaver (soprano) in Yiddish and Hebrew. A selection of songs Schaver learned while touring DP camps in 1946. Includes: 1) Nigun; 2) Tsvei vaise tauben; 3) Drei yingelech; 4) Raisele; 5) Kinneret; 6) The Song of Songs; 7) Songs of the ghetto: 8) Ani Maamin; 9) Sleep, My Child; 10) Es brennt; 11) The March of Death; 12) Zog nit az du geist dem letzten veg.

  18. Lidice before and after destruction

    Photos of Lidice before destruction. Footage of Lidice being destroyed, burning buildings (Nazi footage from SS archives). Photos of dead in piles. British coal-miners and others around the world rally in support of Lidice. Building new city of Lidice. Commemoration of gardens.

  19. Germans in Crimea; Farming; Dancing; Military exercises

    The amateur films shot by German infantryman Corporal Eugen Biedenbach of 419 Infantry Regiment record his training and active service in the German campaigns against Yugoslavia and on the southern sector of the Eastern Front. The films also containg pre- and post-war scenes of Biedenbach family life in Stuttgart (where the family of Eugen's wife owned a clothes store) as well as recreational activities. Reel 17: Crimea: Ukrainian girl harvests grapes, assisted by bare-torsoed German soldiers including Eugen, in late summer 1942. Eugen washes his hands outside single story Ukrainian house. ...

  20. Buchenwald; effigy of Hitler; Nazi training camp

    Buchenwald concentration camp. Piles of corpses, gallows, a hanging effigy of Hitler. A obelisk inscribed “H.L.B.” Rows of barracks. Barbed wire fences. An aerial view of Bayreuth Nazi training camp.