Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,961 to 4,980 of 58,959
  1. Belsen: Nazis bury the dead

    Nazis (stonefaced) dropping women's and men's bodies from edge of pit.

  2. Jews perform forced labor on a farm

    Magyar Híradó 857. Intertitle: “ARATNAK A MUNKASZOLGA’LATOSOK. A közérdekü munkaszolgálat aratószázadokkal segít a kis-birtokosoknak és az uradal-maknak. M.F.I.-ZSABKA.” A man uses a tool to hammer at the edge of his wooden scythe. Two men use wooden tools to smooth the long blade of the scythe. In the field, six laborers use their scythes to cut away at rye, while an officer stands in the background on the left, watching. More of the men using their scythes to cut the rye. Another laborer drives through the field on a mechanical reaper. CU of the machine. It spits out bundles of rye (sheav...

  3. Oral history interview with Clara Robzyk

  4. Traveling through the Alps

    Sign pointing to left "Franzenfest 35 kms, Bozen 82 kms, Meran 111 kms." Pointing to right "Steinhach 12 kms, Matrei 16 kms, Innsbruck 38 kms." Stevens and Hamilton by sign that reads: "Brennero Pass" and a marble pillar marked "Italia" and "Bernardo Brennero." A mountainside shot of a bombed out building in the Alps. There are shots of bombed out Brenner railroad station. Panning shot of town below. Jeep Toluca, panning left to town. Sign reads: "Innsbruck" VS of town. Two vehicles driven by Germans pass through town. Four Americans talking with German soldier with his arm in a sling. Smal...

  5. Hinzert camp in 1946; repatriation of victims' bodies to Luxembourg city

    Includes original French intertitles. Musical accompaniment and end titles added by Centre national de l'audiovisual Luxembourg in 2003. On March 9, 1946, the bodies of Luxembourgers who died at SS-Sonderlager Hinzert in 1942 were repatriated to Luxembourg city. Amateur filmmaker Alphonse Wirion accompanied the convoy to Hinzert and filmed the camp at length (what was left of it), including barracks, barbed wire fences, watchtowers, debris. Then he searched the woods around the camp, exhumed the bones and the bodies that were lined up in an empty shack. The filmmaker then follows the trucks...

  6. Carter Library archival footage

    Footage documenting the final report from the Presidential Commission on the Holocaust from the Carter Library. Footage used to produce the Commission's 20th Anniversary videotape (see HMM159).

  7. Home movie of prewar Denmark

    Several people riding on bicycles in a city, streetcars in BG, probably in Copenhagen. Sign on the building in th BG, it appears to say “Spirella Veterport” Horse-drawn carriages and a large majestic white building. Sculpture of a man playing a violin. (00:33) Film damaged. (00:46) Crowd walking outside, a social gathering. (2:37) Urban scene of people riding bicycles, streets, trolley car and boats in the water. A man is getting his shoes shined, people talking and laughing. People walk in and out of a building. Taking pictures. Two men walk on the street. Fountain and a large table set fe...

  8. Percy Haid Selected Music and Home Movies

    "A Haid Family Album" CD: "Selected music and arrangements by Percy Haid -- in loving memory" Selections include: 1) Street Scene; 2) Cry of a City; 3) Slaughter on Tenth Avenue; 4) Autumn in New York; 5) Miami Beach Cha Cha; 7) Linda's Cha Cha. DVD: "Do You Remember When?" Still photos and home movies of Percy and Sonia Haid ca. 1950-60s set to a soundtrack of Haid's compositions.

  9. United Jewish Appeal officials visit to Israel, circa 1948

    Interior shots of fabric factory machinery and workers. United Jewish Appeal officials tour the facility, inspect fabric produced, and converse with factory workers. Julian Venezky appears at 01:00:46. UJA men, including Venezky and Sidney Green (?), exit the factory. Some of the officials are women. Point of view shot from interior of a moving car, passing by a checkpoint with a sign in Hebrew. The cars drive past a fenced area, probably a camp for new immigrants. Pedestrians smile at the car. UJA officials, now out of their cars, talk to people on the street. The camera pans down to revea...

  10. Meeting

    Men sit at table, poster hangs on wall behind them.

  11. Air raid precaution exercise in stadium

    8mm Gevaert Cine-film. Grainy scenes of activities inside a stadium in Holland. Camera focuses on people and medical vehicles parked on the grounds of the stadium. One tent and a flag bearing a cross, presumably indicating a medical station. People are visible sitting in the stands. Men (and at least one woman) stand near vehicles that appear to be ambulances, with stretchers laid out near them. WS of the field and people in the stands. Firehoses are sprayed up into the air.

  12. Warsaw Ghetto documentary for BBC

    After a brief sequence of Nazi rallies (including shots from Triumph of the Will), German footage of the invasion of Poland, and Julien Bryan footage of the siege of Warsaw in September 1939, this film uses still photographs (some from Himmler's personal collection) and much of the 1942 German propaganda footage shot in the Warsaw Ghetto. It details the daily struggle to survive the Warsaw Ghetto, including scenes of poor sanitation, smuggling food from outside, beggars, Jewish Police and the ghetto prison, deportations, collaboration, and resistance. It uses film footage of flamethrowers a...

  13. American military at the St. James Cemetery and moving through Belgium and Germany

    Reel 10: (1945) Leaving Belgium by train through France; Paris; Army Hdqts. St. James Cemetery in Fougeres, where the QM buried troops. Sign reads "Entrance: US Military Cemetery, Pas de Visiteurs après 17 heures" [No visitors after 5pm]. Other signs point to "American Dead Only" and "Enemy Dead." American soldiers visit the cemetery. Pan, rows of white crosses. Three men stand at a grave covered with flowers. Group of soldiers drink out a bottle and smile for the camera. Soldiers pose next to "Merry Christmas" sign (probably December 1944). 3:07 Large group gathers at a train station, some...

  14. William Perl papers Russian intentions to punish war criminals

    Report issued by the Office of Strategic Services, Research Analysis Branch on 27 June 1944. Includes information about specific crimes charged to the Germans, persons accused of being war criminals, and Russian attitudes towards the legal problems involved in war crimes prosecution.

  15. Document

  16. Street scenes; shops

    LS, pan, street scenes, shops, pedestrians, cars, city (Kiev?).

  17. Makeshift military airport

    Men moving off in twilight silhouetted against sunset. Group of men kneeling in twilight. Officer in combat gear reading orders. American flag on left shoulder, men in this unit appear to be paratroopers. Planes have names such as "Windy City," "Bobbie Ellen 3," "Dinky," "Philadelphia Express." This is a portable metal runway. VS of men under wings of plane. LS, pan of plane landing. Jeep towing small artillery pieces. LS of many planes and/or gliders in BG of very flat area. DC3 taxiing for takeoff, towing glider, apparently with paratroopers. Series of shots of DC3s pulling gliders into a...

  18. Kriegsberichterstattung: Gespraech mit Oberst Papp

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Berthold. "A conversation with Colonel Papp."

  19. Villa Regenstreif in Vienna

    Introduced with German titles throughout. Views of the Villa Regenstreif (Poetz). Blossoming trees in the spring, the garden, outdoor pool, sculptures, and fountains. The fountain with a high water jet is a copy of New York's Central Park Conservatory. 02:25:14 View of the villa foyer (see Story 1249 at 03:17:15 for a view of the same foyer as the family is forced to sell the villa to the Nazis). In summer, terraces, sprinklers (beautiful shot), stairs. Film switches to color. The twins with red vests ride new bicycles. The garden is in full bloom. In autumn, more faded color scenes of the ...

  20. Records relating to Jews and Roma in Berlin Oberfinanzdirektion file concerning Roma property

    Includes information about the confiscation of property of Roma deported to concentration camps from Berlin. The bulk of the records are dated 1943 with others dating as late as 1961.