Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,881 to 4,900 of 58,959
  1. Sephardi rabbis; Jewish schools, synagogues, customs

    Documentary film about the leading Balkan Sephardi rabbis of the time with rare footage of Jewish schools, residential quarters, synagogues, and cemeteries and a sampling of Sephardi religious customs. Selections of the 1929 film was obtained for a Collections Division-wide online exhibition called "Highlighting the Experience of Sephardi Jews" featured on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's website.

  2. Landsberg DP camp; UNRRA activities

    At Landsberg DP camp, men speaking at a table, passing out certificates to children, returning papers to UNRRA officer. CU, sign in Hebrew for religious school. Children exiting school with backpacks. Man speaking. CU, ORT diploma with name: "BLUM, SARA". Children with diplomas/certificates. Official speaking into a megaphone. Man toilet training a baby. Scouts pose next to sign in Hebrew. Quick view of banner "Wir ehren die Opfer des barbarischen Nationalsozialist." Brief, fuzzy sequence with children dressed in Hebrew scout uniforms and UNRRA or JDC official speaking to another, with Jewi...

  3. Nuremberg Rally 1934

    Reel 10: Goose-stepping Nazi Labor troops parade in streets of Nuremberg. Hitler, standing in car, salutes each unit as they pass. CU, German high command including Hitler, Raeder, Goering, Hess, General Von Brauchitsch and others. CU, Hitler's arm extended in Nazi salute. Pan to face of Hitler. Various Army Corp units, MSKF, Women Driver Corps, and Hitler Youth passing in review before Hitler standing in open car. Cut- ins, populace leaning out of windows watching review. Various parade scenes: Himmler leads Gestapo troops, greets and shakes hands with Hitler. Soldiers carrying pick-axes p...

  4. Forced laborers dig ditches in Hungary, September 1939

    Magyar Híradó 814. The intertitle reads, “MUNKASZOLGÁLATOSOK. Vitéz Fábry Daniel tábornok megetekintette a make talajvíz-mentesítõ munkálatokat. M.F.I.KISS E.” The forced labor battalions march, following their General (?) Daniel Fábry. Their arms swing in unison. CUs of soldiers' faces as they walk by the camera. They go to work digging a large rectangular ditch. Men carry off wheelbarrows full of dirt. Others shovel the dirt, occasionally glancing at the camera and smiling. A group of men works to push a mine cart full of dirt along the cart tracks. Shovels are stuck into the dirt. The me...

  5. 5 video programs about the Holocaust: prewar Jewish life

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Fourth floor (4.07) - Life Before the Holocaust (all) 01:02:00 - 01:04:47 North Africa 01:04:52 - 01:07:03 Southeastern Europe 01:07:08 - 01:10:18 Soviet Union 01:10:21 - 01:20:04 Eastern Europe 01:20:09 - 01:27:12 Western & Central Europe

  6. Belsen: Nazis bury the dead

    LS bulldozer digging grave, many SS men surround bulldozer, also digging with shovels. VLS, large group of SS men digging. MLS, naked corpses lined up on the ground, to be loaded onto truck.

  7. US Army in Italy, Germany, and France

    TASK FORCE 45 IV Corps Sector, Fifth Army Italy 12 Feb 1945 (M-1273) VS, Maj Gen Willis D Crittenberger, CG, IV Corps, awards decorations and then formally disbands Task Force 45. Pan, troops in formation. FRONT LINE ROAD JAM Fifth Army, Italy 13 Feb 45 (0-1091) Seq: road grader stuck in ditch beside mountain road, causes traffic tie-up. Soldiers of A Co, 126th Engrs, 10th Mountain Div, pull grader out of ditch with bulldozer. GENERAL GEORGE C MARSHALL VISITS 92 DIV Fifth Army, Italy 14 Feb 1945 (0-1091) Short scene, Gen Marshall and official party arrive at 92d Mule Pack Bn. CUs, Gen speak...

  8. Belsen after liberation

    CU, women's bodies in pile. CUs, faces of female corpses (GRAPHIC FOOTAGE). SS women with white armbands leaving building, gather in a group. CU, SS men marching off to work group.

  9. ORT vocational schools

    A film about the ORT vocational schools in the US Zone of Germany. Introduction by Jacob Oleiski, US zone director of ORT, including English subtitles. VAR scenes of survivors in vocational training programs. Men and women working on machinery, furniture making, sewing, women's clothing, etc. in Landsberg, Germany. 22:09:31 Max (Mordchai) Rubin, a chemistry teacher at ORT Munich, is visible, along with his student Adi Rubin (Ribon) at 22:09:37. ORT UNRRA Vocation School sign. MCU young men entering building. Oleiski speaking again, with English subtitles.

  10. Oral history interview with Marisa Brugna

  11. Dachau at liberation; delousing; identifying German captors; religious ceremony

    Courtyard with series of buildings, Dachau concentration camp. One building has SS sign on it (possibly SS barracks). VS of camp at Dachau, including inmates sitting by fires cooking. Steam in FG. Shot of liberated inmates pans to bodies, stacked like cork wood. A sequence of shots of corpses. Inmates in striped uniforms unloading bread from truck. Cleaning out large cabin. Carrying corpse. VS of liberated inmates being deloused. Considerable coverage of this activity. Two young inmates in striped suits strolling through camp. Inmates pulling food truck. Shot of crematorium, flame is visibl...

  12. Clearing rubble in Berlin; GIs

    German women passing buckets, cleaning up rubble. Women in black walking through Berlin. Underexposed shots of men in uniform, unidentified location in Berlin. Three officers taking pictures at a race track.

  13. Funeral for Werner von Fritsch; Ciano motorcade; Hitler Youth training; Polish Jews

    "Ausklang des heldenmütigen Ringens um Polen" [Concluding the Heroic struggle for Poland] "Staatsbegräbnis für den bei Warschau gefallenen Generaloberst Freiherrn von Fritsch" State funeral for von Fritsch in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 1939. Statue, funeral procession. CU of coffin covered in flowers, Nazi banners. Procession of military officials, civilians at a public square. Large group of soldiers stand at attention, flags are lowered near the coffin. CU of Nazi official. "Zielbewusst und rasch, wie die deutsche Wehrmacht zuschlug, vollendet die deutsche Staatsführung das Werk der...

  14. Oral history interview with Suzie Steiner

  15. Hitler's birthday occasion in Hungary

    Magyar Híradó 1054. Rows of people line a path for soldiers marching with flags. On the right are younger women in traditional dress. Large portrait of Hitler’s face in the BG next to multiple Nazi flags. Everyone is gathered to celebrate Hitler’s birthday. Another view of the portrait of Hitler at the front and the soldiers and bands before it. The audience watches, and young boys stand with trumpets with flags. CU of a man speaking to the audience. A member of the SS (as indicated by the emblem on his helmet) stands by a two wheeled machine, rows of people in the audience behind. Men in s...

  16. Germans construct bridge; coastal defenses

    German workers construct a bridge over the Rhine. Buildings, including a children's hospital, in Hamburg demolished by Allied bombing. Italian Alpine troops advance through the snow against French positions on Mont Blanc. German troops occupy either Jersey or Guernsey. Coastal defenses. Stuka and Heinkel bombers take off, fly over ships in the Channel, and dive upon Dover.

  17. Oral history interview with David Saltman and Curtis Whiteway

  18. Czech gymnast festival in Prague, 1938

    Blurry iris in on a drawn picture of a large castle (possibly Prague Castle) 01:00:20:05 Title: “Tenth Sokol Congress Praha 1938.” Blurry shot of a poster, featuring three muscular men in various poses in front of the Czechslovak flag, text under them says “X Slet Všesokolsky”. English translation is spliced into the title: “Tenth Sokol Congress” Title: “The American Delegation Arrives.” Two stills: the first of four men and a woman walking towards a camera, with two of whom are holding an American flag, and the second, of two people, one a man with an army beret, and the other a woman in a...

  19. Am Isrvel Jai | Am Isrvel Jai

    Yiddish performance of "Am Isrvel Jai" (the first and second parts). Alternate spellings: Am Yisroel Khai; Am Yisrael Chai. Text: Anonymous; Music: Misha Straitman. Vocalist: Aaron Alexandroff. Disco Víctor P-3.322. Published: Buenos Aires, 1950.

  20. Jewish Brigade, 1940-1949

    The Jewish Brigade in action in Italy: Mortars firing; soldiers showing Star of David on tank. Brig Gen Benjamin talking to Major Jackson. 25 pound gun in action. CUs, soldiers, badges. Night fighting patrol lined up and receiving instructions from officer. Funeral ceremonies for member killed in action, Star of David tomb marker. German prisoners captured by the Jewish Brigade. VAR, CUs of Germans and smiling Brigade officers.