Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,921 to 4,940 of 58,959
  1. Burial; Wehrmacht march in the Netherlands; propaganda march

    Planes fly over the sea. Long pier. Seaside district of Scheveningen, Holland. 01:01:10 Intertitle “Die Fischerflotte kegrt heim.” Rough waves, beach, boats in the ocean, the fishing fleet. Sailboats push against the current. Sun over calm waters. Fishing fleet in the choppy sea. Woman on a balcony. 01:02:38 Intertitle: “Rückkehr vom Feindflug.” Crowded beach. Five planes. Grave covered in flowers with an inscribed cross and a plane propellor. Another grave. Rough waves rolling in the ocean. 01:03:30 Soldiers lined up at attention. They follow drill commands at an official burial ceremony. ...

  2. Prague; German troops; Heydrich; Lidice

    [Modern footage of Czechoslovakia throughout film.] Prague streets with German troops marching. Reinhard Heydrich saluting troops. Burning town; Prague castle. 00:07:14: Women transported to camps via train. Lidice leveled; smoke; rubble. 00:13:07: Women carried back to Lidice. Rebuilding Lidice.

  3. Trims of Russian scenes: children; school; peasants; roller-skating; farming

    TRIMS depicting a variety of activities in daily life throughout Russia. Blond children hanging on railing/fence, one lands a parachute in the field. 01:04:21 INT, school classroom, VAR MSs children at desks, writing in notebooks. 01:04:48 INT, restaurant on boat. 01:04:59 LS, farm with cows. Two women with baby in village. Crowd, peasants milling about. CUs, man drinking from cup. 01:05:21 CU, harness on woman. In city, spectators looking through a fence (seen from behind). Women roller-skating. Crowd. Barn with windmill. Farmer, cows, milkcans. 01:05:40 Woman hoeing in bathing suits. Woma...

  4. Baby Susan Laemmle

    ECU, Life magazine cover from October 7, 1940 features Gary Cooper in the film "The Westerner"; Cooper's face has been replaced with baby Susan Laemmle, born on October 28, 1939. CU, clock on a table, the time is 7:33. Mother Alyse opens the door, smiles, and walks over to baby Susan in her crib. Alyse picks up Susan, they smile. Alyse kisses her. MCU, baby Susan in the bathtub, playing with a washcloth and a plastic doll. Alyse lifts Susan out of the tub and wraps a towel around her. Alyse brushes Susan’s hair, feeds her from a bottle, and puts her in a potty chair. She crawls around. Brie...

  5. Tanks in combat in seaside town

    Contemporary town, bombed buildings, American jeeps, civilians wandering through ruins. Bombed out pharmacy (Pharmacie-French language sign). Local men doing cleanup. Several explosions going off in BG. Men firing mortars. Shot of three tanks crossing scrubbed brush field with troops following. Tanks are firing. More shots of men going through green brush with tanks firing. Armor firing, considerable smoke. Stevens, William Mellor and two other men swimming in ocean. Stevens swims ashore and walks toward camera. Combat shots of tanks clearing frame to reveal troops with rifles running behin...

  6. Antisemitic floats at Fasching parade

    Color footage showing a Fasching [Shrove Tuesday] parade in Nuremberg, Germany in 1938. CUs, paraders in costume, dancing, floats. While the large crowd celebrates, a float carrying three-dimensional caricatures of Jews hanging from gallows passes by (briefly at 01:05:59).

  7. Liberation in France; French collaborator

    (INV1452) Various shots of large crowds waving to camera. 00:30 Some French soldiers try to clear the crowd to make a path on the road. 00:36 A man holds up a piece of paper. 00:43 Wider shot of crowd. 00:52 American Army car drives through the crowds. 00:54 CU on two female onlookers and then the rest of the crowd. 01:06 Very wide shot, view of the crowd filling the road. 01:08 Civilians approach soldiers sitting and standing around a car and shake their hands. 01:14 MS of the two soldiers sitting in the car. One is smoking a cigarette, the other one is facing away from the camera. 01:17 A...

  8. Dramatic television episode re: bookburning

    Episode 59 (27th episode of Season 2). First aired March 30, 1963. Summary: Artistic expression and pornography are the issues in this drama. The Prestons defend an author charged with selling an "obscene and immoral" book. Premise: Father (E.G. Marshall) and son (Robert Reed) are a lawyer team that sometimes deal with more controversial issues than were considered appropriate for television viewing in the 1960s.

  9. Family scenes in Prague; Beaune-la-Rolande transit camp in France in 1941

    Amateur film shot by Paul Engelmann, a Czech chemical engineer incarcerated by the French authorities in the internment camp at Beaune-la-Rolande (Loiret). Film ID 4338 (excerpt from reel 1): Paul Engelmann in Prague before his emigration to France in March 1939. Paul and a woman smile while holding and petting a dog. The couple walks towards the camera smiling in Prague. Film ID 4339 (excerpts from reels 3 and 4): Clandestine scenes of the daily life of the non-French Jewish inmates (prior to their deportation to Auschwitz in June 1942) at the Beaune-la-Rolande transit camp, most likely on...

  10. Homosexuals in Nazi Germany

    Documentary film about the gay survivors of Nazi Germany, including interviews with three gay survivors. As many as 15,000 homosexuals were sent to concentration camps, targeted by the Nazis as subversives. The "A" -- which stood for "Arschficker" [Assfucker] -- refers to a symbol that pre-dated the pink triangle which gay prisoners were forced to wear. *** Copies available with and without English subtitles ***

  11. United Jewish Appeal trip to Israel

    This film may show part of the UJA's "Destiny Drive" fundraiser, during which officials from the United Jewish Appeal philanthropic organization spent four weeks visiting Europe and Israel. Titles on screen: "Visiting the Jewish State," "Journey in Israel of the United Jewish Appeal Overseas Delegation," "Photographed by Lasar Dunner," and "Tel Aviv - only all-Jewish city in the world." CU hand draws a circle in red pencil around Tel Aviv on a map. Cars and bicycles pass on city streets. A man in a military uniform looks at advertisements posted on a freestanding pillar. Title on screen: "F...

  12. At sea, ships & landing craft

    Tents in a clearing, France. Stevens, three other men in uniform by train, sign reads: "London (Euston)- Glasgow (Center)." At sea, Stevens, two other men on deck of destroyer, panning shot, cloudy morning, choppy sea. Roughly 50 men looking out to sea. Long panning shot of fleet, barrage balloons overhead. MS, Stevens holds Eyemo camera to eye, ships in BG. CU of Stevens. LS of sea and flashes of firing in distance. LS of ships in choppy sea. Ships' guns firing, large orange puffs of smoke. Pan to landing craft. Passing ships, possibly landing craft.

  13. Visiting Paris

    Pass to Paris. The Louvre, Venus de Milo, street scenes, Sacre Coeur, view of the city from above, more street scenes, bouquinistes, the Pantheon.

  14. Cinematography of the Holocaust presentation: March of Time outtakes

    Compilation of March of Time outtakes from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a presentation given by Leslie Swift at the Cinematography of the Holocaust conference in Budapest, Hungary in March 2007.

  15. British family on holiday in Germany; SA marching band; Walchensee; Cologne

    KODAK. Title: Holiday in Germany August 1936. Title: Coblenz. Rhine Shipping Passing Through Bridge of Boats. Ships on the Rhine River. Lots of scratches on film. Title: Coblenz. German Outing Headed by Storm-Trooper Band. SA marching band and civilians march in a parade down a street in Coblenz, Germany. Title identifies Rothenburg as a picturesque medieval town. People walk, bike, and drive in the streets of Rothenburg. Swastika banners hang from several of the buildings. 02:29 Title: Exploring Dinkelsbuhl Marvelous Old Town Full of Color. Color street scenes, with swastika banners visibl...

  16. Kriegsberichterstattung: Von den Stellungen an der Narwa. Nach der Schlacht (version 2)

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Krautschdlyn, SS Standarte Kurt Eggers, 3. Kriegsberichter-Kompagnie. "From the positions at the Narwa After the battle." Dramatic description of the battlefield during the Battle of Narva. Becker describes a young Estonian soldier, looking across the river at the Soviet positions, and how this battle for him is all about Heimatboden [homeland]. Detailed description of engagement between the Soviets and the Germans that ends with the death of the Estonian soldier.

  17. Driving tour of postwar divided Berlin; Russian women

    Blue sign indicates: "Berlin" straight ahead, "Potsdam" to the right, another sign reads: "Entering US Berlin District." Shot of newly constructed monument with tank on top. (The Soviets were quick to build monuments to remind their fellow Allies and the conquered Germans that Soviet troops were the first to enter Berlin. The first Soviet tank to advance through the city was placed on this memorial plinth, seen in this footage, still under construction.) VS of a parade area, with pictures of Truman, Stalin, Eisenhower, traffic moving along in FG. Stevens stops jeep in front of large mural o...

  18. Personal papers of Hadassah and Josef Rosensaft relating to displaced persons activities and Bergen-Belsen

    Includes information about the emigration of Jewish orphans to Israel, the administration of the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp by the British Army, the 1946 Vaad Leumi Session in Israel concerning Jewish refugees of the Holocaust, food rationing in the Hohne displaced persons camp, military activities of the Haganah in Israel circa 1946, the April 1948 protest by Bergen-Belsen displaced persons against world indifference toward their situation, and the activities of Hadassah and Josef Rosensaft in relation to the Central Jewish Committee of the British Zone and the emigration of Jewi...

  19. German newsreel excerpts: Rommel's funeral; German retreat from Finland; Romanian POWs; Siegfried Line

    "OSS-316 Export" Reel 1, Part 1, German amphibious training in Northern Europe. Part 2, Gen. Rommel inspects Atlantic Wall defenses and traels in a scout car in North Africa. Tearful civilians observe Rommel's funeral cortege passing. Gen. Runstedt places Hitler's wreath on the bier. Part 3, the German retreat from Finland: refugees and military supply trains move along the Arctic Highway. Crates of civilian and miltiary equipment are piled on a railway platform and loaded into freight cars. Part 4, antitank guns are fired and German tanks advance in Romania's Grosswardein sector; Romanian ...

  20. Rubble in France and Belgium

    Modern apartment buildings as the soldiers leave Paris. The Reims Cathedral. Rubble and destroyed buildings. Back in Belgium. Soldiers pack up trucks, smoke cigarettes, and joke around. Ruins in the countryside as they enter Germany.