Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,841 to 4,860 of 58,959
  1. Belsen: Medics moving typhus patients

    Medics loading trucks with people suffering from typhus. Red Cross truck. Women walking in a forest.

  2. Belsen: Survivors eating

    Man sits alone eating soup, another eating bread. MS, through barbed wire. Survivors, some organize others. Young man sitting in hay, idly scratches neck. General LSs of camp with debris.

  3. DPs loading luggage on truck

    DPs boarding truck with luggage. CU girl. Lifting baby onto truck. CU men and women on truck. Shots of truck leaving, children waving.

  4. Moving into the Krakow Ghetto

    Jews moving into the Krakow ghetto. Carts/wagons, some containing belongings. People with star armbands, carrying belongings. Tram passes. Busy scenes. People appear worried. Walking across a bridge, moving into ghetto. Bicycle. Various shots. (01:39:08 - 01:39:10 black screen) Some CUs. Moving furniture. Belongings on cart. Girls with chairs. Tram passes. People in the streets. More shots of furniture, the bridge, people walking, and carts. Sign reads: "Fur Juden, fur nicht Juden." Baby carriages. CU armband.

  5. Awards from Nazi officials; wounded German vets; Volksturm; U-boat inspection

    POSTHUMOUS AWARDS: CU, Iron Cross, CUs, display of medals - men at attention. Civilians receiving awards from Herman Goering, Karl von Runstedt, Admiral Erich Raeder and Herman Goering. Goering pays homage at dead soldier's bier. MS, casket placed into mausoleum. Kriegsmarine. HITLER VISITS WOUNDED VETS IN HOSPITAL: CU, Adolf Hitler arriving; with wounded vets, people cheer as he departs. MS, Hitler with officers in the field. MS, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, Gen Guderian and others standing and talking in field. Review: Sequence - youthful officer inspecting and addressing company of...

  6. Russian fashion designer

    Quick sequence of designer sketching seen earlier on this Film ID 3038. Women's heels. Singer sewing machine.

  7. Kriegsberichterstattung: Von einem Gefangenenlager in Italien senden britische Kriegsgefangene Weihnachtsgrüße an ihre Familien

    Decelith Folie D. 8 discs. "From a prison camp in Italy, British prisoners of war send Christmas and New Years greetings to their families." Several South African soldiers speak in Afrikaans to their families. The narrator names, gives the home address, and mentions specific family members of each POW. The POWs say they are “fit and well” and send love and greetings to family and friends by name. Some names are unintelligible. One provides an address of 18 Ratcliffe Road, Yorkshire, Sheffield. Ralph Thompson Matthews calling his wife Vera Matthews, 143 Oxford Road, County West (?). Gunner T...

  8. 1922 funeral of a Jew

    Concordia Film 2. “Az áldozatok temetése” (The victim’s funeral) and a decorative border with CONCORDIA FILM at the bottom. Men in coats stand in front of the glass windows of a shop, price tags attached to every item. “Mintegy 20000 ember vett részt az áldozatok temetésén” (About 20,000 people attended the victim’s funeral). The crowd dressed in dark colors. Bearded man. “A közismert amerikai Pedlow kapitány a temetésen” (The well-known American captain Pedlow at the funeral). A man in uniform (Pedlow?) thumbs through a book. More shots of the funeral crowd. “Az áldozatok hozzátartozói”. S...

  9. Street activity in the Krakow ghetto

    Jewish man with star armband walks along cobbled streets of Krakow ghetto. Pedestrians and a horse with wagon cross a bridge. MS, pan of street activity - people walking and traffic. More people cross the bridge. Good view of main street in the ghetto. Wagon filled with belongings and furniture. Women and children converse in the street. View of another street, man takes a photograph. Another view of bustling streets in the ghetto.

  10. Skiing; Americans visit Vienna; Austrian military

    Storefronts with German writing, shuttered shops (winter?). Steep snowy hill, people climb stairs to top of ski jump. At another ski hill, many figures mill about and ski. Title card: “Ringstrasse, Oper, Hotel Bristol Kaerntnerstrasse.” Visiting the city of Vienna. Vienna State Opera House, with buses driving by on the street. Street scenes. The Hotel Bristol. Title card: “Goethe Denkmal, Burg Tor, Museums, Maria Theresia Denkmal, Neue Hofburg.” Statue of Goethe. The Burg Tor, an old castle gate. Statue of Maria Theresa. Trolleys go by on the street. The Hofburg Palace. A decorated horse an...

  11. Files of the Kurzelów commune Akta gminy Kurzelów (Sygn. 3180)

    Various materials concerning the inhabitants of the commune from the 1920s and 1930s (including the Jewish population), such as statistics, certificates, purchase and sale files of the real estate, lists of craftsmen, population records, lists of births, files of the Jewish Religious Community (including contributions from members of municipalities).

  12. Oral history interview with Jack Glocer

  13. Deportation of Bulgarian Jews

    Reel 2 CUs, documents. Contemporary footage - interview, man reading from letter, inside museum exhibit showing books and a button in the shape of a Star of David. Forced laborers on a mountain. Meeting with Nazi officials. German planes. Contemporary footage of man singing a song in Bulgarian and playing the guitar, inside the museum exhibition (the song is performed other times over the duration of the film). Eichmann. Bulgarian Jews with star patches deported on trains (See Story RG-60.0466 on Film ID 246 for more detail). Eichmann on trial. CUs, documents. Jews gathered in town square. ...

  14. Oral history interview with Marge Weiss

  15. Medal ceremony; baseball; crossing the Rhine

    A French general leads a V corps medal decoration ceremony in Meschernich, Germany. Village scenes, including shots of Murray and other soldiers. Ruins of buildings and a railroad depot. Soldiers play baseball. The crossing of the Rhine into Neuwied, Germany, over the Victor Pontoon Bridge.

  16. Bastille Day parade; World's Fair; touring Paris

    HAS of the Bastille Day parade on July 14, 1937 in Paris, France. The Eiffel Tower and Trocadero fountains. Edita Hartmann poses in front of the Eiffel Tower. 1937 World’s Fair, including the German, Romanian, and USSR pavilions. Crowds at the fair followed by more tourist sites in Paris. Jiri and Jan play tennis against their father, launch a kayak. A few seconds of the Popeye cartoon that begins Film ID 4330.

  17. British Pathé Newsreel -- Atrocities at Buchenwald and Belsen

    Title: "Germany Atrocities - Germany's crimes are no longer hidden from sight. At last the eyes of the world are opened. We believe it our duty to screen these pictures as a warning to future generations..." Title: "Here is a woman who went to Buchenwald Mrs. Mavis Tate M.P." Members of Parliament visiting Buchenwald, Mrs. Tate speaking, "We saw and we know..." Liberation of Buchenwald, survivors, showing tattooed arms. Piles of bodies on wooded truck, MPs in BG. CUs corpses. CUs, British representatives. Piles of corpses. British delegation looking at papers. Ovens, burned bodies inside, d...

  18. Nuremberg Trials film evidence

    Video presented during an evening program at USHMM on November 29, 2005 highlighting films presented during and about the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg: "The Nazi Plan" (1945) and "Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today" (1947).

  19. American soldier life in Belgium

    "Welcome to our home theatre.” Scenes from soldier life in the wintertime of 1944 in Belgium. The men wash mess kits, use latrines, walk around town, and have snowball fights. Panoramic shots of buildings and factories in Dolhain. The Grand Bazaar, a department store in Verviers. Scenes from a three day pass in Eupen, including destroyed buildings and rubble. Shots of Murray Goldblatt in a military office in Dolhain. Street scenes of soldier life in Dolhain.

  20. Oral history interview with Luisa Congiu