Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,861 to 4,880 of 58,959
  1. Nuremberg Trials special exhibition plasma screen

    Monitor exhibited as part of "Nuremberg Trials: What is Justice?" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Wexner Learning Center from November 2005 to present.

  2. Kriegsberichterstattung: Wochenbericht 10.9.1944 - 17.9.1944

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Tank? "Weekly Report" describing Soviet - German fighting at the "Weichsel Bridgehead" from September 10 - 17, 1944. "Fierce fighting in the Vistula bridgehead" ...

  3. Rabbi Caplan Collection of Percy Haid recordings

    Disc 1: "Fantasy in Yellow" by Percy Haid, recorded at Temple Anshe Sholom, Olympia Fields IL, April 23, 2017. The CD was home-recorded at a memorial event during which Haid's "Fantasie in Gelb" was performed in an arrangement for string orchestra by Linda Veleckis Nussbaum. The event had been arranged by Rabbi Paul Caplan of Temple Anshe Sholom with the cooperation of Haid's children, Max and Joseph. Discs 2 (DVD video) and 3: "Yom HaShoah: A Community Observance" Yom Hashoah service recorded at Temple Anshe Shalom, Olympia Fields IL, April 23, 2017. The video documentation was edited by J...

  4. March of Time film advertising United Jewish Appeal campaign

    Titles onscreen: Shadows of Hate; produced by March of Time; for United Jewish Appeal for refugees, overseas needs, and Palestine on behalf of Joint Distribution Committee, United Palestine Appeal, and United Service for New Americans. Date onscreen: 1947. Streets crowded with pedestrians going about their business. The narrator states that "The comfortable ways of peace are once more being established," followed by footage of recreational activities. People buy goods at a department store, dress shop, cruise down a highway in cars, enjoy an amusement park and play on the beach. VO "The war...

  5. Company sports day; German advance to Ukraine

    The amateur films shot by German infantryman Corporal Eugen Biedenbach of 419 Infantry Regiment record his training and active service in the German campaigns against Yugoslavia and on the southern sector of the Eastern Front. The films also containg pre- and post-war scenes of Biedenbach family life in Stuttgart (where the family of Eugen's wife owned a clothes store) as well as recreational activities. Reel 14: Company sports day continues in Pettau, Slovenia. Regimental football (rugby) championships. Soldiers lightly dressed. 01:55 Practice crossing of the River Drau by rowing boats. 02...

  6. Soldiers on leave in Paris

    Three day pass to Paris. Les Invalides, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, a bridge over the Seine, bouquinistes, more shots of the Seine, Notre Dame again, the Louvre, the Tuileries, the obelisk at Place de la Concorde, Grand Palais, Haussmann-style buildings, Champs Elysées, Arc de Triomphe and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Opera Garnier, Place Vendôme, Rue de Rivoli, Trocadero, the Eiffel Tower, a woman with baguettes, Hotel Bayard (American Red Cross HQ), street scenes of civilians and soldiers.

  7. Articles relating to the war crimes trial of Bergen-Belsen guards

    Consists of photocopies of newspaper articles relating to the September 1945 war crimes trial of several Bergen-Belsen guards. Included is information about the testimony of Dr. Ada Bimko (a.k.a.Hadassah Rosensaft), selections for the gas chambers at Auschwitz, results of medical experiments on female prisoners, and atrocities committed by the SS guards at Bergen-Belsen.

  8. Lecture at DP camp in Germany

    Men and women listening to lecture at DP camp; slow pan left to right of audience. Sign: "Emigrant Assembly Center Reception Billeting." Man pacing/standing in front of sign, talking to another man.

  9. African-American troops in World War II

    "American Negro Troops, no locations or captions, Aug 1944"

  10. Hunting scenes in Brandenburg province; Group of Sinti

    AGFA 1939. Hunting scenes in Brandenburg province [Location based on car registration shown in minute 11 - IE 38214]. Tracking shot from car on dirt road, countryside. Bouncy views. Animals running in field - LS. Deer, fox. Dog retrieves birds. Two dogs retrieving geese. Dog carries fox in mouth. 01:02:45 (b/w) Sinti group. Wagon, woman, clutter, small dog, pail steaming on fire. Boys, 8 or 9 kids, pose for camera. Toss a dead fox. Woman walks up. 01:03:57 (color) More hunting and retrieving. Dog, man with rifle, two adult women. Very pretty shots, still fields. 01:05:20 Rabbit running. Gee...

  11. Dirge -- Lionel Semiatin

    Dirge from sonata for violin and piano Passacaglia from string quartet #2

  12. Crowds at "Jewish" market

    Large group of Russians/Ukrainians gathered in front of church, tram filled with people, crowds. Closer shots of the crowd, walking over tram tracks with bundles. MS, men looking at gramophone for sale, flowers, jacket, boots at the "Jewish" market.

  13. Archive of the Delegation of Argentine Jewish Associations (DAIA)

    The collection includes foundational materials, records, photographs of institutional activity, committees, campaigns, complaints, archives of the United Restitution Office, assemblies and public activities, files, work folders, and surveys on anti-Semitism in the form of reports and newspaper clippings. It covers action against Nazism from 1935, as well as different expressions of anti-Semitism in Argentina in the 1960s and 1970s, the military dictatorship, the attack on the Israeli embassy, the AMIA attack, and new expressions of anti-Semitism. Over time, DAIA became the political represe...

  14. Jewish family visits Switzerland and Italy prewar

    In Switzerland, John and Jetje Bed walk toward the camera from the entrance to the Hotel Gotthard. Passing landscape and a sign reading “Bally” shot from a moving car or train. Views of Lucerne from a ferry. The ferry sails past the Vitznau, Switzerland mountain railway (Rigi Bahn) station. Dog sits on a dock and very steep rocky cliffs. The family exits a train in an (Italian?) town, CUs of each family member as they ride in a horse-drawn carriage. 04:14 John carries a box camera around his neck. John and Jetje play with pigeons in a town square. The family enjoys refreshments at an outdoo...

  15. Television advertisement for the Jewish Chautauqua Society about Terezin

    Television promotion for the Jewish Chautauqua Society. Murals of children's art created at Terezin concentration camp. Narration of the Butterfly poem, images of butterflies. Cut to stills of Terezin camp, including Block A and barracks. "Stand not idly by plight and poverty and oppression, but love thy neighbor as thyself."

  16. 1936 Hungarian Olympic team returns to Budapest for a grand welcom parade

    Magyar Híradó 652. Intertitle: “ITTHON. A fóväros közönsége határtalan lelkesedés-sel fogadta a dicsósé-gesen szerepelt magyar olimpiai verseny-zóket. M.F.I.” People walk in a parade. Some women hold a flag bearing the symbol of the Olympics. Others hold bouquets of flowers. Men walk in a line holding on to one another. Police in pointed helmets stand at the front of the crowd. Young boys in the crowd wave. The attention is focused on a small circle of men speaking in the middle. People celebrate the olympians. Some are lifted onto the shoulders of their family and friends. One holds a flag...

  17. Laemmle family visits St Moritz; Carnival; skiing

    MS Laemmle family on vacation in St. Moritz, Switzerland. Shots include Kurt's parents, Siegfried and Alice Laemmle; Kurt and Alyse; and Kurt's brother, Max, and his wife, Bobby, and young son, Robert. They gather on a snowy mountain wearing skis. VS of the group, some don costumes, including one with a comically large moustache, a couple in wedding dress, and two people as a horse (probably during Carnival in the first week of March). VAR CUs of the family on holiday in St. Moritz. Shifts to black and white, skiing, Olympic Ice Rink.

  18. Airplanes

    Aerial shots, shooting from interior of DC3. Men unloading camera boxes and supplies from DC3: slates, film cans, etc. P38 flies overhead. Hot landing of black twin-engine fighter bomber, taxis to stop. Name of the plane is "Little Audrey."

  19. Masha: Why Me?

  20. 6th Nazi Party Congress at Nuremberg

    Reel 11: VS, German army parading in goose-step through streets of Nuremberg. Civilians saluting passing troops. MS, Hitler, standing in car, reviews goose-stepping troops. Himmler stands directly in front of car and reviews passing SS troops. MS, General Von Bloomburg saluting as troops surrounding him give Nazi salute. CU, illuminated German eagle. Dramatic scenes, follow shots, Hitler, followed by Hess and staff, walks the full length of auditorium crowded with troops and civilians. Long procession of soldiers, each carrying a banner representing a different province, marches down the ai...