Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,941 to 4,960 of 58,959
  1. Germans make their way into Poland; horse-drawn vehicles; General congratulates troops

    Part 3 (Reel 2): Animated map shows battle positions of German Army as it goes deeper into heart of Poland. Hitler stands at side of road as German soldiers march past in their advance into Poland. Hitler examines map of advance. Troops on horse-drawn wagons advance into city. Smoke from burning buildings lies heavy along street as infantrymen make their way forward. Pan, destroyed area as fires rage within dwellings. VS, German troops move forward on horse-drawn vehicles. Soldiers and horses rest along roadway and field. Men clean their equipment and perform personal chores before moving f...

  2. Nazi losses in the Russian campaign

    Reel 10 maps the Russian encirclement of Nazis at Stalingrad. Marshal Nikolai Voronoff confers with his aides. The encircling Red armies meet in Dec. 1942. Flamethrowers, rockets, and artillery are used to force the surrender of remnants of 22 Nazi divisions. The final scene maps Russian gains and cites statistics on Nazi losses thus far in the campaign.

  3. Orientation to the USHMM

    The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Orientation Film presents an overview of the Museum's exhibitions and memorials and is shown throughout the day in one of the theaters. (with and without subtitles)

  4. War Crimes Trial: execution of American soldiers

    LT GEN ANTON DOSTLER, GERMAN WAR CRIMINAL TRIAL, Palace of Justice, Rome, Italy. Lt Bolze testifying. Photograph of where the landing took place. He explains how they selected the spot where the men were to be shot. German Cpl. Wilhelm Knell is questioned by the prosecutor and testifies about seeing the execution of American soldiers.

  5. Visiting Polish family, Vienna, Paris, and Holland

    Title card: “With the Faust Family Pabjanice April 1933.” In Pabianice, Poland, three children play with a shovel and bucket in the sand. Three women in fur coats sit closely together on a bench. The Faust family walks down a residential street and poses for the camera. The elder is Herman Faust, a textile manufacturer whose home and business were located in either Pabjanice or Czestochowa (many family members perished during the Holocaust). Lovely portraits of the family. The children make faces and are scolded. The group continues to pose in various spots and groupings for the camera, som...

  6. 7 video progams about the Holocaust: medical experiments, Nazi propaganda, soldier at liberation, losing citizenship, Babi Yar, executions and suicides, and St. Louis ship

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). 1. Third floor (3.37a) - Medical Experiments 2. Fourth floor (4.13) - Nazi Propaganda (Der Stuermer) 3. Elevator (1.03) - A Soldier Speaks 4. Fourth floor (4.17) - From Citizens to Outcasts 5. Third floor (3.16) - Babi Yar 6. Third floor (3.37b) - Executions and Suicides 7. Fourth floor (4.28) - Voyage of the St. Louis

  7. Czech Jewish family on holiday

    The Hartmann boys and their parents, Karel and Edita, and two other adults ski down a gentle slope. The boys appear younger than in earlier family films (Film IDs 4330 and 4331). Swimming, jumping into a lake.

  8. Rhine river scenes: Koblenz; Kaub; castles

    Very high arched bridge. Large edifice/church. City scenes. Hotel Porta Nigra. 01:02:16 Ruin with rounded arches, about 4 stories high. KOBLENZ: WS of city. Pan of river and cityscape. Hills on other side. Orange tile roofs. HAS of ruined ampitheater(?). Double-spired church, pans, some fast. 01:03:27 Slopes and vineyards along the Rhein. Good high angle pan of long lines of vines; vineyards; houses, shops. 01:03:47 Oxen and cart on road. Famous historic sight on the Rhine: Pfalzgrafenstein. 01:05:26 Pillar with place name: KAUB (Kaub is below Koblenz & Boppard). Family with car on ferr...

  9. Prewar Riga; Boat

    “Kodak Safety Film” logo. A group of men and women standing outside a building with a sign says “Rigas Pilsetas Juanatines Un Aroda Piemerotibas Petisanas Institus” [Riga City Youth and Occupational Fitness Research Institute]. The women are wearing dresses and the men are in suits. On a boat named “Konug Oscar”. Woman and a teenage boy and other family members are on the boat smiling and pulling the bell. The camera pans to several large buildings. Bridge. Cars and horse-drawn carriages near the boat. Family waves from the boat. Filming from the boat, a woman stands with the Captain, coupl...

  10. Yankele | Ghetto Vilna

    Yiddish recordings. Tslil 1222 448/455. Recorded late 1940s. Performers: Sonia Vronkov (voice); members of the Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra: Alfred Lunger (conductor) Side A - Yankele. Words and music: Mordecai Gebirtig Side B - Ghetto Vilna. Also known as "Zog nit keynmol az du geyst dem letstn veg" Music: Dmitri and Daniel Pokrass; text: Hirsh Glik.

  11. Julien Bryan Collection compilation

    Compilation of newly preserved footage from the Julien Bryan Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a Museum development event in Florida in 2005. Segments include RG-60.3941, RG-60.4008, and RG-60.4116.

  12. Famous American visitors to Budapest

    Magyar Híradó 51. Adolph Zukor, the founder of Paramount Pictures, his wife, and Ben Blumenthal stand on a city street talking with each other. Zukor smokes a cigar. Mrs. Zukor wears a fur trimmed coat. CU of Zukor. He tips his hat. The three walk down a tree-lined street towards the camera.

  13. Liberation of Auschwitz

    "Filmdokumente" on the German concentration camps, made under Soviet auspices with narration in Russian. This film was taken by a Soviet military film crew upon liberating Auschwitz in January 1945. People in camp in winter with snow on the ground. CUs, prisoners behind wire (women and children). LSs, AVs, the camp covered with snow. Map of Auschwitz, plans for the crematorium. INT, women in rows of bunks. "Arbeit Macht Frei" gate. Barbed wire. INT, gas chamber. CUs women in the bunks. CUs albums of photographs (showing different nationalities). VS groups of survivors behind wires, worn fac...

  14. Reich Party day in Nuremberg; Hitler Parade in Berlin

    Amateur footage shot by the Nazi party official, Regierungsbezirkdirektor of Arnsberg (director of the administrative district Arnsberg). Two Nazi events are intermixed throughout. KODAK. 00:13 Reich Party Day (1937 or 1938) in Nuremberg. POV of a spectator of huge crowd, marching men with swastika flags, Hitler (?) walking to the podium in the very far distance, pans of crowds giving Nazi salute, including men in the immediate FG. 01:02 From within the crowd at a Hitler parade in Berlin, Hitler barely visible stands in an open car to review marching columns of uniformed Nazis. According to...

  15. Sightseeing in Switzerland and Italy

    June 27-29, 1927. Lucerne, Switzerland, views of the lake of Lucerne. 01:30:49 The Palace Hotel with mountains in BG. Covered bridge and the marketplace at Lucerne. Street scenes, bicycles, pedestrians crossing a bridge, Swiss flag on a building. Very brief CU of Carl. Lakeside views as the family travels to the Rigi tourist mountain with a cog railway. Brief MS of train at station. 01:32:19 June 29 to July 1, 1927. MS, Lake Como. Family members on a boat in Italy on Lake Como. Lakeside buildings, flag waving in wind on boat. 01:33:05 July 1-6, 1927. Hotel Excelsior at Lido Beach near Venic...

  16. Agro-Joint in Russia

    Includes title of the film and intertitles. From opening credits of the film (Foreword): "American Jews at the outbreak of the World War in 1914, organized the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) to aid the Jewish masses overseas suffering from war, pogroms, famine and pestilence. The following episodes depict the activities in Russia only." Brief shots of Felix Warburg and Julius Rosenwald, to whose memory the film is dedicated. Stills of other JDC officials and footage of the members of the JDC relief unit sailing for Russia. Dr. Rosen, organizer of Agro-Joint. Scenes of th...

  17. Hungarian conscripts forced to perform labor in Budapest, 1944

    Hungarista Híradó 2. A long row of forced laborers in a field use pick-axes to dig away at the earth. Men in a deep trench dig, throwing the dirt up above, where other men shovel it away. Brief shot of two men in uniform surveying the activity. One looks through binoculars. The laboring men continue to hack away at the earth, with shovels and pick-axes. They sit by tables and pots, prepping food. CU of a bowl of onions and peppers. Men cut away at onions over a bowl and stir soup in large pots in the ground. A man serves others waiting in line for the soup. The Jewish forced laborers lounge...

  18. Oral history interview with Greta Fischer

  19. Clips from WETA filming of the USHMM in 1993

    Compilation of footage from WETA's filming of the USHMM for their one-hour documentary "For the Living." The clips were prepared for the AV production of the Memorial Tribute to Harvey "Bud" Meyerhoff (HMM250).

  20. The Battle of the Warsaw Ghetto

    "The Battle of the Warsaw Ghetto" Episode 756 of radio program "The Eternal Light." Originally broadcast on December 12, 1943 and rebroadcast on April 26, 1959. Script by Morton Wishengrad. Production details: C08680. Link to the script: