Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,661 to 4,680 of 58,959
  1. Buchenwald; Dachau

    "Buchenwald Concentration Camp" General views of the camp at Buchenwald. Red EXT of camp. HSs of the area. "Jedem Das Sein" gate closes. Red Cross trucks from Switzerland enter the camp grounds. Male survivors leave the camp. Among the survivors are 1000 boys under 14. Evidence of crimes: CUs of dead with numbers tattooed on stomachs; emaciated survivors; stacks of bodies outside and inside the crematorium; the experimental building where various toxins were tried; truckloads of the dead; CU weapon of torture; INT, crematorium ovens showing skeletons inside and piles of bone ash. 1200 Germa...

  2. Habibi | Im hupalnu

    Side A: Habibi (Hebrew Tango). Music: E. Egan, text: S. Fisher; published 1945. Side B: Im hupalnu - a Hebrew song that references the refugee ships Struma and Patria. Music, Menashe Baharav, text: Ya'akov Orland; published 1946. [disc label on this side is misprinted with the song title, Madagascar] Piano (both sides): Jascha Galperin. RCA Victor recording.

  3. Touring Berlin, postwar

    Five men in uniform, including Stevens entering large German building with columns, this is apparently postwar as they are not in combat uniform. One-legged civilian on cane walking down street, pan across devastated part of Berlin. Shot of famous columned gate: the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, sign reads: "British Sector", civilians and others are walking about. (Berlin was divided into Soviet, American, British and French sectors. The Brandenburg Gate was the demarcation line between the Soviet and British sectors of the city. In the BG there are the remains of the Unter den Linden, one of...

  4. Oral history interview with William Bogus

  5. Oral history interview with Charles Farber

  6. Arrival of Nazi sub in New Hampshire

    Arrival of Nazi Sub U-234 at Portsmouth, NH. MS German sub crew members gather gear & debark from boat alongside pier-SV. LS-MS-Pan German prisoners walk along pier with personal gear-SV (camera lost loop & image jumps). LS-DA Prisoners in small boat underway. LS-Pan Submarine officers & men cross gangway & walk across pier-SV; armed Marine guard stands by. LS Surfaced submarine underway, coastline BG following escort vessels. LS YTs transfer boarding party to sub-SV. MS YT comes alongside pier as men handle lines. LS Gen. Ulrich Kessler & other German officers cross gan...

  7. 20th Anniversary of the Presidential Commission on the Holocaust

    Compilation of footage and interviews documenting the Presidential Commission on the Holocaust, which was responsible for the creation of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and celebrating its 20th anniversary in the year 2000. Production was screened during a Museum public program. Elie Wiesel leads the Presidential Commission as they travel to Auschwitz, Treblinka, Warsaw, and other locations in Poland. Among those participating: Miles Lerman, Chris Lerman, Sigmund Strochlitz, Benjamin Meed, Yaffa Eliach, Michael Berenbaum, Kitty Dukakis, Raul Hilberg. Their report is presented ...

  8. German Army South advances in Ukraine

    Pan of the Ukrainian landscape with a Christian cemetery and camp below it. Two German soldiers tour the area. Railroad tracks. 00:09:55 Quick shot of a band playing in an open market. 00:09:57 Destroyed Allied fighter plane. German trucks move out of camp through muddy roads. 00:10:23 CUs of German officers talking. One smiles at camera from a truck. Destroyed and muddy motorcycle towed by a van. 00:10:46 Soldiers eat. Tanks. 00:11:00 A woman carrying a baby examines destroyed fighter plane. Ukrainian fields and a low-flying plane. German soldiers kill a cow. End of reel. Landscape. Train ...

  9. The poetry of Yehuda Amichai

    Adapted from Yehuda Amichai's "Poems" published in English by Harper and Row Publishers, Inc. This film is a mood film set to the poetry of Yehuda Amichai that shows scenes of contemporary life in Israel. Views of ruined cemetery in Jerusalem. Man walking among graves, walking along seashore. Waves washing over still pictures of the Holocaust. Ruins of Caesarea. Children playing, wife bidding farewell to her soldier husband. Stills of wounded soldier, soldiers resting on ground during exercise, then on the move. Mother bathing baby. Still of children and young couples. People bathing in riv...

  10. Casting of the helm from the Haganah ship "Medinat Ha’Yehudim"

    Painted, epoxy resin casting of the wheel from the Aliyah Bet (clandestine immigration) ship "Medinat Ha’Yehudim" (“The Jewish State”), commissioned by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for installation in the museum’s permanent exhibition. The ship was commissioned by the United States Coast Guard in 1927, as the ice cutter “USCGC Northland (WPG-49)”. Following the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, the Northland was refitted for patrol along the coast of Greenland. In September 1941, the Northland achieved the first American naval capture of the war by seizing the Germa...

  11. Salon; new fashions; Russian designer

    Salon, group of women sitting, letting hair set under hairnets. Male hairdresser brushes out one's locks. Another male hairdresser points to chart on wall, Stalin posters hang beside it. Women modeling new fashions. Group of women sit at bottom of stairs looking at new fashions on models. Longer shot as they pose for the camera. A designer sketches into notepad. Shots of group watching models. New outfits featured on rotating doors.

  12. Zlatke fun Rogatke | Der rebe mit di talmidim

    Yiddish performance of "Zlatke fun Rogatke" (A Side) and "Der rebe mit di talmidim" (B Side). Performers: Elvira Boczcovska and Shimon Nussbaum, vocals. Recorded in Paris, circa 1947; reissued in Argentina early 1950s.

  13. Persecution of Jewish children

    This is a short FICTION film. Soundtrack is music and 'wild sound'- no narration, no dialogue. The film begins with one of Hitler’s anti-Jewish speeches and is followed by a German military march. An ambulance with a Red Cross sign enters a gate leading to what looks like a school-yard surrounded by barbed wire. As a group of children play in the yard, an SS man fills the gas tank and connects an exhaust pipe to the “ambulance.” In the next scene the children climb into the truck along with their guardian, while a point-of-view shot from inside the ambulance focuses on a group of birds outs...

  14. Czechoslovakia and Poland in 1938

    B/W aerial shots from a cable car (it’s shadow can be clearly seen), interspersed with shots of the actual cable car system from the ground, CU of a woman pointing at the trees from the cable car. 01:00:58:2 Title: “Hradec Králové.” Pan, a public park. A shot of a group of people admiring topiary. 01:01:22:11 Title: “Moravska Ostrava.” Pan up, a trolley car drives by, as people walk around the city, shots of people going to and fro. 01:01:47:11 Title: “Poland.” Film is now in color, with a shot of farmers working in the field, followed by a brief shot of a parade in a city. 01:02:10:21 Titl...

  15. Nazi sympathizers in the United States, 1934

    Paramount News 1934 "Air U.S. Nazi Movement! Militant anti-Jewish groups gain throughout country! Expose of wide propaganda campaign made by F. Moley, editor of 'Today'." Moley presents his support of American Nazism and anti-Jewish propaganda. MS, Silver Shirt book store in Los Angeles, "Truth brings Liberation" "Aryan Book Store." Silver Shirts handing out anti-semitic literature on street corner. CU, "Silver Ranger" newspaper with headline: "Free Speech Stopped by Jew Riot" and date January 1934. Speech about enemies by head of the Cincinnati chapter of the Friends of the New Germany. An...

  16. German soldiers advance; Russians surrender; Burial ceremony

    The amateur films shot by German infantryman Corporal Eugen Biedenbach of 419 Infantry Regiment record his training and active service in the German campaigns against Yugoslavia and on the southern sector of the Eastern Front. The films also containg pre- and post-war scenes of Biedenbach family life in Stuttgart (where the family of Eugen's wife owned a clothes store) as well as recreational activities. Reel 15: Soldiers prepare and eat food in the heat and fraternise with their Italian comrades in arms, whom they are relieving. Tschigirin (Ukraine) in September 1941. Soldiers prepare thei...

  17. Family; Open-air exhibition; Amusement park

    The amateur films shot by German infantryman Corporal Eugen Biedenbach of 419 Infantry Regiment record his training and active service in the German campaigns against Yugoslavia and on the southern sector of the Eastern Front. The films also containg pre- and post-war scenes of Biedenbach family life in Stuttgart (where the family of Eugen's wife owned a clothes store) as well as recreational activities. Reel 2: "First cine film (1935)" Family scenes include Erna Biedenbach walking in town (possibly Stuttgart) and entering shop (Biedenbach family shop?). Grandparents with todder Hans-Jorg B...

  18. Trial in the case of the atrocities committed by Germans and a Ukrainian accomplice in and around Kharkov in 1943

    7 reels, titles and voice-over in Spanish. Coverage of the actual trial of Captain Wilhelm Langheld; Reinhard Retzlaff, an official of the German field police; Lieutenant Hans Ritz, an SS company commander, and Bulanov, a Russian traitor. Spectators include people whose families had been murdered. Every statement in the trial was translated into German, and each defendant was represented by counsel. Many witnesses were called, and the defendants themselves testified. Captain Langheld stated that he had personally beaten women to death but pointed out that he was not the only one. "The entir...

  19. GIs at Camp Boston

    Back at Camp Boston. Murray poses in a field. Soldiers show off their injuries after a football game. One day pass to Reims. Details of the Reims Cathedral. A GI cafe. Fuzzy shots of train cars. Scenes of the countryside from a passing train. Soldiers smoke cigarettes and explore an abandoned German railway gun. Trucks enter the USA Calais Staging Area. Panoramic shots of the camp, including tents. Soldiers pose in a group shot with a dog. Soldiers pack their things and board box cars.

  20. Generals and medal ceremony; GIs resting at campsite

    Shot of bombed out cathedral. Twilight shot panning down from bombed out cathedral across bombed out village. Men from camera unit in FG. Shot in bivouac area. General Bernard Montgomery walks into CU. Two-star general reading something from paper. Men walk up, salute Montgomery and medal is pinned on, shakes hands. Another name is called out, another man walks up. Underlit shot of three star general and other officers, two of whom are wearing khaki peaked caps with red band. Two three-star generals talking to Montgomery, one in center appears to be Omar Bradley in helmet. Gen. George Patto...