Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,681 to 4,700 of 58,959
  1. Liberation of French town; civilians; church

    Stevens digging foxhole with another man. Men eating dinner on camp tables with tin cups. VS of unidentified men in the camp. Gag shot: Sign reads: "Bridge ahead under fire." Stevens seated in jeep turns toward camera and motions forward. Jeep and trucks drive off. Shot of vehicle coming toward camera in late afternoon light with bombed buildings on either side of country road and troops on foot. French civilians walking. Jeep follows. Reverse angle with Red Cross truck and severely bombed village. Shot on dusty road. Shot of jeep at waterfront area, most likely Cherbourg, France. Pan of ch...

  2. Peasants

    Peasants [in the Caucusus?] on ferry, horses eating hay. Women with white kerchiefs sitting on wooden carts on the ferry. VAR shots of peasants.

  3. Interviews regarding Sobibor Uprising

    Compilation of oral histories with survivors involved with the Sobibor uprising.

  4. Liberation of Czechoslovakia; refugees

    Red Cross workers on roadside with civilians. Shot of city from high angle. Sign, in English and Russian reads: "Welcome the American Heroic Army." Another part of the sign reads: "Welcome the Soviet Army." Pan to jeep Toluca. Sign in Czech reads: "Vplzni...Skodovy Zavody." LS from balcony to train station. Sign reads: "You are entering Pilsen by courtesy of CCB 16th Armd. Div." Another sign reads: "What you see on the street don't blame on the pigeons." VS of truckload of women and children holding red flags with hammer and sickle on them. They drive off and what appears to be a Russian of...

  5. Tourists visit church and palace in Russia

    Quick LS, plaza/building. HAS fountain from building. Orthodox church steeple. Russian flag with hammer and sickle emblem. INT, woman looking at Christian exhibition. Group of tourists (Bryan's American students?) posing for photo in front of fountain seen earlier.

  6. Germans advance into Ukraine

    Two soldiers pose for the camera with their heads stuck out of holes in a military-issued tent. A third man pours water on them. In FG, automobile. Panning the campsite. CU of the Edelweiss insignia, indicating that these are troops of the 1st Mountain Division of the Army South. 00:00:47 Mass at the campsite with crowd of seated German soldiers. They pray and accept Eucharist. 00:01:12 Pan of the landscape and surrounding woods. Watch tower. Deep tire tracks in the mud. 00:01:34 Two soldiers survey with binoculars. Soldiers in tall grass with rifles. 00:02:00 Armored tank. CU bullet holes ...

  7. Oral history interview with Jack Rosenthal

  8. In Mein Sheyner Warshe | Lebedik Amcho

    Yiddish performance of "In Mein Sheyner Warshe" and "Lebedik Amcho." Radio Leon. Recorded in Buenos Aires in 1949. Side A: In Mein Sheyner Warshe (In mayn sheyner varshe). Arranged by Oppenheim and Heller. Performers: Menashe Oppenheim, voice; Jascha Galperin, piano. (Opening line: "A song dedicated to the city where I lost everything and everyone, a song dedicated to the city where I was born.") Side B: Lebedik Amcho (Lebedik amkho). Folk melody, arranged by Oppenheim. Performers: Menashe Oppenheim, voice; Simon Tenowsky, piano.

  9. Roma in Hungary 1944

    Hungarian intertitles. “A csentei gederr (cigány település) messze a falvak népétõl…” Two young girls and a boy wander through a field of tall grasses on the edge of a forest. The two girls sit down in the grass on a slope. The tall grain sways in the wind. Intertitle: “Feltünnek a földbevájt kunyhók.” A vast field with a few trees on the horizon. Children run. The kids smile and sing. Women and children use a pot to cook on the ground. They are in tattered clothing. Intertitle: “az ebéd…” Someone uses a spoon to move around the food in the pot over the flame. Huts. Intertitle: “a bagó mind...

  10. Belsen: Nazis unload corpses

    Nazi women unload bodies from truck into pit. Nazi woman, scowling, unloading/dropping bodies off truck and into a pit. In BG, pit getting full. Women walking along pit, heaving bodies in (little scratches), dragging woman with shirt.

  11. German advance toward Caucasus

    The amateur films shot by German infantryman Corporal Eugen Biedenbach of 419 Infantry Regiment record his training and active service in the German campaigns against Yugoslavia and on the southern sector of the Eastern Front. The films also containg pre- and post-war scenes of Biedenbach family life in Stuttgart (where the family of Eugen's wife owned a clothes store) as well as recreational activities. Reel 16: Winter. German soldiers in village. Garmasch. Elderly Ukrainian peasant. Move to Latonovo, with patches of snow still lying. Destruction. Werchne Schiroky. In large town of Stalino...

  12. Private Snafu cartoon

    The Private SNAFU series of adult cartoon shorts (1943-1945) was made to instruct American service personnel about security, proper sanitation habits and other military subjects, and to improve troop morale. Private SNAFU (Situation Normal All Fouled Up), produced by the US Army Signal Corps, was originally created by Theodore Geisel (better known as Dr. Seuss) and Phil Eastman. In Episode 6, "Fighting Tools," Private SNAFU learns the lessons of weapons maintenance.

  13. Ladino recordings by Ana and Lazare Angel

    Ladino songs recorded in Paris at Musée de la Parole shortly after the war by survivors Ana (Sucic) Angel (b 1915, Busovača) and her husband Lazare Angel (b 1922, Kavala) by the Romanian folklorist Léon Algazi. Consists of 10 Tracks, including: Track 1) Ya basta kruela d’esta negra fama (That’s Enough, Cruel One) [cuts off] Track 2) Lavaba la blanka niña (The Pure Maiden Washes); also known as La vuelta del marido (The Husband Returns) Track 3) El incendio de Saloniki (The Fire of Saloniki) Track 4) Partos trokados (The Mixed-up Newborns) Track 5) La rosa inflorece (The Rose Blooms) Track 6...

  14. Russo-Finnish War; Germans advance to Russia

    Russian air raids on Finland during Russo-Finnish War 1939-1940 and subsequent advance into Finland from Norway. German troops advance to Kaunas, Lithuania from Prussia with tanks and artillery. Russian prisoners are questioned. German troops cross river in steamboat and receive flowers from civilians. German troops move to Dunaburg, Latvia; Russian prisoners, including a woman soldier, are taken in street fighting. Cavalry and artillery advance and blast Russian strong point: prisoners are taken. Dead Russian crewmen lay beside wrecked tanks and vehicles near Bialystok, Poland. German moto...

  15. Private Dr. Jacob Czarno private 6th grade co-educational primary school in Polish and Hebrew in Vilnius Prywatna 6-klasowa Koedukacyjna Szkoła Powszechna z polskim i hebrajskim językiem nauczania im. Dr. J. Czarny w Wilnie (Fond 1100)

    The collection contains administrative documentation that includes minutes of the meetings of the pedagogical council, examination records, personal files of students, various lists of schools’ students and teachers, copies of graduation certificates, progress reports, class diaries with information about student’s attendance and grades, statistical information about students and other documents. Students' personal files arranged according to the surnames of individuals, in alphabetical order.

  16. Yankele | Kartofellsupe

    RCA Victor / Radio Leon P-1117A/B. Words and music to both songs by Mordecai Gebirtig. Recorded early 1950s. Side A: Yankele. Performers: Jenny Lovitz (voice), Jascha Galperin (piano) Side B: Kartofellsupe. Performers: Jenny Lovitz (voice), Jascha Galperin (piano)

  17. Berchtesgaden; GIs relaxing at campsite

    EXT, shot from INT, Stevens and another man silhouetted with Alps in BG. Long panning shot of valley. VS on balcony of a building in Berchtesgaden appear to be Stevens and Moffat, then pan to valley below. Stevens walking up hill from Berchtesgaden. Stevens and Moffat looking over river, appears to be different climate and a different place than the previous shots of the valley. Horse carriage on side of road. German soldiers walking along road. Campsite near river. men bathing by campsite near blue lake, motorboat in lake. American soldiers hamming it up for the camera- one bather turns an...

  18. Vishniac children

    Two Vishniac children, Wolf (b. 1922) and baby Mara (b. 1926). Mara playing with rattle (the woman with the children is their nanny). Mara laying down. Mara in crib. Mara in crib with rattle.

  19. Oral history interview with Edith Hartog Mayer

  20. Prewar Jewish family in Ošelín, Czechoslovakia

    Walter with his sister Irma Rauscher Eisner and their mother Clementine Schnurmacher walk towards the camera in Ošelín around 1937-1938. Walter opens a car door with Czechoslovak license plate. Irma’s husband, Leo Eisner, embraces her. Headstone for Oskar Rauscher in the Jewish cemetery in Stříbro [Mies]: “Oskar Rauscher Aus Oschelin” with the dates March 17, 1887 to June 4, 1936. Walter eats kumquat from tree. Irma with nurse holding baby girl, Hana Miriam Eisner (later Hanna Eaton, born March 23, 1937). Several family members across generations hold baby Hanna and smile at the camera in t...