Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,621 to 4,640 of 58,959
  1. Kriegsberichterstattung: Gespräch mit verdienten ungarischen Soldaten

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Berthold? "Conversation with deserving Hungarian soldiers" The label indicates, "Private blasts soviets. Replenishment storage."

  2. Holland; Poland; Churchill in Russia

    Newsreel release date: 03-Dec-44. "Holland" "Poland" "Churchill in Russia"

  3. Oral history interview with Meyer Vesterman

  4. Illich family activities in 1940

    Family activities in the year 1940. Introduced with Maexie Films logo (drawing of Maexie holding a film camera) and some German titles. Fritz Regenstreif walks down a walkway amidst the snow; the entire villa is under snowy cover. Ivan shoveling and the twins, Micha and Sascha, digging in the snow. Ellen Regenstreif (Maexie) struggles to make it through the snow. The boys cross country ski through the forest. Inside the villa, the twins play music and take violin and piano lessons (Blüthner piano) with "Olgica". The boys and their teacher sing songs. On April 21, 1940 (Maexie's birthday), t...

  5. Oral history interview with Arieh Muhlbaum

  6. Compilation for Cinematography of the Holocaust

    Compilation of newly preserved footage from the Claude Lanzmann Shoah Collection and other collections at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a presentation given by Raye Farr at the Cinematography of the Holocaust conference in Budapest, Hungary in March 2007. Clips include: Benjamin Murmelstein (12:37); Hermann Landau (5:53); Hansi Brand (24:06); Auschwitz (3:23); and Tom Veres (12:45).

  7. Jewish refugees in Manila; Plaza Santa Cruz businesses

    The Rauscher and Eisner families in Manila. Pan, Manila harbor. Large ship arrives with passengers by the railing, waving. (01:11) Hanna Eisner sits in a small chair in a garden of their home in Manila, waving at the camera. She runs over to a water pump, washes her hands and drinks. Hanna plays with relatives who fled from Nazism, including mother Irma, uncle Walter, and grandmother Clementine. They dance, play with a guitar, and pose for the camera. (3:47) Leo Schnurmacher, the Honorary Consul of Czechoslovakia in Manila, Philippines, plays with his grand-niece Hanna. They hold hands. (04...

  8. Oral history interview with Harold Thomas

  9. 7 video programs about the Holocaust: liberation and encountering the camps

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). This master tape is dated March 19, 1993. Second floor (2.07a) - Liberation: British Army - Bergen-Belsen Second floor (2.07b) - Liberation: British Army - Bergen-Belsen Second floor (2.07a) - Liberation: Soviet Army - Majdanek & Auschwitz Second floor (2.07b) - Liberation: Soviet Army - Majdanek & Auschwitz Second floor (2.07a) - Liberation: US Army - Nordhausen, Dachau, Buchenwald Second floor (2.07b) - Liberation: US Army - Nord...

  10. Liberation of Paris, France

    (INV1485) Wide shot of street filled with ruins on the ground or some kind of small blockade constructed from ruins. 00:07 American Army cars driving down the street. Civilians approach the car to shake hands with soldiers. 00:23 MS of civilians approaching soldiers. Crowds looking and waving at the camera. 00:29 Larger crowds. 00:35 Two boys approach and kiss soldier 00:52 CU of soldier speaking next to a young boy. 00:57 Crowds advancing quickly down the street 01:05 (INV1484) Armed soldiers (French resistance) walk around Shell gas station. 01:21 Tank with Free French Forces symbol. 01:2...

  11. USHMM Tribute to Harvey "Bud" Meyerhoff

    AV production shown at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Memorial Tribute to Harvey "Bud" Meyerhoff during the 2007 annual Days of Remembrance ceremonies.

  12. Levy family aboard SS France en route to Europe

    Levy family descends steps of the family home at 690 North Crescent in Cincinnati, Ohio. 01:00:34 Aboard "SS France" ship from May 21-28, 1927. The family spent seven days on the ship sailing from the New York harbor on May 21, 1927. Children walk toward and wave at the camera. CU, young Emilie Jane smiles for the camera. 01:01:20 Clara Levy rests in a chair on the shipdeck. More views of the shipdeck with passengers and the ocean. 01:02:15 Dora Hartman, Clara Levy, and Emilie Jane Levy descend stairs of monument and stand before a stone statue (unknown location).

  13. Oral history interview with David Preston

  14. Primary School no 5 in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim (Sygn. 2909)

    The materials relate to the school's activities, such as: reports on pedagogical conferences, administrative matters, correspondence, etc. Typical information for this type of documentation: name and surname of the child, date and place of birth; school class attended; grades in individual subjects of study. The materials (from different years) also contain school certificates.

  15. US liberates French towns

    Shots of WWI cannon. Stevens in overcoat walks out of woods to vehicles. They talk with French civilian. Hamilton in shallow trench. Pan of graveyard with sea of white crosses. "Here rests in honor, glory, and American soldier known but to God" (sign on cross). American flag flying over cemetery. Fresh cross says "James D. Brokow." Another cross says "Helmut W. Fesoa." These are recently dug graves with soil on top. Another cross "Jim Shaw." Stevens and two men with still cameras exit from church holding book, apparently register of Americans buried there. Book open, with swastika in front,...

  16. Bobsledding; Soviet War Memorial

    "Frauenschönheit der Südsee" Water lily, family bathing/washing clothes in a river, possibly in Southeast Asia. CUs of women's faces. A group of people carry baskets. More CUs of women sitting in a field. Women perform a ceremonial dance, men play the drums. CU of man smoking pipe along with other CUs of men and women. 01:03:50 Degeto logo. Animated title with characters sledding, "Bobrennen." A bobsled race. Large group of spectators looks on in the stands. One competitor falls off his sled (slow motion). Large ski lift brings small group and sled up to a platform. More shots of the race. ...

  17. Holocaust survivor stories

    Documentary about Jewish Holocaust survivors who lived in concentration camps and Nazi occupied territories and the American soldiers who liberated them, bearing witness to Adolf Hitler's murderous rampage.

  18. Hungary's Prime Minister speaks

    Magyar Híradó 777. Béla Imrédy stands at the front of the room on a stage, behind a white podium. He is giving a speech (in Hungarian). Men (security?) stand in a line against the wall beneath him. There is a large audience listening to Imrédy’s speech. View from an upper level of the crowd, and the guards standing with flags on the side of the stage. Four men stand on the stage. The one on the far left holds a flag. Multiple microphones stand on the podium in front of Imrédy. Various shots of the audience and the guards standing on the stage, each with a flag topped by metal symbols. Imréd...

  19. Illich family escapes to Florence, 1943

    [no title] The three Illich boys (much older and leaner) overlook the cityscape of Florence, Italy, where the family fled to in 1943. They eat and place flowers on a grave. The boys walk down a street with cyclists behind them. Horses run on a racetrack. An older man (priest) stands in the streets with the Illich boys and other young schoolboys/classmates. CU, another priest with the twins.

  20. Seizure of the S. S. Dromit cargo

    Consists of letters and other documents (some originals and some photocopies) relating to the seizure of foodstuffs and Jewish possessions from the S. S. Dromit in 1949. Included among the documents is a German-language "statement of witness" submitted to the British Civil Police Unit in November 1949 by Josef Rosensaft.