Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,701 to 4,720 of 58,959
  1. Illich family activities in 1939

    Family activities in the year 1939. Introduced with German titles throughout, some are comical. Frame line of the opening scenes are off. The three Illich boys pull their cousin Hanni and their grandfather in a sled on the snow on New Year's morning in 1939. In the Third Poetz Revue, one of the twins plays the guitar and sings for the camera (the first revue after Marion Stein's family fled Austria). Play-acting in costume. 02:37:54 (B/W) People walking through a garden in early spring, flowering trees. Children take photographs. 02:38:51 Fritz, Ellen (Maexie), and the three boys singing ou...

  2. Berlin street scene

    Berlin street scenes with posters affixed to a pillar; bicycles (very brief). Probably Charlottenburg district where the Vishniac family lived on Pariserstrasse.

  3. 7 video progams about the Holocaust: Jewish responses, the exodus, DP camps, the beginning of World War II, Western Europe, children, and US soldier at liberation

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Fourth floor (4.17a) - Jewish Responses Second floor (2.11) - Exodus Second floor (2.10) - Return to Life Fourth floor (4.30) - WWII Begins Third floor (3.03) - In Western Europe Second floor (2.09e) - Children after Liberation Elevator (1.03) - Soldier Speaks

  4. War damage

    Street scene. Large statue. Warm weather with many people in the streets. On the corner there is a demolished building and new billboards. Side street, damaged buildings. Women sell flowers in the square. Crowds. (1:19) Street vendors. Destroyed building facades and rubble. Locals walk and shop. (2:23) Sign: "Frankfurter Herbst-Messe". Other advertising. (2:31) Film ends.

  5. Wounded soldier; US ships at dock

    On board ship, flags flying in wind. Profile shot of troops looking toward shore. Overhead shot of wounded soldier in stretcher being loaded aboard. Men at side of ship watching this process. Choppy seas makes this difficult. VS covering this action. Six men and officers walking alongside railroad cars. Spectacular shot of massed ships at dock with American flags flying. VS of men, one identified as Capt. Holly Morse. Enlisted men and officers- MS, and CUs of them talking and looking out to sea. *According to LOC original cataloger's notes this footage may be prior to D-Day at embarkation p...

  6. Model crematorium II – Birkenau Sculptural model of gas chamber and crematorium #2 at Auschwitz-Birkenau

    White, plaster of Paris, 1:15 sculptural model of Crematorium II and a gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkenau (Auschwitz II) killing center, commissioned by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and created between 1989 and 1992 by Mieczyslaw Stobierski. “Model crematorium II – Birkenau” illustrates the entire process that killed 1.1 million people at the Auschwitz camp complex. While the model is technically accurate in the architectural construction, Stobierski employed more creative interpretation with the figures. This sculpture is one of three replicas of a model he originally made i...

  7. Italian fascists; Germans advance into Russia; POWs; bombing North Africa

    No. 634. Part 1, Italian Fascist symbols and flags as fascists celebrate Mussolini's 1922 march on Rome. Mussolini poses with Italian King Victor Emmanuel III, speaks from a balcony, and breaks ground for a new building. Scenes of highways, schools, Italians in Libya, and the Italian Army, Navy, and Air Force show Italy's progress under Mussolini. Gen. Badoglio poses. Part 2 maps the German front in N. Russia. German Gen. Keller decorates an officer, Gen. Krauss inspects troops, and Gen. Eicke plans a campaign. Part 3, German troops move up and attack Russian positions with the assistance o...

  8. Illich family activities in 1937

    Family activities in the year 1937. Introduced with German titles throughout, some are comical. Grandpa Fritz and the Illich boys are in costume performing a play for Three Kings Day in January 1937. Train. Ivan and Ellen (Maexie) walk along the mountain path. Good CUs of Maexie and Ivan with two photographic cameras. Ice sport (curling?). Three boys walking in the snow under "Kurhaus Semmering" sign. Fritz plays and hikes with his grandsons at the resort in the snow. Views of the mountainside from an open carriage ride, close shots of Ivan, Sascha, and Micha. Visiting the Prater amusement ...

  9. Students graduate; parade with antisemitic float

    Magyar Híradó 221. Young male students stand on the steps in front of a building, looking out towards the camera. They are all nicely dressed in suits and hats. Camera pans left on young men in uniform carrying glass steins. A few men stand facing each other on the front steps of a building (the school). One man walks up the steps and opens the large doors at the entrance to the building. A young man walks out and two men in uniform walk up to him. One gives him a bouquet attached to a stand. An intertitle reads, “Kallag már a vén diák.” In rows of four, the students exit their school, rais...

  10. Oral history interview with Leah Laskowski

  11. Building the WWII defensive line; German aircraft

    Reel 1, Siegfried Line elevators, rooms, tunnels, showers, toilets, telephone switchboards, electric power generators, antitank guns in its arsenals, munitions dumps, artillery. antiaircraft guns, and searchlights. Troops with listening devices. Messerschmidt planes take off from an airfield.

  12. Oral history interview with Joseph Klein

  13. Oral history interview with Anna Stern

  14. War Crimes Trial: shooting of American POWs

    LT GEN ANTON DOSTLER, GERMAN WAR CRIMINAL TRIAL, Palace of Justice, Rome, Italy. German Lt. Hans George Schultz is cross-examined by Col. Claudius O Wolfe, defense counsel. Schultz testifies that he is not sure who gave the orders to have the American prisoners shot. He further states how, when, and by whom the orders to destroy all records on the shooting were issued. Gen Dostler occasionally whispers to the defense counsel. German Lt. Rudolf Bolze being interrogated by prosecutor.

  15. John Christopher Bechtler Collection compilation

    Compilation of preserved footage from the John Christopher Bechtler Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during Raye Farr's presentation for the Cinematography of the Holocaust conference in Germany in 2004. Scenes include home movie footage of Arthur Kannenberg (Hitler's house manager), Nazi officials, Goering and his special trains, and other rare sequences.

  16. Brussels garrison

    CU of map, finger demonstrating route, which is inserted from earlier footage shot by Stevens and crew. Sign says "HQ Brussels Garrison." Men in winter uniforms.

  17. Food; shop; market

    INT, waitress, dumb waiter in shop. VAR INTs of store, decorations, food. 01:12:28 HAS, outdoor market, selling wares from blankets ["Jewish" market?]. 01:12:52 INT, shop, patrons, activity, cash register. View from INT to street scenes with pedestrians. More INTs, cash register, pedestrians. Boy hoses street with water. More shopping sequences, cans of food, patrons, employees.

  18. Oral history interview with Dina Oppenheimer

  19. Travelogue in Bavaria

    Travelogue with professional shooting and editing. Old man takes two young women on horse-drawn cart, as tourists. Bavaria. Streams, hills, kayaking on rapids. Two men in lederhosen steer large log raft across wide river, onto rocky shore. Anchoring the raft. “Alte Städtchen” Exotic village. Boys whistling on bicycles, put bikes on raft. (Wandervögel tradition) Large group of boys reach other side, go off on their bikes. Two men & raft on rapid narrow course, white water. Locks, under bridge. Very picturesque; pretty valley. (Narrator: Munich people like to go there.) Destination: ‘Old ...

  20. Children in Horodok, Poland

    Distributing bagels to children. Children walk in a line, holding each others' shoulders, some boys wear gymnasium caps. Wooden synagogue or school, children pose in group. Teacher walks with children in pairs. Teacher receives a new yarmulke. Families on street. 01:08:43: Street scenes with water carrier. More families pose on street. Cattle through street, droshkes, water carriers.