Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,741 to 4,760 of 58,959
  1. Josef Bürckel boards airplane

    Josef Bürckel at an unidentified airfield in Austria. Bürckel wears a light-colored raincoat (IWM notes that he wears civilian clothes and therefore this is before his appointment as Gauleiter of Vienna on January 30, 1939). Bürckel is surrounded by men in both civilian clothing and Austrian Nazi uniforms who talk to him and try to get his attention as he crosses the airfield (Including bespectacled man in brown shirt with armband and tie, Josef Helferich, Gauleiter of Gau Steiermark, and Odilo Globocnik). Several of the men have cameras. As Bürckel approaches his plane (a Lufthansa Junkers...

  2. German civilians; German troops; Elbe River bridge

    Five civilians with child and dog. Stevens carrying machine gun preceded group of civilians pushing cart with belongings. Pan of camouflaged objects, not clear what the objects are. Stevens and other members of unit talking with a German with white hat with "Berlin" written on band. Women seated nearby sewing, eating and drinking. These appear to be German civilians. Activity in city street, demolished buildings on either side. Stevens with goggles and Moffat. Civilians sitting on side of bombed out road. CUs of civilians. Their belongings are stacked in bags alongside of them. Groups inclu...

  3. Oral history interview with Jacqueline Wolf

  4. Men review book; woman in fashionable dress

    Men sitting at table inside office building, chalkboard in BG, looking at book. MS, woman in white dress and hat.

  5. Oral history interview with Francesca Granata

  6. Video documenting the tenth anniversary event at USHMM

    A video production documenting the USHMM event called "An American Mosaic" on April 29, 2003. The 15 minute film includes Sara Bloomfield, Ted Koppel, Police Chief Charles Ramsey, a firefighter whose son was killed on 9/11, teachers, survivors, and students.

  7. Russians meet Americans at Torgau; dancing

    Color film coverage of Americans linking up with Russians on the Elbe River in April 1945. Boat comes toward shore, lands. Foreign officer (possibly French Naval officer) in dark blue uniform is greeted. Mounted Russian soldiers with sabers. Horses loaded on pontoon ferry boat. Women seated on tractors. Stevens and Captain walk to the river, meet Russians. Shot of Stevens, on Russian side of river. Russian officer walking with a cane. Stevens, cameraman holding tripod talking with Russians. CUs of Russian army officers and soldiers. Americans and Russians looking at money. Stevens and Russi...

  8. Undzer hurbm in bild

    Consists of an original copy of "Our destruction in pictures," collected and edited by Rafael Olevski, Dawid Rosental, and Paul Trepman and copyrighted in December 1946. The book contains photographs depicting scenes of Jewish persecution, ghettos, starvation, forced labor, concentration camps, liberation, and partisan resistance.

  9. Simon and Eva Mahler visit their family in Krosno, Poland

    Simon and Eva Mahler on board a transatlantic ship to Europe on their way to Simon's hometown in Krosno, Poland. The American couple poses for the camera and play ball. Boys wave an American flag. 00:02:20 Men in Krosno, Poland. Mahler family members and friends pose for the camera. 00:03:02 Daily life in Krosno's market square, later referred by Nazi troops as "Horse Square." Quick circular pans of the busy marketplace and the American relatives. Kids ride tricycles. Family members walk along the sidewalk. 00:05:39 Wolf and Bascha Mahler, Simon's parents, in the courtyard behind their fami...

  10. Belgian Bulge Offensive 1944; Malmedy massacre

    Bureau of Public Relations Film no. 1155. (War Department) U.S. motorized infantry rolls into a French town; civilians cheer. U.S. dead and injured are removed by stretcher from a battlefield; tanks, and infantry advance. German film shows officers, including von Runstedt, studying maps; Volksturm, armed with panzerfausts, marching; German tanks and infantry, covered by fog, moving through a snowy forest; a V-1 bomb exploding on an Allied position; camouflaged German tanks advancing; the use of flamethrowers; an Allied motor convoy in flames near Malmedy, Belgium; and U.S. POWs in the town....

  11. Dutch Jewish family vacations in France

    The Bed family (Meijer, Kaatje, Henriette Elly (Jetje), and John) leave their home in Amsterdam (?) for a vacation. Windmill from their car. 00:18 Busy street scene in Paris. Bicyclist, cars, streetcar. The Bed family visits Paris landmarks including Sacre Couer and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. A group of men wearing exotic military uniforms. John makes faces while standing by a taxi. The Moulin Rouge, including the windmill that sits atop the building. John, Jetje, and Kaatje wave from the sunroof of a car. Street scenes from a moving vehicle. More landmarks and views of the family on ...

  12. Refugees from Yugoslavia arrive in Italy

    Paramount Newsreel, Issue 51, Released February 1944 “Italy: Yugoslav Patriots Rescued!” Voice: Bob Harris Yugoslav civilians rescued and transported to Allied territory in Italy for rehabilitation. Signal Corps film of refugees from Yugoslavia getting off boat in Italy, some with large bundles. Animated map. Barracks and tents, line of refugees walking. Soldier checks papers. Walking past barracks. Col. Macfarland, US Army Chief of the “dis-placed persons commission” talks to a group. US soldiers unload truck with American food, ham. The refugees eat soup, bread. Yugoslav soldiers from “Ti...

  13. Belsen: Nazis bury the dead

    Nazi men dragging corpses by the feet to a mass grave/pit, more bodies in the grave, preparing for burial. Supervised by armed British solders in FG.

  14. USHMM-edited version of the German propaganda film on the Warsaw ghetto

    ***This footage is from a roughly ninety-minute propaganda film that was never finished or shown publicly. It was created by a German propaganda camera team in the spring of 1942.The Nazi regime created these ghettos and imprisoned Jews within them, subjected them to these conditions of starvation and disease and overcrowding. And yet, with a film like this, they hoped to suggest that these conditions were chosen by the Jews, that they were natural Jewish living conditions. This film is considered propaganda because it is heavily staged, omits selective information, attempts to establish gr...

  15. Life in Berlin; Hitler motorcade

    Unedited home movie material of life in Berlin and citizens playing in 1939. Two people play with a terrier dog in a park or garden. Opposite the Cafe Linden in the Unter den Linden, crowds form behind SS guards as a long motorcade passes. Hitler's car is part of this motorcade. People skating and running in the snow. Berlin cafes and club lights at night-time.

  16. Nur für Natur | Rusalkas Lied an den Mond

    "Nur für Natur" and "Rusalkas Lied an den Mond" Tilophan 254/255. Two art songs recorded in Austria or Germany, circa 1931-38. This may have been an audition recording for the aspiring US vocalist Gladys Miller (Kurt Frederick's future mother-in-law; Kurt Frederick was an Austrian born violinist and conductor who immigrated to US in 1942.)

  17. Trip to Norway and Denmark on steamer

    Reel 8 of the private motion pictures of Eva Braun (Seized Enemy Records). B/W. German troops, trombone in FG. Nazi party leaders review German troops. Pinning medals onto uniforms. CU, medal featuring crown and Iron Cross. German boards plane, CQ, propellers. COLOR. Rugged scenery from ship, seagulls. This is likely the steamer (“Milwaukee”) that Eva Braun and her companions traveled on during a trip to Norway and Denmark. b/w - Fishing boat (short). Color - Scenes on and from deck of ship. Water surging from bow. “Hammerfest 1789” flag affixed to vehicle in the village of Hammerfest, Norw...

  18. United Jewish Appeal fundraising film about the plight of Jewish refugees in Israel

    Title card reads, "UJA Report from Israel." Immigrants wave from a ship's deck while the narrator explains that these are Holocaust survivors arriving in Israel from Europe. Survivors disembark in Haifa as a crowd waits on the dock behind a fence. People sort through luggage and other belongings. A man stacks blankets and a woman searches for her baby carriage among several others. Items are loaded onto a truck which then takes immigrants to a camp. Dramatic CU of International Herald Tribune headlines: "Heavy Burden Of Immigrants Strains Israel," "Situation Called Explosive,"(article writt...

  19. 1934 Reichsparteitag, Nuremberg

    Reel 9: VS, Hitler, Himmler and Lutze walk down long aisle between columns of troops gathered in Nuremberg stadium. Ceremonies at Nuremberg showing Hitler and thousands of soldiers; a great number of flags are carried and flown. SS troops goose-stepping. CU, Himmler. CU, Victor Lutze introduces Hitler to audience at Nuremberg stadium. CU, MS, Hitler delivers forceful speech to huge crowd of stormtroopers, Gestapo and other political organization members in stadium. Flag bearers present arms. Hitler pledges each flag bearer to the Nazi flag. CU, large gun is fired in salute to ceremony. VS, ...

  20. Post-liberation photographs of Bergen-Belsen

    Consists of photocopies of photographs taken during April and May of 1945 of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp shortly after liberation by the 2nd British Army. Included are photos of camp survivors, burial of dead prisoners by the SS guards of the camp, the burning of several barracks by the British, and several groups of women in the camp.