Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,721 to 4,740 of 58,959
  1. Survivors at Dachau; service

    (LIB 6520) Male survivor attempts to hold up a deceased man to the camera. 00:15 They move his body across the room. Other survivors lying down, looking. 00:41 Male survivors lying on the floor, filling the barrack, with blankets, looking at the camera. 00:54 CUs of five different men silently looking at the camera, not moving. 01:29 Cleaning process: Men stand in the BG in line for washing. Man with an amputated leg leans on a walking stick, zips up his pants. 01:43 Men washing each other with the hose. 01:53 CU of the water hose reel. 01:58 A soldier puts powdered soap from buckets in a d...

  2. American soldiers move through Belgium and Germany

    Reel 11: (1945) Eupen, Belgium; Duren, Germany Aachen in ruins. Sign, "Deutsch Pilsener Aus Der Brauerei Decker Aachen." [Fedeli reports moving to Eilendorf, Germany through Aachen, Siegfried Line, and Duren in mid-March 1945 and then to Euskirchen.] Army trucks on the road. VAR shots of another city in ruins, a dead horse lies in the street. More ruins, planes fly overhead. Tanks and trucks, soldiers. More city views. HAS, group of boys with soldiers in the street. Truck, passing ruins, dead animals in a field. Signs, "Vamoose, Master Signal Depot #3 and Bonn, Remagen and Euskirchen; N56, ...

  3. Victory in St. Lo; rubble; US military parade; German prisoners

    Long line of troops, camera mounted on jeep. Civilians wheeling belongings in wheel barrel. Excellent shot of cameraman shooting on tripod on jeep covering. Tanks through crowd down road. MPs walking with French civilians. Tracking shot, civilians waving. Hamilton, Stevens toasting with French civilians. Americans drinking with French civilians sitting on jeep. Stevens gives "V" sign. Stevens and other Americans by sea. A flurry of activity near hedgerow. Ambulance truck has overturned. Bill Hamilton trying to unbend a crushed helmet. Moving shot down bombed out road, many overturned trucks...

  4. Still photographer shoots Stevens & camera crew on board ship

    Helmeted officer shooting still photos toward Stevens and his camera crew. Men at stations. Man with Red Cross arm band, heavy white gloves and canvas hood peering through binoculars behind camera. VS of sailors, guns and empty shell casings. Pan of eight ships with barrage balloons overhead. Shot over shoulders of officers on bow of ship. HAS of deck. VS of Stevens looking through 35mm camera on tripod. Shot of aircraft overhead.

  5. Dina Potapovskaya performs

    Dina Potapovskaya performs four songs accompanied by Otilie Lichtenstein (piano). This Extended Play recording is an important artifact of Holocaust reception in the Soviet Union. Potapovskaya was an opera singer and actress active in the USSR during the 1950s-60s. Tracks include: 1. Tife griber (Lichtenstein / Halkin). The setting of Yiddish poet Shmuel Halkin's poem "Tife griber" (deep graves; inspired by Babi Yar) was composed by Potapovskaya's accompanist, Otilie Lichtenstein. 2. A shtral fun der zun (Lichtenstein / Schwarzman) 3. Dos vigele (Poliansky / Driz) 4. Yad anuga haita la (Gne...

  6. Marcha Haganah | Mir Marshieren

    RCA Victor Argentina / Radio Leon. P 915-A/B. Recorded late 1940s. Marcos Katz (baritone, music & text); Jacobo Sclar (orchestral arrangements and direction). Side A: Marcha Hagana (Motivo Popular). Music: Marc Lavry, text: Avraham Broides Side B: Mir Marshieren. Composer/author: unidentified.

  7. Roman Vishniac recordings

    Audio recordings of Roman Vishniac speeches, 1960s-1970s. 1. Lecture "Stetl [sic] for Children" recorded in Albany NY 18 Feb 1972 (cassette tape) 2. Recollections of Vishniac's meeting in 1930s Vienna with psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich and Reich's wife, recorded in 29 June 1975 (two sides, cassette tape). 3. Schaker's [...] Voice done by Avorio[...] (reel) 4. Bronx high school May 4, 1965 Enigma of Evolution (reel)

  8. Joseph Wulf sound recordings

    Songs performed by Joseph Wulf. The arranger and pianist on the recordings is Friedrich Scholz. Wulf announces the song titles, composers and poets at the start of almost every track in the following order: 1. Zol zayn 2. Hey, tsigelekh 3. Azamer bi'shvakhim 4. Yedid Nefesh 5. Fun land tsu land 6. Hatsos 7. A small biographical note about Weingarten (spoken) 8. Zunenshtraln 9. Unter di khurves fun poyln

  9. Jews in Warsaw, Poland

    Unidentified German footage, some in Warsaw. People walking in street. CUs of old man. Men working in street. Soft shots of Jewish men. CU of Jewish man (seen in newsreel). Unidentified footage of large group of Jewish men seated on ground (round-up). 01:44:48 Street scenes in Warsaw,Jewish district (ghetto). German soldier directs people. Title: "Judentypen" CUs Jewish men on street. Shot of Warsaw main station. Title: "Mit der Kleinbahn zum HKD Gora-Calvaria" Flash of footage. Title: "Juden-Getto in Warschau" Street scene, pedestrians with armbands. CU sign: "Rogatschew" (seen before). 01...

  10. Partizaner Lid | Hatikwa

    RCA Victor / Radio Leon P 819-A/B. Possibly recorded in early 1950s. Enrique Wilner (baritone). Orchestra "Los Astros." Director Harry Glasberg. Side A: Partizaner Lid (Himno de los Guerrilleros). Also known as "Zog nit keynmol az du geyst dem letstn veg" Music: Dmitri and Daniel Pokrass; text: Hirsh Glik. Side B: Hatikwa (Himno Israelita). Hatikvah is a 19th-century Jewish poem and the national anthem of Israel. Music: S. Cohen; text: N.H. Imber.

  11. Nazi Party Day rally, Nuremberg, 1936

    Amateur footage of the Nazi Party Day rally in Nuremberg in 1936 (clip 2). Uniformed men greet each other by shaking hands and giving Hitler salutes. According to the IWM record, SS leader Karl Wolff appears in this group (probably the man in the black uniform at 00:20). Ceremony on a parade ground or field with Hitler Youth and BDM. Hitler Youth stand at attention in rows, play drums, and raise a big swastika banner on a flagpole. Boys at attention holding trumpets and shouting or singing. HJ boys play drums and trumpets. 03:59 Indoor location. Man speaking at a podium to Hitler Youth in t...

  12. Illich family visits Bad Gastein, 1937

    Out of focus in the center of the frame for a few seconds. The boys sit on a wooden fence in the country surrounding an unknown teenager. CUs, Grandfather Fritz (Pucki) at an outdoor café, then Sascha. At the train station, the boys lean their heads out of the train window, waving to Pucki, Leithner, and Uncle Paul on the platform. Leithner follows the train as it departs. View of another station, the boys walk through it (filmed from a distance). Mountains, farms from the train window. A train pulls into the platform with Pucki, the boys greet him with hugs. The city of Bad Gastein, waterf...

  13. Trims of Russian scenes: theatre; peasants; tourists visit palace

    TRIMS depicting a variety of activities in daily life throughout Russia. In city, women look at schedule in theatre window. 01:07:33 Peasants - women with kerchiefs, one smiling at camera. 01:07:43 INT, ornate room. MS, tourists visit other rooms in this palace.

  14. Julien Bryan Collection compilation

    Compilation of newly preserved footage from the Julien Bryan Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a presentation given by Raye Farr and Regina Longo for the New York Film and Video Council in March 2005.

  15. "Deutsche Welle"

  16. Private coeducational gymnasium and lyceum in Vilnius Prywatne Koedukacyjne Gimnazjum i Liceum "Oświata" w Wilnie (Fond 36)

    The collection contains administrative documents, minutes of the meetings of the pedagogical council, records of the examination commission, teacher’s reports correspondence related to admission of students, personal files of students, list of admitted students, registration books of graduation certificates, student’s conduct and progress report cards, statistical information about students and other documentation.

  17. American military parade; seaside town; GIs swimming

    Military parade, men in summer uniforms with pith helmets. Band marching, apparently American troops. There is color guard with five American flags and a reviewing stand. Egyptian buildings with turrets, a mosque. Stevens walks from Fortress toward camera. Roadside shot- Stevens in summer helmet with local boys. Seaside shots of town, beautiful ruins on seaside. Hillside caves. Stevens and officer in FG in front of old buildings. Underexposed shot of Stevens, Mellor and two other men in bathing suits swimming.

  18. Patton and other US Army officers; V-E day

    US Army and Lowell Thomas in Europe after liberation. Shot by Dick Ham, US Army Signal Corps. Gen. George Patton, a Lieutenant and others come out of Patton's headquarters in Hershfeld, Germany. CUs, Patton and the Major General. This was the first day Patton put on his four stars. Harsh, Barnes, Combs, Gen. Patton, and Howe. CU Patton talking to correspondents. Patton and the Major General walking towards camera, going into HQ. Command car leaving HQ gate with Hershfeld in BG, returning to Eschwege. 01:00:55 CU, sign of Eschwege. According to Lowell Thomas, the town was filled with civilia...

  19. USHMM compilation for AMIA panel presentation 2004

    Compilation of Museum's archival footage screened at the Association of Moving Image Archivists Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN in 2004. The film was presented by Raye Farr and Regina Longo and shows segments from the Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive, including the Mogilev gassing footage from "Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today."

  20. Monitor programs from State of Deception exhibition

    Interactive video presentations from the Museum’s special exhibition, "State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda," providing historical analysis of the Nazi propaganda films on Theresienstadt and the Warsaw ghetto. On the subject of Theresienstadt, curator Steve Luckert discusses film excerpts from "The Fuehrer Gives a City to he Jews" and Maurice Rossel's interview for Claude Lanzmann's SHOAH (14.25 minutes). Film director Raye Farr provides an analysis of several scenes in the Warsaw ghetto film and interprets the Nazi’s propaganda intent from a curator’s perspective, with particul...