Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,641 to 4,660 of 58,959
  1. Market scenes in Novogrodok, Poland

    Good market scenes and shtetl views. Huts. Scenes at market. Horses, crowds at vendors, tents, main square, carts/wagons. Pan, horse. MCUs, people (peasants and well-to-do) shopping and selling. Shots of various goods, including potatoes and baskets. Brief shot: "Jewish Home for the...": men exiting building.

  2. Jews in Brzeziny ghetto

    Brzeziny ghetto. Jews working in snow, digging, posing for the camera, CUs, etc. Empty streets. Sled with goods dragged in the snow from one house to another. Women and men move about. CU, child with Jude star.

  3. Town square; monument & signs

    Sign: "Rn 3 Chateau Thierry Aisne." Stevens and man walk across town square to monument. CU of flowers on monument. "Maison de L'amitie Franco-Americaine." Pan from Stevens and Bill Hamilton to bridge with vehicles crossing it. Shot of horse drawn carriage crossing bridge. Rectangular monument/building with two statues on side. Sign reads: "This monument has been erected by the United States of America to commemorate services of her troops and those of France who fought in this region during the World War. It stands as a lasting symbol of the friendship and cooperation of the French and Ame...

  4. Illich family activities in 1938

    Family activities in the year 1938. Introduced with Maexie Films logo (drawing of Maexie holding a film camera) and German titles throughout, some are comical. Micha and Sascha Illich roll out dough in a kitchen, making cookies. CU of a Christmas tree with a nativity scene underneath. The boys trudge through the snow with skis at Kurhaus Semmering. The twins ski down a large hill. Cousin Hanni cautiously walks in front of the camera with her father Paul in the BG. On holiday at Semmering, the three boys walk hand-in-hand and pose for the camera. Ivan with box camera. Train station. The boys...

  5. Polish Guard Formation, 1947

    Polish guard formations in the street, marching. CUs, soldier with older woman (mother?).

  6. German occupation of Danzig

    Reel 18 from the Biedenbach collection of home movies is a newsreel on small-gauge film for home-screening. Starts with good quality, then very grainy. Degeto Weltspiegel Nr 5. Okt 1939 "Danzig ist wieder Deutsch" German occupation of Danzig at start of WWII. Airplanes. "Der Fuehrer und der Front" 02:48 “Polnische Insurgenten” title over shots of Jewish men, some imprisoned. 03:15 "Der geschlagene Heer." Interview with Russian prisoner, subtitled, “arbeitslos” [unemployed].

  7. FDR delivers war message; Kuhn addresses crowd at Madison Square Garden; Japanese troops

    Reel 1. Bombing of Pearl Harbor and the resultant damage. President Franklin Roosevelt delivers his war message to Congress. Wendell Willkie speaks for one world. German American Bund meets in Madison Square Garden for a "Pro-American Rally" on February 20, 1939; Fritz Kuhn addresses the crowd. Laborers fight at various strikes. Japanese troops invade Manchuria and China. Ambassador Shigemitsu.

  8. Oral history interview with James Hennessy

  9. William Perl papers records and photographs relating to illegal immigration of Jewish refugees to Palestine

    Contains copies of documents relating to William Perl's involvement in illegal immigration efforts for Jewish refugees from various European countries during the Holocaust.

  10. Breendonck; Hannover; Arnstadt

    "Breendonck" Views of Breendonck camp in Belgium. EXTs of prison used to house Belgian patriots. Blood-stained coffins are exhibited as evidence of brutality Inmates demonstrate the methods used against the prisoners, such as beatings with barbed wire poles, chaining them into a vise, thumb screws. Victims reveal results of beatings and cigarette burns; a woman also reveals scars on her hips. 01:09:40 "Hanover Concentration Camp" [Neuengamme] General views of the camp where only 200 remained of 10,000 Poles. INTs of the camp, few remaining inmates mill about. VS, Red Cross clubmobiles enter...

  11. JDC aids refugees, DPs

    Warburg speaking intercut with: Various JDC headquarters NYC and Paris (Leavitt and Schwartz). JDC supply trucks and warehouses in Europe. Memorial ceremonies: Rome, Munich. Shots of DPs eating various places. Liberation footage. UN meeting. Warsaw: Ghetto ruins, TOZ hospital, nursery (pre-war?), JDC warehouse, TB sanatorium, orphanage. Bricha: DPs get onto trains, along road, into Czechoslovakia, into buses, trucks, Bratislava camp and trains. Prague: Service (JDC supplied torah). JDC meeting, children's home. Loan co-op office, small businesses. Budapest: Clothing warehouse. Canteen. Germ...

  12. Peasants; village in Caucusus?

    CU, old man with white beard, church in BG left, boy walking in field in BG right. Peasants on boat, hair on donkey barely seen in FG. Peasants in field, hut in BG, CUs. Dirt road, horse/cart, walking, church in BG, more horses with carts. [in Caucusus?]

  13. War refugees are integrated into a small town in Massachusetts

    A re-enacted documentary on the integration of a group of World War II refugees into the life of the small town of Cummington, MA. In Reel 1, the town's clergyman describes Cummington's initial coolness towards the diffident newcomers. He helps involve the refugees in social, church, and vocational activities. In Reel 2, individual refugees find familiar work in printing, farming, lumbering, and shopkeeping, and begin socializing with their neighbors as a new kind of respect develops on both sides. Included are panoramic views of the countryside in and around the town.

  14. London under German aerial bombardment

    British produced film documents a typical night in London under the German aerial bombardment. Citizens go home in the evening rush hour, police and air raid wardens man their posts, and Londoners bed down in public air raid shelters. At 8:30 p.m. the bombing raid begins. Searchlight and antiaircraft units are active. Bombs fall and firemen fight fires while people sleep in shelter. At 6 a.m. the ""all clear"" sounds. King George and Queen Elizabeth inspect damage. Workers rake up debris and extinguish smoldering fires as London goes to work as usual. Stresses London's determination to figh...

  15. Prewar Jewish life in Alsace

    The Levy family took a final trip back to Ingwiller from Baden-Baden by automobile. Cross via a pontoon bridge - the bridge was taken apart and reassembled for the car to cross. Bridge at Strasbourg. 01:28:30 Group shot of the entire Levy family together in Ingwiller. Carl waves to camera. Cart and wagon in town, villagers walk past shops on cobbled streets in Ingwiller. Men, including Henry Meis on extreme left, looking up at a stork on the house where August Levy was born in Hochfelden.

  16. Belsen: Kramer; corpses

    CUs, camp commandant Josef Kramer under armed guard. Canadian military soldier with a cap, Jack Marcovitch, on Kramer's left side. SS men unloading naked corpses (women) from truck into a pit. SS women on truck with corpses, dragging naked corpses to pit. CUs of bodies.

  17. Evacuation of the Hohne camp and Glyn Hughes hospital

    Includes letters, memoranda, and minutes of meetings written between November 1949 and May 1950 relating to the evacuation of Jewish displaced persons from the Hohne camp near Bergen-Belsen and the Glyn Hughes hospital. Also included is a July 16, 1948, memorandum written by Josef Rosensaft concerning the growth of antisemitism in the British zone of Germany.

  18. Primary School no 1 in Skarżysko-Kamienna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 w Skarżysku-Kamiennej (Sygn. 2929)

    The materials relate to the school's activities, such as: reports on pedagogical conferences, administrative matters, correspondence, etc. Typical information for this type of documentation: name and surname of the child, date and place of birth; school class attended; grades in individual subjects of study. The materials (from different years) also contain school certificates.

  19. Destroyed town in Belgium

    Jeep driving through muddy street of severely bombed out town. Civilian digging through rubble with crowbar. Women in winter coats in FG walking down street. Signs reads: "Bastgone." GIs give gift to little girl. Stevens in front of jeep Toluca gives present to little girl (There is a reference that Stevens made in a letter home about giving a Christmas present to a Belgian girl in March, long after Christmas had passed.) Truck pulls into muddy road, in a town that has been devastated by bombs. No buildings are left standing. Sign reads: "keep rollin' Malmady N23, Vielsalm." Pan of flattene...

  20. Postwar Munich

    Bombed and vacant buildings. Lots of rubble with barely any civilians on the streets. Train station platform with mother and daughter. Views from moving train of train depot and countryside. City square with trolley and crowds, possibly in Spring. Men with pushcarts and bicycle carts, horse carriages. People are well dressed. (3:08) Field with derelict planes with swastika insignia. Young boy and girl walk around the ruined aircraft. Ruined bridges. Views from a moving car of the countryside and mountains. Mother with young boy and girl waving and walking towards the camera, they go in a bu...