Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,201 to 17,220 of 58,960
  1. Lilli Wolff papers

    The Lilli Wolff papers contain biographical materials, correspondence, photographs, playbills, and a clipping documenting Lilli Wolff’s career as a costume designer and dressmaker in Köln and Vienna, her experience hiding in Vienna with the help of her friends, and her immigration to the United States. The papers also include poems and stories dedicated to Lilli Wolff by Max Meinecke. Biographical materials include records documenting the lives of Lilli Wolff, her brother‐in‐law Walter Schiff, and her friend Mati Driessen. A birth certificate, business registration certificate, tenant regis...

  2. SS-Hauptamt (NS 31)

    This collection contains files relating to the ideological and political training of the SS, especially replacements in the Waffen-SS, the police and other organizations absorbed by the SS, the build-up and training of the SS in the “Germanic” countries, and the collection of information on the racial backgrounds of SS members.

  3. Medical kit

  4. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 70 and 71 -- Witnesses R. Kagan, E. Goldstein, V. Alexander; film screenings

    Footage begins with testimony from witness Raya Kagan, who describes a meeting with Untersturmbannführer Maximilian Grabner, in which she was told that she was forbidden to talk about the office work she performed (registration of supposed causes of deaths among prisoners), on pain of death. She also provides an account of her contact with the women of the Aussenkommando and the female Slovakian intelligentsia, as well as a description of the kapos and block elders. The remainder of Kagan's testimony is missing from the tape and the footage begins again with a witness account from Esther Go...

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 7 -- Hausner's opening statement

    Dr. Robert Servatius walks into the virtually empty courtroom and sits down. He pulls a file folder out of his bag and talks with the person sitting next to him. Adolf Eichmann is brought into a booth. The translator steps up to a podium and guards motion for Eichmann to pull his seat forward. Various shots of Eichmann and Dr. Servatius are shown. A woman sits at a podium opposite the translator. 00:05:31 Everyone rises as the Judges walk in and sit down. Presiding Judge Moshe Landau opens the 7th Session of the trial and requests Attorney General Gideon Hausner to continue his Opening Spee...

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 88. Eichmann, under direct examination, answers the question posed by Servatius about whether he talked to Theo Grell of the Foreign Office about the number of Jews being exterminated. Servatius asks Eichmann to comment on Grell's recollection that Eichmann said he had six million deaths on his conscience. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2117 (at 00:59:17) and Tape 2119 at (00:00:37). The footage resumes later in the session with cross-examination by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Judge Landau warns Eichmann that he must answer Haus...

  7. Book

    Haggadah used by the Zolno family after the war in Foehrenwald displaced persons camp.

  8. Reuven and Slava Bronshtein photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs of Reuven and Slava Bronshtein and their family members before and during World War II in Zhmerinka (Zhmerynka) and Brailov, Ukraine.

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 42 -- Testimony of Heinrich Grueber, Charlotte Salzberger; affidavit of Bernard Loesener

    Under questioning from the judges, the German theologian Dr. Heinrich Grueber testifies about his role in the rescue of Jews. He says that he receives hate mail and threats for his rescue work and for agreeing to come to Jerusalem to testify. He refuses to publicly state the name of a fellow rescuer for this reason. He quotes Leo Baeck as he describes the difference between the reactions of working people versus scholars to the persecution of the Jews. (Duplicate footage also found on Tape 2052 at 01:00:02 and Tape 2051 at 00:31:04). Judge Halevi asks Grueber what happened to Dr. Bernard Lo...

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Session 107 -- Eichmann's loyalty

    Session 107. Examination of the Accused by the Presiding Judge, by the Attorney General Hausner in connection with the examination by the Judges, and by Counsel for the Defense and by the Attorney General. Eichmann is reminded that he is still under oath. Eichmann is asked about his opinions about the decision to remove Jews from Germany. He says he had no opinion, which the Judge quickly disputes. Eichmann insists he worked as a low-ranking employee and regretted taking that job. Eichmann says that he thought positively about forced relocation. Eichmann insists that he was doing good, the ...

  11. Rachela Rottenberg papers

    The Rachela Rottenberg papers consist of identification papers and certificates documenting the life of a Polish woman living under a false identity in Warsaw during the war, antisemitism in Radom at the end of the war, and her stay at the displaced persons camp in Stuttgart, work for UNRRA, and immigration to the United States after the war.

  12. Refugee children

    This story contains the last minute of an 11 minute documentary piece. Children listening to radio (staged), narration in English. Scenes from Julien Bryan's "Siege of Warsaw". Malnourished children, Russian children.

  13. Medical kit

  14. Hadassah Goldreich photograph collection

    The collection consists of original and copy print photographs relating to Hadassah Goldreich's family in Poland before World War II and after the war in Landsberg DP camp.

  15. Kenneth X. Robbins collection

    Collection contains photocopy of telegrams, maps (the Polish Children's Camp, 1942-1946 in India, Jamuagar-Balachadi, and the evacuation map from the Soviet Union to India), notes, clippings and British Library records relating to Polish Refugees in India. Documents illustrate that there were at least some Jews among the Polish refugee camp at Valivade in Kohlapur state and Balachadi in Nawanagar state.

  16. To survive in the hell Between two ghettos Radzyn, Podlasky, and Mezerich

    Contains the first chapter of a memoir about Yehoshua Ron's experiences in Radzyn, Podlasky, and Mezerich during the Holocaust.

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 25 -- Testimony of Y. Zuckerman

    Session 25. Witness Yitzhak Zuckerman discusses Jewish hope to immigrate to Palestine during 1940: "Some people managed to reach Palestine...Some were caught and returned... and were murdered on Polish soil." He also describes the efforts of the Jewish underground in Warsaw. Attorney General Gideon Hausner questions Zuckerman about his fake Aryan papers, as well as his impressions of Nazi-occupied Poland. Zuckerman replies: "Degredation, depression, helplessness..." Court is out of session after a blip at 00:06:30; the audience enters, and the camera focuses on the Israeli Police Officers a...

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Session 54 -- Witnesses A. Gordon, T. Ferencz

    Session 54. Cuts into testimony of witness Avraham Gordon, Hungarian Jew. Describes labor he was forced to do - digging trenches in Eichmann's residence under direction of Slawik (possibly Eichmann's bodyguard). 00:04:48 Gordon looks at photographs - identifies Eichmann. Picture submitted to court [exhibit T/1152 or T/37(7)]. 00:06:52 Gordon describes Eichmann, villa, boy (Salomon) being punished for stealing cherries. 00:12:59 Gordon asked to draw sketch of villa. Describes sketch and what happened to Salomon [exhibit T/1153]. 00:23:36 Gordon describes Eichmann and Slawik taking Salomon in...

  19. Photograph of Velia Alfandari-Botton and her two aunts

    Contains a photograph depicting two women and a girl outside of a building with an open window. Handwritten caption on card stock on verso identifies seated woman as Luce Moulie Botton (donor's aunt), the standing woman as Mireille Botton (donor's aunt, youngest daughter of Joseph Botton), and the girl as Velia Alfandari-Botton. The caption also states that the photograph was taken in Cabourg (Normandy), France, in the summer of 1935.

  20. Ida and Murray Turner papers

    The Ida and Murray Turner papers consist of identification papers, certificates, and a photograph documenting Ida and Murray Turner’s experiences at the small Jewish displaced persons camps at Bad Gastein and Ebelsberg and their immigration to the United States with the help of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) in 1949.