Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,161 to 17,180 of 58,960
  1. Autobiography of Eva Lesser Stricks

    Contains Eva Lesser Stricks' autobiography, 35 pages, about her childhood experiences in Oranienberg and Berlin, Germany, her arrival in Shanghai aboard the "Conto Rosso," and her later emigration to the United States.

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7 and 8 -- Opening speech of Attorney General

    Sessions 6, 7 and 8. Begins during Attorney General Gideon Hausner's opening statement. He discusses the death of children during the Holocaust: "But no part of all this bloody work is so shocking and terrible as that of the million Jewish children whose blood was spilt like water throughout Europe." Hausner compares the suffering of Jews who died to Jews who lived. He asserts no one can determine "... who suffered the more terrible fat: those who died or those who concealed themselves in every conceivable hiding place and crevice, who lived in perpetual terror of expulsion..." There is a b...

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 66, 67 and 68 -- Testimonies of S. Srebnik, A. Lindwasser, D. Wdowinski, A. Oppenheimer

    Session 66. Witness Simon Srebrnik talks about dismantling the camp of Chelmno. He was shot, shows wound to court. He describes how he pretended to be dead and then escaped. 00:04:07 Describes the Russians arriving and being liberated. 00:05:51 Asked about his mother, explains that he cannot sleep at night. 00:06:59 Cuts out. 00:07:00 Witness Avraham Lindwasser. Worked as a dentist in Treblinka - pulling out teeth. Until he came across the body of his sister. 00:10:06 describes how he then told Dr. Zimmerman, a Jewish Kapo, he could not carry on anymore. Talks of amount of gold collected. 0...

  4. Anne Löb Marx papers

    The Anne Löb Marx papers contains a blank color postcard of the MS St. Louis and a black and white photograph of passengers boarding the MS St. Louis in Hamburg, Germany, May 1939. Pictured in the photograph are Anne Löb Marx’s grandfathers, Solomon Lehmann and Isidor Löb. Both men disembarked the MS St. Louis in Belgium and perished at Auschwitz concentration camp.

  5. Martha Fruchter Gulyas papers

    The papers consist of photographs and one identification card relating to Martha Fruchter Gulyas [donor's grandmother] and her family from the time period of the Holocaust. The identification card was issued to Martha Fruchter Gulyas from the Hungarian Jewish services in 1945 in Budapest, Hungary; this was the first identification papers she received her liberation.

  6. Gerry Blumenfeld papers

    The papers consist of 33 photographs and a document relating to the experiences of Idek Blumenfleld [donor] during the Holocaust in Bedzin, Poland; Leipheim, Germany; Barletta, Italy; Tel-Aviv, Israel; and Melbourne, Australia.

  7. Photograph of a family in Homel, Belarus

    The image depicts three men, five women, and five children, seated and standing in front of wood wall. A black ink "x" is inscribed over the head of a woman standing in the last row. The photograph was taken in Gomel (Homel), Belarus.

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 107 -- Eichmann talks about arrests, Jews, and the Wannsee Conference

    Session 107. The Attorney General Hausner is seated alone - the rest of the court, including the Judges, the Defense, and Eichmann, are out. They slowly return to their spots. 00:04:58 The Judges return and they open Session 107. Eichmann is reminded he is under oath. Eichmann is asked about the testimony of a previous witness, asking if he gave a speech to the imprisoned Jews telling them that the water was unfit to drink. He answers that he never gave any such speech, but contaminated water was a normal occurrence at the camps. He then talks, at length, about the arrest of priest Dean Gru...

  9. Hans Rosenthal memoir

    Contains a memoir, 42 pages, about Hans Rosenthal's escape from Germany to Holland in 1939 and eventual arrival in Australia on October 3, 1939.

  10. Zella Shabasson Rosenberg photograph collection

    Collection of photographs showing liberation scenes: American flag over a liberated camp, American soldiers holding a newspaper announcing German surrender, and liberated prisoners taking revenge on a former guard at a concentration camp (possibly Dachau).

  11. Bertel K. Borowsky memoir

    Contains a memoir, 10 pages, by Bertel K. Borowsky, dedicated to his sons, Mark and Claude, describing the persecution and destruction of his family during the Holocaust.

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 99 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins with a shot of Attorney General Gideon Hausner and Assistant State Attorney Gabriel Bach seated at the prosecution table. Dr. Robert Servatius, counsel for the defense, enters (00:00:26) and the camera cuts to a long shot of the courtroom. Servatius walks over to the defense table and is seated. The camera cuts to another angle and Adolf Eichmann enters the booth (00:00:39) carrying documents and accompanied by three Israeli guards. He bows to Servatius and is seated. There are various shots of Servatius and Eichmann preparing for the session. All rise as judges Halevi, Landa...

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Session 110 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 110. Hausner argues that Eichmann has been lying in his testimony, trying to weasel out of responsibility at all times (some duplicate footage on Tape 2213). He decries Eichmann's meticulous corrections of the Sassen documents as too detailed, all of this under the guise of a book. 00:05:06 Hausner begins his conclusion. He asks the court that if Eichmann is decided to be a liar, that the debunked documents be readmitted as evidence. Even if he is not, there is enough evidence to convict him. 00:13:50 Using the compilation of all of the witnesses, Hausner claims that the rumors of E...

  14. David Eilenberg papers

    The David Eilenberg papers consist of biographical materials and photographs documenting David Eilenberg’s time at the Landsberg DP Camp, his marriage to Hala Kowalska, their family members in Łódź and Malmö, and their political activities in support of the creation of the State of Israel and in assisting the emigration of European Jews to Palestine. Biographical materials include travel passes and a Landsberg residence card for David Eilenberg, the Eilenbergs’ ketubah and marriage certificate, and a newspaper clipping containing congratulations to the couple on their marriage. Photographs ...

  15. Nathan Rohloff photograph collection

    The collection consists mainly of photographs of the activities of Nathan at the displaced persons camp in Neustadt in Holstein, Germany. Some photographs in the collection are of his activities in the Boy Scouts and of his family. Also included is a postcard with a drawing of a fleur-de-lis and the words "Esi Modrs" underneath as well as the pre-printed name of a Latvian scouting organization.

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 21 and 22 -- Testimonies of H. Pachter, Y. Gurfein, N. Zabludowicz, L. Wells

    Sessions 21 and 22. Court is not in session. Court officials interact; Adolf Eichmann enters his booth; Attorney General Gideon Hausner and Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius converse; and Servatius exchanges information with Eichmann. The Judges enter the courtroom and there is a blip at 00:04.52. Witness Hirsch (Zvi) Pachter discusses Nazi treatment in Hrubieszow, a town near Chelm: "They took hold of a man... they hit [him] on the head with their rifle butts... They kept on asking each other: 'How many did you manage to kill by shooting...'" Blip at 00:08:19. Witness Ya'Akov Gurfein d...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 46 -- Testimonies of Salz and Arnon regarding Yugoslavia

    Session 46. Judges enter, and open the 46th session of the trial. The consolidation of Jews and Freemasons in Belgrade is recommended, and the deportation of them to an island on the Danube River is suggested, assuming that this is an easy task. The discussion of statistics, along with dealing with the Roma quarter, are brought up. 00:12:46 Tape jumps. Dr. Hinko Salz is testifying, saying that he wore an armband badge as a soldier, but it was often covered by his medical badges. 00:14:05 Tape jumps. Dr. Salz is still testifying, saying that his superior told them that he would give them vou...

  18. A Short Biography

    Contains a biography about Joseph Lebovic's Holocaust experiences.

  19. Medical kit