Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,281 to 17,300 of 58,960
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 113. Near-empty courtroom. Eichmann and Dr. Servatius attempt to talk over the private microphone line. Eichmann motions that it's not necessary. 00:05:43 Judges enter. They open Session 113. The Attorney General Hausner submits translated copies of his summing up. 00:08:54 Hausner says that he will say a few words regarding the proof as presented in the testimonies of the witnesses as well as various documents already discussed. Questions of the honesty of the witnesses, as well as the possibility of corroboration, are raised by the Judges. Hausner answers these in turn. 00:19:44 H...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 26 -- Testimony about children and the Polish underground

    Session 26. Witness Adolph Avraham Berman testifies. Dr. Berman talks about the numbers of children in Warsaw. The Judges ask him questions. He says that there was help for Jews from the Polish underground, especially for the children. He says that Jewish children were smuggled into the Aryan section of Warsaw, and then lists the Polish underground organizations, including Janusz Korczak, that helped. He says that they worked to get the news out of what was happening. 00:08:30 Dr. Berman finishes, and the Judges call Dr. Duvdevani. He discusses the search for a cache of items stashed in the...

  3. Fira Zhornitskaya memoir

    Contains a memoir about Fira Zhornitskaya's Holocaust experiences.

  4. Jerry Shmoys collection

    Consists of six postcards and two letters sent to the Jerry Shmoys' parents from friends and relatives in Warsaw and Łódź, Poland.

  5. Josef Reiner translations from "Folks-Sztyme"

    Contains English translations of newspaper clippings from the Polish language Jewish newspaper "Folks-Sztyme."

  6. Majdanek at liberation; 1944 War Crimes Trial

    Majdanek camp after liberation, crematoriums. Polish Red Army with prisoners. The 1944 trial of six Nazi war criminals in charge of Majdanek camp outside Lublin. The trial takes place in Lublin. Charges are read in Polish, with views of defendants as they are named. Defendants speak in German (Polish subtitles). Concentration camp inmates (witnesses) sworn in. Man gives testimony, Jewish woman gives testimony. CUs of accused. Lawyer for the prosecution delivers his remarks. Sentencing to death. Public execution (by hanging) of five Nazis. Men swinging from the gallows' ropes, with a crowd o...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 77 -- Questioning Eichmann

    Adolf Eichmann is examined on the Madagascar Plan, the Würzburg Files and the Düsseldorf Files. The footage begins shortly into Session 77 as Dr. Robert Servatius asks Eichmann about a letter dealing with the Jewish Question. While the translator speaks, the courtroom is shown and Eichmann sits in a booth looking over documents. In his response, Eichmann states that he "never took part in any discussion in the Foreign Ministry," and suggests that there was a rivalry between Heydrich and the Reich Minister over the Madagascar Plan. It is then clarified that "Territorial Final Solution" refer...

  8. Ministry of State Treasury. Revision. Office for Nationalized Property : Catalogue of Financial Card Pertaining to Jewish Property. Ministarstvo Drzavne Riznice. Ponova. Ured za Podrzavljeni Imetak : Kartoteka Financijskih Kartica Zidovske Imovine

    Contains card files for confiscated Jewish properties, from the Office for Nationalized Property, a department of the State Treasury, which in 1941 was known as the State Directorate for Economic Renewal. The collection is organized alphabetically by town. Each card file contains either the name of a Jewish-owned business that was confiscated, along with the name of the owner, or the name of a Jewish individual or family, in those instances involving personal property. There are multiple cards for individual families; real estate, cash, and moveable property are normally recorded on separat...

  9. Photograph of Polish women being led by German soldiers to execution

    Consists of one photograph of Polish women being led through the woods by German soldiers to be executed.

  10. Hans Weiner memoir

    Contains a memoir about Hans Weiner's escape from the Nazis and his tenure in the 608th Company of the Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps, a corps made up of male volunteers who had enlisted in the British Army in Mandatory Palestine.

  11. My Biography from September 1939 to January 1945

    Contains a memoir about Martin Travis's childhood in Warsaw, experiences in Auschwitz, Blachamor concentration camp near Berlin, Germany.

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 85 -- Written testimonies from Germany presented to the court re: following orders, cruelty, numbers killed, and Himmler

    Session 85. This tape includes the presentation of the records of testimonies of the following witnesses, but their names are not mentioned on the tape: Wilhelm Hoettl, Walter Huppenkothen, Eberhard von Thadden, Hans Jüttner, Theodore Horst Grell, and Kurt Becher. All of these individuals were witnesses for the Prosecution. Dr. Servatius reads a conversation of a meeting with Eichmann, where he seemed strained, offered him alcohol, and sat down to talk to him saying that he believed that the German war effort was doomed, and that the Allies believed him to be one of the chief war criminals....

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 32 and 33 -- Presentation of documents; Wellers testifies about the plight of children

    Session 32. Iranian Jews are being discussed in the reading of a document into the record by the Prosecution. This document includes Iranian Jews who practice other faiths in the extermination, to be treated the same as the Jews of Europe. The document is signed by Eichmann. 00:03:54 A document is being read into the record by the Prosecution, signed by Eichmann, saying that as soon as transports were possible from the General Government area, children are to be included. Six transports of children are to be sent. 00:05:37 Tape jumps. George Wellers is brought in as a witness, asked to cove...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 91 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins late in the session during the cross-examination of the accused by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Adolf Eichmann is asked a series of questions about the Madagascar Plan, including whether or not Reinhard Heydrich made efforts to implement it (00:04:05) and who opposed the plan. [The Madagascar Plan was an idea to resettle the Jews on the island of Madagascar]. Hausner asks the accused if the main objective was to send the Jews there to die (00:07:19). Eichmann maintains that the plan was not to exterminate or annihilate the Jews (00:07:49) and Hausner points out that there...

  15. Medical kit

  16. Gross Rosen documents

    Contains six documents that include a Dachau lettersheet assuring parents of their child's good health, a postcard from Theresienstadt with a stamped admonishment that writing must be in German, three different Holocaust memorial covers, a Gross Rosen letter sheet, two censorship stamps postmarked on address-leaf and stamped with swastika, "Gross Rosen" with assurance of good health and request for letters and packages.

  17. Peter Bela Hess correspondence

    The collection consists of one letter (enclosed in envelope) and one postcard from Dachau concentration camp written by Peter Bela Hess (donor's father) to Frieda Zeilinger (donor's grandmother). The letter is dated December 3, 1938 and the postcard is dated November 18, 1938. All are official camp stationary printed with "Konzentrationslager Dachau 3 K."

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7 and 8 -- Hausner's opening statement

    Sessions 6, 7 and 8. Begins during Attorney General Hausner's opening speech. He describes the terrible conditions inflicted upon the Jews in concentration camps. There is a blip at 00:04:42 and then Hausner continues his description by quoting eyewitness accounts of Nazi violence. There is another blip at 00:08:50 and the prosecutor refers to the extermination of Galician Jewry; he states, "The accused, as head of the Gestapo Department for Jewish Affairs, as Special Commissioner for the extermination of the Jews, bears direct responsibility as the initiator and implementer of this blood b...

  19. Felix Kotek family papers

    The Felix Kotek family papers include a photograph of Felix Kotek, a 1940 letter from “Leo” and Marie Wolle in London to Sala and Moritz Kotek care of the Goldberg family in Białystok, two 1941 Soviet death certificates for Moisei Kotek, a 1941 Soviet death certificate for Sara Kotek, and a 1945 German death certificate for Felix Kotek.

  20. Wooden rack wagon, yolk, and pole typical of those used in prewar Poland

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn13573
    • English
    • a: Height: 45.000 inches (114.3 cm) | Width: 54.000 inches (137.16 cm) | Depth: 138.500 inches (351.79 cm) b: Height: 150.250 inches (381.635 cm) | Diameter: 10.500 inches (26.67 cm) c: Height: 32.125 inches (81.598 cm) | Diameter: 2.875 inches (7.302 cm)

    Wooden farm wagon, handle, and pole of the type used by many Polish farmers and refugees before and during World War II. Poland was invaded by Germany on September 1, 1939. Many Polish Jews and non-Jews fled to eastern Poland in an attempt to escape the advancing German Army. On September 17, the Soviet Army occupied eastern Poland, per the German-Soviet Pact, signed on August 19, which included a secret agreement to partition Poland. Approximately 300,000 Jewish refugees were trapped in eastern Poland when it was annexed by the Soviet Union. In 1940-1941, the Soviets arrested and deported ...