Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,261 to 17,280 of 58,960
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7 and 8 -- Hausner continues opening statement

    Sessions 6, 7 and 8. Attorney General Gideon Hausner continues Section 4 of his opening statement: "IV - The Final Solution of the Jewish Question." At one point during his recitation of Section 4, the Judges interrupt Hausner to ask if they may adjourn; Hausner requests a few more minutes. At 00:40:21, there is a cut from Hausner's speech to Eichmann being led out of the courtroom. The court is adjourned, and the camera focuses on the emptying courtroom as the tape ends.

  2. Eugenia Pinski papers

    Contains three memoirs entitled, "Class Reunion," "The Last Days of War," and "The Last Days of the Bedzin Ghetto."

  3. Ralph Grunewald papers

    The papers consist of certificates, work permits, identification cards, receipts, and correspondence relating to the Spielmann family and their experiences in Theresienstadt (Terezín) concentration camp in Czechoslovakia during the Holocaust and immediately following liberation.

  4. Betty Mae Pasternak papers

    The collection consists of photographs documenting the US Army Corps of Engineers' path in Germany from April to May 1945, including images of victims in Dachau concentration camp. The collection also includes two postcards, one pamphlet entitled "The Story of The Corps of Engineers," and one envelope addressed to Miss Betty Shenk in Pennsylvania, dated June 4, 1945.

  5. New Year card

    The New Year card bears an oval shaped portrait of Murray Weglinski on the right. The text reads: "L'shana Tovah Tikatevu" (New Years Greetings), printed in Hebrew letters in the ceter. There is also a Star of David with an image of the sun and palm trees on the left. The card was created while Murray Weglinski was in Eschwege, Germany.

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 95 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 95 with the continuation of cross examination of the accused by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Eichmann is asked to indicate when he learned about Rolf Günther's involvement with gassing operations. Günther was head of a subsection of department IVB4, headed by Eichmann, and was involved in procuring and delivering Zyklon B gas for the extermination camps. Eichmann maintains that he does not remember ever talking to Günther about this matter (00:01:36). Judge Landau reminds Eichmann that he should testify from his memory (00:06:17). While translatin...

  7. Book

  8. Lipski family collection

    Consists the personal papers of Wlodzimierz (Vladimir) Lipski and Debora Lipski, originally of Vilno; papers document the Lipskis' movements around Europe after the war which include work in Poland and Italy, residence in France, and emigration to the United States; correspondence and statements describe Lipski's Holocaust experiences. Also contains pre-war, wartime, and post-war photographs of the Lipskis and post-war photographs taken at an ORT facility where Vladimire was employed, 1945-1951. Also includes photographs of the family of Hersch and Berta Raskin. Mrs. Raskin was the aunt of ...

  9. Records relating to investigations and trials of war criminals (Criminels de Guerre), Luxembourg

    Contains the investigation and trial records of persons who committed war crimes in Luxembourg.

  10. Lusia Berkowicz-Hammer photograph collection

    The collection consists of a photograph of Henoch Berkowicz, Abram’s father, taken in the Łódź ghetto, in Poland, circa 1940, and a photograph of Fajga, Abram’s sister, taken in Łódź, Poland,circa 1939.

  11. Arthur Greenbaum papers

    The Arthur Greenbaum papers consists of six documents relating to Arthur Greenbaum (Szlama Gruenbaum) and his experiences immediately following the Holocaust as a refugee and his immigration to the United States. Included in his collection are two documents for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration at the Backnang Displaced Persons Camp. One document recommends Szlama for citizenship in the United States, while the other is a signed statement by Abraham Fuchs, verifying that he was with Szlama Gruenbaum in Mauthausen Concentration Camp and later in the Backnang Displac...

  12. Tabaczyński and Asz families papers

    The Tabaczyński and Asz families papers consist of biographical materials and photographs documenting Eugenia Tabaczyńska Shrut and her family as well as the family of her first husband, Mark Asch, before, during, and after the Holocaust in Kłodawa, Warsaw, the Warsaw ghetto, Italy, France, and America. Biographical materials include a Makabi membership card issued to Marek (Mojsze) Asz and a false permit issued to Itta Gella Asz for travel from Warsaw to Greece. They also include five documents issued to Eugenia (Gina) Tabaczyńska including a wartime work card for the Schultz Company, an...

  13. Reinhold and Singer families papers

    The Reinhold and Singer families papers are comprised of biographical materials, a cookbook, correspondence, photographs, and printed materials documenting Feodora Reinhold Singer’s family in Germany, her departure via Kindertransport to England, Robert Singer’s family in Austria, his stay in the Merksplas internment camp in Belgium, and their immigration to the United States. Biographical materials include World War I era military records, education and employment records, marriage certificates, passports, identification cards, naturalization papers, and Feodora Singer’s personal narrative...

  14. Michael Wolf Wartelsky papers

    Consists of a "record of expenses" document that lists details of Michael Wolf Wartelsky's journey along the Kindertransport route from Koenigsberg, Germany to Glasgow, United Kingdom.

  15. collection of trading cards and a photograph

    The collection consists of two trading cards with black and white photographs of athletes from the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany, and one black and white photograph with the caption on verso: "Nazi Troops in an Eastern Europe Village Early 1940's."

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Session 100 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins early in the Session 100. Attorney General Gideon Hausner asks the accused whether he read Friedel's report on the Bialystok matter and notes that Friedel stated that the order to liquidate the ghettos came directly from department IVB4 (00:00:45). Eichmann testifies that Bialystok was part of the incorporated Eastern Territories and his section merely had to carry out the deportations ordered by Heinrich Himmler (00:00:58). Hausner asks Eichmann to indicate on a map (hung on the wall to the left of the accused's booth) the territories incorporated into the Reich (00:02:21). ...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 97 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    There is visual interference throughout the footage. Footage begins in the latter portion of Session 97 at the end of a discussion on an apology sent to Eichmann by the Foreign Ministry for actions taken in unoccupied France concerning Jews without his consultation. Footage cuts (00:02:39 to 00:02:50) Attorney General Gideon Hausner cross examines the accused about the agreement between Theodor Danneker and Alexander Belev to deport Bulgarian Jews reached after Dannecker had received authorization from Eichmann to draw up the agreement (00:04:35). Belev was the Jewish Commissar for the Bulg...

  18. DP Camp Neu Freimann

    Scenes at DP camp Neu-Freimann near Munich, Germany. Sign: "IRO Area Team 1055 / Neu-Freimann / Siedlung" Pan of DP camp, displaced persons walking around, conversing. Shots of Jack Sutin. Women pushing baby carriages.

  19. Chris Lerman photograph collection

    The collection consists of eight photographs of Chris and Miles Lerman, their friends, and their family, during their time in the Berlin Schlachtensee displaced persons camp in Germany after liberation and their voyage to the United States on board the "Marine Perch." Also included in the collection are three photographs of the Lermans' friends in Bergen-Belsen.

  20. Jewish new year card

    Consists of a New Year card for Rosh Hashana, on which is a photograph of Rywek Zytnik's cousin, Chaim, and text in Hebrew and Polish. The card was produced in Dzierżoniów, Poland.