Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,241 to 17,260 of 58,960
  1. Dina Cohen papers

    Contains two vaccination certificates, an international certificate of vaccination against small pox, a copy of a birth certificate and an English translation, and a medical processing certificate from the International Refugee Organization (IRO), for Dina Lanceter Cohen.

  2. Abraham Aviel Lipkunski manuscript

    Contains an English translation, 189 pages, of Abraham Aviel Lipkunski's published Hebrew manuscript, "Recollections."

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 73 and 74 -- Sassen document legality and value; Bergen-Belsen liberation; savior of the Arabs

    Sessions 73. Tape jumps often, but does not seem to lose any footage. Attorney General Hausner describes the Sassen memoirs, saying that he does not deny it, and thus it can be considered created by Eichmann. He says that the Defense says that the document is incomplete, but this does not affect the submission of the document, and it must be determined what value that missing portion has. He cites precedent, saying that the court must warn itself that this is not the entire document. The Judges discuss problems with the corrections to the document, the validity of the document, and other re...

  4. Ministry of the State Treasury, Office for Nationalized Property, Registers of debt claims from Jews Ministarstvo Državne Riznice. Ured za Podržavljeni imetak, Reg Potraživanja od Židova

    Contains materials relating to the Aryanization and disposition of Jewish property. Included are biographical, business, and property-related forms.Collection deals with Jewish credit and debt, that is, debts owed by and to individual Jews whose property was confiscated. Each entry lists a Jewish name and any outstanding debts owed by that individual or claims against other businesses or individuals, together with the name of the non-Jewish (in some cases, Jewish) creditor or debtor, and the total debt owed.

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 -- Testimony of A. Less

    Sessions 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Attorney General Gideon Hausner questions Avner Less on his interrogation of Adolf Eichmann. In between three blips, the prosecution presents the audio reel tapes of Eichmann's interrogation. The recordings are in German; therefore, the excerpts are translated into Hebrew and English after each excerpt is played. Following the blip at 00:18:00, Eichmann's statement is translated into Hebrew/English. Eichmann discusses his inability to view injuries: "I am often told that I could never have been a doctor." During the recording, Eichmann makes excuses for his fault...

  6. Farming, church service, soccer, orchestra, theater at Camp Westerbork

    MS, horse, pasture. CU, feeding horse. Little boy sitting on horse without saddle. WS, horse running through field. CU, sheep. 02:30:11 Moving train, shot from inside, piles of bricks in open wagons. Farming: young man plowing by hand. Horse-pulled plower. Pan of group of young men and women in black uniforms preparing soil for seeds, using cylindrical wooden tool. Women with yutta bags around their necks, filled with flower bulbs, throwing bulbs into pepared holes. CU, slow motion of working with wooden rower. 02:36:02: WS, same group of people resting, laying down in meadow. Pan, people r...

  7. Passport

    The passport ("Reisepass") was issued to Elsa Sara Kraustz on February 13, 1940, in Vienna, Austria. The green passport bears a Nazi seal and a red "J" on page one, designating Kraustz as Jewish. A black and white photograph of Kraustz is attached to page 2.

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 18 and 19 -- Testimonies of D. Meretz, W. Zimet and M. Burger

    Sessions 18 and 19. Assistant State Attorney submits Prosecution Document 505, a cable from Joseph Kennedy, American Ambassador in London. The cable describes a meeting with Ribbentrop about possible Jewish emigration to foreign nations. Bar-Or submits a report on Eichmann's trip to Palestine and Egypt. Blip at 00:09:21 and Bar-Or continues to submit relevant documentation. Blip at 00:11:30. Court is not in session; Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius and the Judges enter the room. Presiding Judge Moshe Landau reprimands Bar-Or for using so much time to submit fifty documents. Bar-Or asse...

  9. Selected records from the Bernard Bernstein Nazi gold file

    Contains correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, and other materials concerning Nazi Germany's gold and other financial assets. Much of this material relates to the discovery by U.S. forces of a large cache of Nazi treasure in the Kaiseroda salt mine at Merkers, Germany, in April 1945. Colonel Bernstein was responsible for safeguarding and preparing an inventory of these valuables, which included gold, currency, works of art, and loot taken from victims in Nazi concentration or extermination camps. Also includes documentation of the financial aspects of the war, efforts to compensate ...

  10. Pnina Blum photograph collection

    Consists of a photographic print; monochromatic black and white image of Jewish man being forced to cut the beard of another Jewish man to publicly humiliate them; men with beards, all wearing long coats, standing on left and center, man on far left getting his beard cut, two German soldiers, one wearing armband reading "Deutsche/...ehrmacht" standing on right; verso: brown ink stamp in center "FOTO ZEISE/C817/REICHENBACH." Also includes a photographic print; monochromatic black and white image of close up of corpses, some wearing striped prisoner uniforms, others unclothed, "JUGO..UTO" at ...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 64 and 65 -- Testimonies of J. Reznik; Y. Friedman; D. Friedberg; Y. Biskowitz; M. Podchlebnik

    This tape contains a summary of Sessions 64 and 65. Session 64. Witness Joseph Reznik, Pole in Majdanek. 00:02:15 Describes people being killed, band playing to disguise gun shots. 00:04:06 Describes digging pits - opening mass graves. Rolfinger shouting at him. Removed bodies and burnt them. 00:09:03 Witness Ya'akov Friedman, in Majdanek. Talks about people being hung and flogged. 00:12:30 Identifies Eichmann, describes seeing him in camp. 00:15:10 Continues explaining how/when he was released - as a Christian in spring 1944. 00:16:57 Witness Dov Frieberg. Camp dogs. 00:18:37 Attorney Gene...

  12. Medical kit

  13. Records of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, Fond R-633/1

    Records relate to the duties of the ERR, especially the plundering of Lithuanian museums and libraries.

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 92 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about his position as a specialist

    The footage begins late in Session 92. Attorney General Gideon Hausner cross-examines Eichmann, who states that he was not in charge of the entire Final Solution. He states that he was assigned the task of writing invitations to the Wannsee Conference. Hausner asks the accused if he was in fact Reinhard Heydrich's specialist in charge of Jewish affairs (00:04:37). Eichmann maintains that he was not Heydrich's special officer for the Final Solution, but rather an officer on Jewish affairs under Heinrich Müller. There is a disturbance in the courtroom and Judge Landau calls for order (00:11:4...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7 and 8

    Sessions 6, 7 and 8. Attorney General Gideon Hausner continues his opening statement. Hausner refers to the contributions of several Jewish persons to highlight the social and cultural decimation produced by the events of the Holocaust. According to the official court transcripts, the prosecution concludes his opening speech with these words: "By the mercy of Providence, which preserved a saving remnant, Adolf Eichmann's design was frustrated, and the intention that the cherished was not implemented to the end." However, the following transcription was taken directly from the tape starting ...

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Session 75 -- Eichmann's testimony

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 75 following a brief intermission, with a shot of Eichmann standing in the booth and Judge Moshe Landau sitting down. Landau asks the accused to rise and take off his headphones. He asks Eichmann whether he wishes to testify in his defense and if he wants to take the oath. The judge warns Eichmann that if he chooses to take the oath then the District Attorney will be entitled to question him. Eichmann opts to take the oath. It is decided that the accused will testify from the booth. Servatius makes some introductory remarks about how evidence will...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. The courtroom is empty, and people mill about. 00:05:26 Judges enter, telling Dr. Servatius to continue. He speaks in German, the tape is interrupted before it is translated. 00:08:06 Tape jumps, Servatius says that Geshke and Winkelmann had precedence over Eichmann where relevant. Servatius says that the SS orders were meant to be followed, regardless of Eichmann's orders. 00:10:29 Tape is interrupted by a slate. The implementation of the extermination is questioned. Servatius says that orders did not arrive through Eichmann's office, and any complaints, if there were any, wen...

  18. Melania Fogelbaum papers

    The Melania Fogelbaum papers consist of writings and correspondence documenting Melania Fogelbaum’s experiences in the Łódź ghetto between 1941 and 1944. The collection includes a notebook of poems and several loose pages from a journal of poems, drawings, and journal entries written by Melania while in the ghetto. Correspondence includes postcards between Melania and friends and family including Hala Frumkowska, Szymon Gliksman, Hipolit Fogelbaum, Cyla Fogelbaum, Jozef Fogelbaum, and a letter from the Jewish Council notifying Melania that due to her illness, she will receive additional rat...

  19. Medical kit

  20. Bulgarian Peoples Bank in Seres (Fond 1251, Opis 1, file 926)

    Contains dossiers of Jewish accounts that were closed on March 5, 1946. The deposits were transferred to Greece.