Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,141 to 16,160 of 58,960
  1. US proclaims neutrality; ships with Americans; children evacuated in London

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 11, No. 804, Part 1. Release date, 09/06/1939. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: 12:23:13 Part 1A: Washington, DC. Closely following President Roosevelt's speech to the nation urging a neutral America, Secretary of State Hull countersigns the neutrality measure and arms embargo destined to keep the US out of war. 12:25:54 Part 1B: New York, NY. Liners arrive with more Americans fleeing from the war. The Polish vessel, "Batory" brings Polish Red Cross leaders to confer with officials here. A "Vest Pocket" torpedo boat arrives from England for navy demo...

  2. Defendents talking at Nuremberg Trial; Defense plea for von Ribbentrop

    (Munich 285) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 8, 1946. MS, von Ribbentrop talking to Goering and Adm. Raeder. MP in FG (conversation inaudible). MS, von Ribbentrop speaking to Hess. MS, rear view, Dr. Martin Horne making a plea for his client von Ribbentrop. HAS, defendants talking to one another during recess. MLS, Dr. Horne making plea. HAS, Goering, Hess, von Ribbentrop, and Keitel. MLS, Maxwell-Fyfe at prosecution table. Unidentified member of the defense listening to Horne's plea.

  3. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 12)

    Footage of deportations from the Warsaw ghetto (identified as Hungarian deportation), Soviet soldiers liberating Lublin in July 1944. The accused in the dock at the Majdanek trial. Scenes of Lugano, Switzerland, where Globke went on the advice of his doctor in 1944. Battle scenes and a quote from Globke about how he has destroyed most of his uniform. Shots of Russian soldiers raising the flag over the destroyed Reichstag. Globke is sought as war criminal number 101. Shots of the corpses of Globke's three bosses, Goering, Frick, and Himmler. Photo of his fourth boss, Konrad Adenauer. The nar...

  4. Kaltenbrunner pleads not guilty, Shawcross speaking at Nuremberg Trial

    01:28:18 (Paris 427) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 7, 1945. Ernst Kaltenbrunner enters courtroom for the first time and is seated in the dock between Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Rosenberg. LS, Kaltenbrunner stands and pleads not guilty. Rear LS, Asst. Prosecutor Sydney Alderman (US) addresses the tribunal. 01:34:27 (Paris 418) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 1, 1945. Rear view, address by British prosecutor Sir Hartly Shawcross. Rear view, von Ribbentrop's counsel, wearing black cap, questioning Gen. Lahousen. Shawcross concluding his speech, quotes Hitler, "...

  5. Sketching defendants documents, map at Nuremberg Trial

    22:25:18 (Paris 386) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 27, 1945. CU, cartoonist sketches Walther Funk and Wilhelm Frick. MLS of prisoners' dock, visible are: Albert Speer, Constantin Neurath, Hans Fritzsche, Franz von Papen, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Rosenberg. MLS, MS, Erich Raeder's counsel makes plea to Tribunal, complaining about receiving documents presented by the prosecution too late. The list of documents the defense uses, which had been handed out the previous day, were partly incomplete, and therefore made the defens...

  6. Nazi propaganda: ethnic Germans victimized in Poland

    Hitler Youth in the East (Posen, etc). Intertitles. Danzig. Poles victimize ethnic Germans. Ruins, graves. "Erbe" "Polnische Kulturträger" Sarcastic, Polish 'untermensch'. "Juden, Juden, Juden!" Closeups of Jews. Stars of David. Healthy blond German children. HJ, BDM at work. Antisemitic propaganda (Lebensraum, etc). Boys boxing, boy sewing, shining shoes. 9 Sept 1940, sign on tree about a village gathering in the afternoon. Folk dancing. Military officers. Local SS, SA. Clapping. Milk can, laundry in wind.

  7. Ilse Hausstein collection

    Contains documents pertaining to the sterilization of Ilse Hausstein. Includes a letter from authorities in Zwickau, asking her to show up at counseling appointment in 1936; a printed insert explaining the purpose of sterilization; and a 1926 letter of reference from a former employer of Haustein, where she had worked as a maid. File also contains a letter of reference for Rudolf Beiersdorf, attesting that he had successfully completed his apprenticeship in 1925 as a "Zimmergesellen."

  8. British Colonial Office Cyprus, original correspondence

    Consists of records relating to the British Colonial Office's administration of Cyprus in 1939. Contains information regarding emigration to Cyprus in general, and Jewish emigration to Cyprus in particular.

  9. Janina Szmurllo photograph collection

    The collection consists of nine photographs depicting the Szmurllo family who rescued a 4-year-old Jewish girl, Celina Cederbaum, in Skarżysko-Kamienna, Poland.

  10. Foreign Office: General correspondence, Ottoman Empire

    Contains general correspondence relating to the protection of Jews in Syria, the condition and treatment of Jews in Serbia and Romania, ant the immigration of Jews to Palestine.

  11. On the War Front

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 12, No. 863, Part 1. Release date, 04/01/1940. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: 12:29:25 Part 1A: "Welles Reports Back to FDR" Washington, DC. Climax to Undersecretary Samner Welles' 14,000 mile peace visit to belligerent capitals in Europe. After landing in New York, he hurries to the White House to give his report to the President. Peace is not imminent, FDR says later. 12:30:07 Part 1B: "On the War Front." Paris, France. Paul Reynard, French financial wizard, forms a new cabinet after the downfall of Premier Daladier. 12:30:35 Part 1B: "On the War...

  12. Benjamin Aussen collection

    Consists of one black and white plastic negative strip containing six frames depicting the donor and his family and friends during their hiding in Amsterdam, circa 1942-1945.

  13. Records of David Irving v. Penguin Books Ltd. and Deborah Lipstadt

    The collection consists of copies of court records, expert reports submitted by historians and copies of documents referred to in the reports, witness statements, printed and electronic publications, personal papers (e.g. letters, diaries, etc.) of David Irving, and critical writings about David Irving pertaining to the Jan.-April 2000 David Irving vs. Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt trial in London, England. The collection includes material relevant to World War II and the Holocaust, with an emphasis that David Irving in his writings, lectures, and other manifestations represents an ant...

  14. von Ribbentrop associates at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 72) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 28, 1946. Ms. Margaret Blank, former secretary of von Ribbentrop, is sworn in and begins to testify. Pan to prisoners' dock. Dr. Martin Horne questions Ms. Blank. Paul Otto Schmidt is sworn in and questioned by Dr. Horne. Von Ribbentrop takes the witness stand. He is sworn in and questioned by Dr. Horne.

  15. French case presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 508) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 17, 1946. Francois de Menthron, French prosecutor, delivering opening speech for the French.

  16. Confiscated art and chart discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 453) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 12, 1945. Robert G. Storey tells of the vast quantities of objects of art confiscated by the Nazis. As evidence he presents 39 volumes listing the seized art. MLS, judges examining catalogs (Justice Robert Falco (France) is the only judge seen). Storey claims that if all art objects seized by the Nazi were cataloged they would fill 350 to 400 volumes. The lights are turned off in the courtroom as slides are shown (presentation not filmed). LS, Storey explaining chart on wall showing advancement from Hitler Youth to SS. CU, chart on...

  17. Operation of translating system at Nuremberg Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 1946. SEQ: standing before photo mural of the Nuremberg Trial in session, Commander Steer of the US Navy explains the operation of the Multilingual Simultaneous Interpreting System. (Photography is bad in spots.)

  18. Records of the Russian State Archives of Literature and Art

    Contains eyewitness accounts of pogroms; printed excerpts from Vasilii Grossman's war diary; copies of articles, reports, and manuscripts by Grossman; Russian translation of Yankel Vernik's "A Year in Treblinka; " typed journal of D. I. Zaslyavskiy from 1943; protocol of conversation with the writer A. A. Bek; letters to the radio program "Naiti Cheloveka" from persons seeking information on relatives who went missing in World War II (1966-1968).

  19. Final pleas of defendants at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 297) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 12-13, 1946. HAS, Dr. Otto Nelte, lawyer for Keitel, reading the defendant's final plea. MS, Justices Parker, de Vabre, and Falco. MS, several stenographers taking notes. Dr. Hans Marx, lawyer for Streicher, reading the defendant's final plea. MS Streicher listening. MS, Justices de Vabre and Falco at bench. MS, Justices Biddle and Parker. MS, Justices Birkett and Lawrence. MS, Russian prosecutor Rudenko at table.