Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,221 to 16,240 of 58,960
  1. French prosecutors, economic looting at Nuremberg Trial

    08:37:05 (Paris 516) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 21, 1946. LS, MS French prosecutors Jacques Bernard Herzog and Gerthoffer addressing the Tribunal re. Sauckel and French forced labor. 08:38:10 Shots of the different prosecutors speaking in French. 08:41:27 (Paris 518) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 21, 1946. LS, MS French prosecutor Delpach presenting the case on the "Economic Looting" of France, Belgium, and Luxembourg. 08:45:32 CU, female stenographer and female stenotypist taking testimony.

  2. State officials warn civilians about the war crisis, 1938

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 10, No. 703, Part 2. Release date, 09/19/1938. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: 11:32:19 Part 2A: "War Crisis Shakes all Nations" Washington, DC, USA. In the face of a possible new world conflict abroad, President Roosevelt summons his cabinet officers for a conference on the European crisis. 11:33:04 Part 2B: "War Crisis Shakes all Nations" Paris, France. Premier Daladier and Foreign Minister Bonnet fly to London, where they and Prime Minister Chamberlain move to exert pressure on Czechoslovakia to grant Hitler's demands of Sudeten territory annexat...

  3. Art exhibition in Riga; German troops advance in East

    Troops in snow. German soldiers/officials greet Orthodox priest, receive blessing, castle. Musical performed in theater. Hair styling lessons. Art exhibition in Riga, Frank opens exhibit, "Hilfswerke fuer deutsche bildende Kunst". Construction/industry. Todt's funeral, Hitler and very high Nazi officials, wreath laying, parade. Troops at sea, firing cannons. Aerial shots, fighting, bombing. Boats, at sea, fighting.

  4. Remembering Shanghai: A Jewish Journey

    Consists of one article, 12 pages, entitled "Remembering Shanghai: A Jewish Journey," by journalist Fredericka R. Maister. In the article, the author describes the history of the Jewish refugees in Shanghai, the memories of refugees she interviewed for the article, and the reunion gatherings of Shanghai refugees.

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Vichy deputies meet; Petain; S. American diplomats; main streets in Vichy; Minister of War at airport

    811 C (04:28:36): (with Leblay camera) Meeting of the Comité d'Organisation du Parti Unique at Vichy. From left to right: Antoine Cayrel; Emmanuel Temple; Charles Spinasse; Gaston Bergery; Marcel Déat; Michel Brille; René Chateau; Remy Gousseau; Louis Deschizeaux; René Dommange; and standing Paul Saurin; Paul Rives. The men are all former deputies and the main chiefs are Marcel Déat and Gaston Bergery. Meetings are held in a small house, 83 Rue du Maréchal Pétain in Vichy. CUs and group shots of various members. 04:28:45 (with Leblay camera) Adrien Marquet, Minister of the Interior, in his ...

  6. Explanation of SA at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 456) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 19, 1945. Rear views, US prosecutor Robert G. Storey speaking to the court about the organization and purpose of the Storm Troopers Organization (SA). CU, chart of the SA displayed at front of courtroom. 23:36:15 Rear views, US prosecutor Charles S. Burdel tells the court about the method of conscription in the SA. 23:39:15 Storey reading letter about the SA written by Goering to Hitler; he speaks about other Nazi documents and speeches called into evidence to indict Goering, and quotes Hitler: "After a grave wound, you again reent...

  7. Persecution of religious and other victim groups presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 479) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 8, 1946. Rear views, Col. Wheeler of the US prosecution continues speaking about the persecution of religious groups, particularly "Bibelforscher," in Germany and occupied countries. Enumerates other victim groups incarcerated at Dachau, including Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, asocials. Rear view, US prosecutor addresses the Tribunal about the knowledge of the defendant's actions to instigate pogroms and set the pace of atrocities committed against the people of Germany and occupied countries, and concludes that they were willin...

  8. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case - Opening Statement by Telford Taylor

    War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 6 (I.G. Farben Case), Nuremberg, Germany. High angle medium-close views of defendants in dock as they are arraigned and individually asked if they've read the indictment and how they plead. Motion for continuance denied - judge at bench. American Prosecutor Telford Taylor to podium and begins: "The grave charges in this case have not been laid before the Tribunal casually.... It accuses them of wholesale enslavement, plunder and murder. ... There is no laughter in this case. Neither is there any hate."

  9. Fascist racial theory and health

    Roll 4: Closeup, head on, to camera. SS on sleeveband [see Protokoll for content]. Ein Symptom...Volk...Gefahr. Wir muessen immer zum Teil in der Grossstadt leben. Ein Lebenstil. Ich habe die groesste Angabe...der Partei...Partei und Stadt wird. Einheit. 01:25:10 VCU to camera [see Protokoll for quote in German, roughly translated]: 'A people (Volk) must be either hammer or anvil. The value of the blood determines the value of the race. The German Volk has demonstrated its worth. It must become the nucleus (kernel) of the Greater German Reich. Then we will succeed in providing the proof tha...

  10. Brauchitsch testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Witness Berndt von Brauchitsch, former colonel in the German Luftwaffe, is sworn in and testifies. Brauchitsch is being questioned concerning a document apparently referring to a meeting in which destructive measures of the Luftwaffe during operation "Barbarossa" were outlined. He insists not knowing or remembering the document, now having been present at the meeting and thus not able to elaborate on any of the issues discussed there. To his knowledge at the time, the targets for the Luftwaffe were exclusively airports, not ...

  11. Collier's (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    Collier''s magazine cover illustration by Arthur Szyk showing Hitler with the world, the devil and death.

  12. 1936 Olympics: female athletes; sailing

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 2: Women athletes do mass calisthenics, flags of various nations fly from the masts of sailing vessels taking part in the Kiel regatta; Hitler and Goering look on.

  13. War Crimes Trials: Milch Case

    (Munich 669) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 2 (Milch Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Off-screen voice of unidentified attorney addressing the court in German. The defendants (German generals of the High Command) filing into the courtroom. MLS, the Tribunal. Chief Justice making the opening speech. Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor, the chief prosecutor, reading the indictment against the defendants.

  14. Selected records from the British Colonial Office : Confidential general and confidential original correspondence files on Palestine

    Contains confidential records relating to the distribution of immigration certificates to Jews in DP camps in Germany, the rate of immigration, illegal immigration, and files relating to the formation of a Jewish fighting force in Palestine.

  15. French case presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 511) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 19, 1946. LS, Tribunal enters court and is seated. MLS, new Chief of French delegation Champetier de Ribes presenting the case against the Nazis for the French. MSs, Justices Birkett, Lawrence, and Biddle looking through documents as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence makes a comment to de Ribes. MCU, French prosecutor Mr. Herzog addressing the Tribunal about the National Socialist doctrine on labor.

  16. War Office: Sixth Airborne Division, Palestine; papers and reports

    Includes logs of daily events pertaining to miscellaneous intelligence reviews, division intelligence summaries, and illegal immigration, trans-shipment reports.

  17. Burning of Buehl Synagogue

    Amateur 8mm footage shot in 1938 by someone living in Buehl. Brief CU of members of a marching band, in uniform, preparing to play. Another brief shot depicting people rowing across a lake. The synagogue in Buehl burning on Kristallnacht. MCUs windows with flames and smoke coming out. VS of civilians and onlookers, local firemen and police in uniform, one woman runs across the street. Activity in the street, a pushcart moves in and out of the frame. MS, fireman on ladder with hose, positioned at the building next to the synagogue, spraying the roof of the adjacent building. Low angle CU of ...

  18. Ostarbeiter games

    Excerpts from the fifth story of the newsreel "German Weekly Review" No. 624 for 1943 about sports competitions between workers from different countries who came to work in Germany. Several shots of different groups of people on a field, each with a sign indicating their nationality: Protektorat, Kroaten, Franzosen, Belgier, Hollander, Ostarbeiter, Italiener, Bulgaren, Ostarbeiter. The narration indicates that these are work teams living and working in Germany. They go on to engage in athletic competitions, including tug of war, a track race, and a soccer game (France vs. Protektorat, Franc...

  19. David Fromer collection

    Consists of a copy of a military permit, printed on “Dachau Concentration Camp" letterhead, issued to David Fromer (the donor was a 21 year-old US soldier at that time) stating that he is a member of the permanent staff and is allowed to enter and leave the camp at any time; signed by bearer.

  20. Anniversary of Yiddish writer Sholem Aleichem

    "Soviet Ukraine"- Release 33. This is a propaganda newsreel, therefore the language is pro-Stalinist. Anniversary of Sholem Aleichem, 1859-1939. Meeting, speakers, various.Itzik Fefer..CU of newspaper. Portraits on a wall, from left to right: Taras Shevchenko, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Sholem Aleichem. Workers from the capital of Soviet Ukraine celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Jewish writer Sholem Aleichem. An honored poet, David Gofshtein, addresses the audience with an interesting and lively story about the life and work of Sholem Aleichem. Sholem Aleichem's brother speaks about...