Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,201 to 16,220 of 58,960
  1. Hitler visits soldiers in forest; German troops advance in the East

    Part 1: Sultan visits Franco. Troops, parade with horse, Sultan in open car. Part 2: Architecture exhibition with models of buildings. Part 3: Romania: Crowd of peasants in ethnic costumes, digging with shovels, planting, dancing. Part 4: Lake, boat with cows, reflection in water, mountains in BG, CU, man rowing, cows herded off boat. Part 5: Tennis doubles. Part 6: Track and field races in stadium, athletes (men and women), crowd, exercises. Part 7: At beach in Greece, kayaking, orchestra, outdoor cafe, HAS street scene, market, selling shoes, ceramic dishes, textiles, cooking. Part 8: Hit...

  2. War Crimes Trials: Flick Case

    (Munich 545) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 5 (Flick Case), April 19, 1947. MLS, defendants rise as their names are called: Friedrich Flick, Otto Steinbrinck, Odilo Burkart, Konrad Kaletsch, Bernhard Weiss, Hermann Terberger. Defendants Flick, Steinbrinck, Burkart, and Weiss pleading to the indictment. Other two defendants not pictured with sound. Gen. Lucius D. Clay seated in prosecution section of the courtroom. Silent, cut-in shots of defendants in dock.

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- VIPs during postwar; Soldiers raiding homes

    1425 FF (16:00:40-16:06:30) Grafenmehr and Rheinman, Germany, Rhein Main Terminal airport. Joint Chiefs of Staff confer in Europe. Airport. LS, down gangplank of plane. Admiral Donfield, Gen. Bradley, and Gen. Vandenberg near plane. Other officers, civilians. Color guard. Generals talking and the press. Airport; army personnel. Military men, saluting, getting into car, moving off, motorcade. 1425 GG (16:06:32-16:14:40) Early morning shots of tanks, jeeps, along roads of Munich on snoop raid (in winter). LS, vehicles through bombed-out Munich. Infantry men. MLS, GIs raiding house for suspect...

  4. US Secretary of State Hull sails to Lima, Peru

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 10, No. 723, Part 2A. Release date, 11/28/1938. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Hull Sails to Lima Parley" New York, NY. The Secretary of State, sailing on the SS Santa Clara to the Pan-American conference in Peru, voices hope in the success of the mission. He also sees Ambassador Hugh Wilson, recalled from Germany because of Jewish outbreaks. Ambassador Hugh Wilson, who expressed some sympathy for Nazism, was recalled from Germany in the wake of Kristallnacht. The US never sent another ambassador to Nazi Germany. Other parts of the newsreel includ...

  5. Human skin used as evidence; Milch questioned at Nuremberg Trial

    05:09:56 (Munich 26) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 1946. Pieces of human skin processed as leather are displayed on an easel in the courtroom while Russian prosecutor L N Smirnov addresses the Tribunal concerning this evidence. NOTE: Skin was reportedly removed from prisoners of a concentration camp in Koenigsberg, East Prussia. 05:14:07 (Munich 42) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 11, 1946. HAS, Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson interrogating Erhard Milch about officers' knowledge of Germany's preparedness for war. Milch keeps repeating that the officers had no kno...

  6. Process for presenting evidence at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 450) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 17, 1945. MS, Rudolf Hess standing in prisoners' dock talking to his attorney. (Mute) Sound begins at 03:0119 Robert G. Storey, prosecution counsel, addressing the court. LS, MS, Fritz Sauckel's counselor, Dr. Robert Servatius, offers protest to the Tribunal. Speaking on behalf of the "Organization der politischen Leiter" [Organization of Political Leaders] Servatius questions the sufficiency of opportunities and time to discuss evidence presented by the prosecution. 03:04:45 Pan to bench as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence tells Dr...

  7. Schacht testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 134) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 30, 1946. Prisoners under MP guard walk into courtroom, stand in dock, and talk with each other and their counselors. "Take your seats" is announced, and everyone is seated. Hjalmar Schacht in witness stand is questioned by his counselor, Dr. Rudolf Dix. Schacht quotes something in English (not clear). MCU, Schacht testifying. MS, Julius Streicher and Walther Funk in prisoners' dock. MCU, Robert H. Jackson seated next to an American officer at the prosecution table.

  8. Hadamar Murder Mills; Atrocities at Ohrdruf

    20:00:41 (LIB 5168-LIB 5170) Hadamar Murder Mills, Hadamar, Germany, April 7, 1945. LSs building of insane asylum where interrogation is taking place. INT, Dr. Adolf Wahlmann, Karl Willig, and Adolph Merkle being interrogated by War Crimes Investigation team. MSs, CUs, political prisoners leaving building and entering car. Car driving off. 20:05:45 (LIB 5211) Atrocities at Ohrdruf, near Gotha, Germany, April 10, 1945. SEQ: Leading German citizens and German officers are brought out to labor camp to view results of the mass slayings. They view stacks of dead bodies and look at outdoor cremat...

  9. Suffering of Germans in Czech; Nazi occup. of Czech

    A Nazi propaganda film that depicts the suffering of the Sudetendeutsche in contrast to the laziness of the Jews who agitate the Czechs into war against Germany. Because of the film's relatively minor quality, it was only screened at internal party events. Produced by Reichspropagandaleitung. Bohemia/Moravia. Map. Narrator, "Before the Slavs...Germans...the German Kaisers built..." WS, lovely Prague views. September 10, 1919, maps, Bolsheviks. 3.5 million Germans driven out of Czechoslovakia? Reichsgrenze. Sudetenland, industry, mining, hot springs in Karlsbad, people, lace-making. (6"37) "...

  10. Abraham Levin letters

    Contains five letters to and from Rabbi Abraham Levin of New York, with U.S. State Dept consular officials in Warsaw and Berlin, concerning Levin's appeals for help in getting visas for family members in Warsaw.

  11. Soviets deported to Germany

    Soviets citizens* (see Notes field) deported to Germany (Lemnitz). Scenes of river boats with Nazi flags on them, heading down river, full of mainly children. People are smiling, waving. Children run alongside the banks of the river smiling and waving as the boats head downstream. VS, children along the banks of river, waving, cut to LS of people in the boats waving back at them. MCU, children on the boat, singing with accordion accompaniment. Pans of countryside along the river banks. MCU of young girl taking photographs of the countryside from the window of the boat. Translation of Ukrain...

  12. Funk cross-examined by Thomas Dodd at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 366) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 20, 1946. MCU, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd cross-examines Walther Funk. Funk is heard answering. MS, Dr. Fritz Sauter, counselor for Funk, at speaker's stand. MCU, British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions Hermann Goering. Goering is heard replying to questions.

  13. Selected records from the Départmental Archives of Drôme, France

    Contains materials relating to deportations, internment camps, foreigners resident in Drôme, France, and subject to arrest and deportation, declarations of Jewish heritage, directives concerning treatment of Jews, name lists of persons interned and deported, and movement of refugees. Also contains a brief history of refugee artists in the town of Dieulefit, France.

  14. 1936 Olympics: diving; swimming

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 7: Japanese athletes participate in fancy diving and swimming events.

  15. Koos Vorrink testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 535) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 2, 1946. MSs, continuation of Koos Vorrink, Senator of the Netherlands and President of the Socialist Party in 1940, giving testimony. Rear views, Dr. Gustav Steinbauer, the counselor for Seyss-Inquart, questions the witness. (All testimony is in German.)

  16. Slovakian newsreel: Slovakian government

    Slovak Sound Weekly: Celebration of Hitler's birthday in Bratislava at the Slovak National Theater with the participation of President Jozef Tiso and members of the Slovakian government and diplomatic corps. Speech by Ambassador of the Reich Hanns Elard Ludin and General Catlos. Individuals named are shown and mentioned in narration, but there is no original sound on film of Hanns Ludin.

  17. Andrew Kapochunas collection

    Contains an air mail envelope written while Kaunas was under occupation; five original Vilna Ghetto arrest documents; and an original signed receipt for 18,837 Litai received from the American Joint Distribution Committee, Vilnius, intended for "the Jewish Section for War-Sufferers, Lithuanian Red Cross."

  18. Sterba Arnost postcards

    Contains two picture postcards of Karlovy Vary in 1945 and Edvard Benes, the President of Czechoslovakia prior to the German occupation of the Sudetenland in 1938.

  19. George Byfield album

    The George Byfield album titled “Oroszfront 1942-1943: Munkaszolgálat Oroszországban” was compiled by Gyorgy Beifeld (later George Byfield) while serving in a forced labor brigade. The album includes journal entries and drawings documenting Gyorgy’s experiences in the Hungarian Labor Service in the Soviet Union from 1942-1943. The album also includes captions and artwork he created after the war, often relating to notes or memories of his experiences. The entries describe the scenery, observation of the surroundings, villages, people, struggles of war, and daily activities.

  20. Landsberg Hangings

    (Munich 191) Hangings at Landsberg, Germany, May 28, 1946. Bodies of hanged men are set in coffins and coffins are stacked in yard. One coffin is labelled "Niedermayer Engelbert". Niedermayer was a crematoria worker at Dachau. Soldier adjusts rope on scaffold. German civilian hangman speaking to American officers. 22:03:28 Klaus (or Claus) Karl Schilling is escorted up the steps of the scaffold. He faces the camera and speaks briefly before he is hanged. Schilling was a physician who deliberately infected inmates with malaria at Dachau. Another man is executed. Otto Moll is executed in the ...