Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,181 to 16,200 of 58,960
  1. Exhumation of corpses of Soviet civilians by German POWs

    Exhumation of corpses of the Soviet civilians by German POWs. Woman, stands to the side of the pit, hands clasped, watching as they take out a body, and crying (possibly her husband or son). VS of soldiers digging up graves. The woman who was crying before appears again, in a different shot, MCU, she is being interviewed by someone behind the camera, and, with her hands clasped she explains her story to the camera and continues to sob. Soldiers look on, standing behind this woman. Pan, scores of bodies laid out, quick cut to another elderly woman speaking, she remains on screen for a fracti...

  2. Nuremberg Trial - Robert Servatius, defense counsel

    (Munich 195) Sauckel's case was presented on May 28 - 31, 1946 Robert Servatius, defense counsel for Fritz Sauckel, examines Sauckel (Sauckel is not seen). Thomas Dodd sits at the table behind Servatius. The questions Servatius asks and Sauckel's answers are translated in English voiceover. 19:32:09 shots of prisoners in the dock. Several of the defendants are taking notes. 19:34:49 May 27, 1946 Defense counsel Fritz Sauter questions witness Hartmann Lauterbach about his service with Baldur von Schirach. There is an English voiceover, this time the voice of a woman.

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- Election day in Manila

    Presidential Elections in Manila in April 1946, including a candidate, Manuel Roxas. Various political parties, streets.

  4. New York Herald Tribune (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

    New York Herald Tribune, May 23, 1941, with the headline: "Germans Get Foothold in Crete, Win Air Control; Nazis Say Dive-Bombers Sank 4 British Cruisers; Roosevelt to Ship War Aid " "Through Seven Seas"."

  5. Institute of the Monarch records

    Collection consists of legislation (decrees) related to people of Jewish origin, legislation related to the agreement between Bulgaria and Romania, and controversial issues about their border, and the bilateral agreement between Germany and Bulgaria.

  6. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 7)

    Standard footage/stills of the Nazi annexation of Austria. The narrator says that "Globke's" anti-Jewish decrees were immediately implemented in Austria after the Nazi takeover, for which he was awarded a medal. Czech refugees on a road and scenes of the invasion of Czecholslovakia.

  7. Gradislawa Fack Hadamar victim's patient file

    Contains the medical file for Gradislawa Fack, Peter Fack's grandmother.

  8. Executions

    00:10:06 (Paris 502) Execution of Three German Civilians by Hanging, Bruchsal, Germany, January 12, 1946. SEQ: Death sentence is read; condemned man walks to scaffold, is executed by hanging and his body placed in a coffin. (Same sequence for each prisoner.) MS, two Russian officers who were observers, speaking to an American woman correspondent. Note: A Military Commission of the Seventh US Army found three German civilians guilty of killing two US Army men who were unarmed and prisoners of war. 00:15:14 (Paris 497) Execution of Nazi, Bruchsal, Germany, January 10, 1946. LS, gallows as hoo...

  9. German Newsreel selections

    Trieste (Monfalcone), Laying the keel for the first of two cruisers to be built for the Royal Thailand Navy in St. Marks Shipyards. The Bishop of Trieste officiates. Present: The Minister of Thailand, members of the commission, the Prefect of Trieste and other civic authorities. The launching from the Monfalcone shipyard of the 2nd unit of the mercantile fleet of Italy, the motorship "Vettor Pisani". Godmother was the wife of the Prefect of Fiume. It was blessed by the Archbishop of Goriza. Venezia, A visit to Venice by Goebbels, the Reich Minister of Propaganda. Mostly LS, at night, Piazza...

  10. French war time posters and flyers

    Consists of selected French propoganda posters and broadsheets from fond AJ 72 and AJ 78 of the Archives Nationales (France) from before, during, and after German occupation.

  11. Albert Speer testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 248) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 20, 1946. MS, Dr. Hans Flaschner speaking, pan to Speer answering. MS, Thomas J. Dodd and Robert H. Jackson of the US prosecution talking to others in the courtroom during recess. MS, Jackson speaking to British officer. MS, Dodd conferring with US officer. MLS, Speer standing alongside witness box eating candy before being sworn in. Shot of Lawrence administering oath. MS, Flaschner at stand. CU, Justice Lawrence at bench. Pan from Maxwell-Fyfe at table to Dodd, Jackson, and Gen. Rudenko. Pan, spectators in gallery, mostly US soldiers.

  12. Transcarpathia travelogue

    Transcarpathia travelogue (Hungarian Production). Bucolic scenery: stream, bridge, horse drawn cart. Cameraman in an open cart, filming as the cart rolls by [early form of tracking shot; he is using a hand-cranked camera]. Scene of a village, with wooden buildings, including huts with thatched roofs and a church with an onion dome. A group of women in shawls walks by, cut to a small procession of wagons bearing peasant men in traditional dress. Village square, where people appear to be gathering, perhaps for some sort of festivity. CU of a young girl in embroidered peasant shirt, petting a ...

  13. Field Marshal von Paulus testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 552) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 13, 1946. MLSs, ex-Field Marshal von Paulus on the witness stand. MS, defendants in prisoners' dock. LSs, three defense counselors speaking in the courtroom (one is Dr. Fritz Sauter, talking in German). Attorney questions von Paulus about his strong reserves "against such an enterprise" ("gegen ein solches Vorhaben", probably referring to an attack on Russia). Von Paulus testifies his reserves were of a military as well as a moral nature and were shared also by Generalstabschef Halder, his direct superior, to whom he talked about t...

  14. Koerner and Kesselring testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. LSs, MSs, prisoners' dock. Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson cross examines Paul Koerner, Deputy of the Board of the Four-Year Plan, Staatssekretar in the Prussian Ministry, Chairman of the SS Obergruppenfuehrer, and Hermann Goering's personal Adjutant in the Prussian State Ministry. Koerner is questioned about November 9th, Reichskristallnacht, Goering's role, the fining of Jews after the damage, etc. He points out and verifies that riots against the Jews were incited by members of the government and that Goering was in...

  15. Jan Zlotkiewicz photograph collection

    The Jan Zlotkiewicz photograph collection consists of photographs depicting Jan Zlotkiewicz (born Jakub Salomon Zlotkiewicz) during his military service in the Polish Army.

  16. Ivan Deutsch's letter of protection

    Contains Hungarian language letter of protection (Oltalomlevèl, schutzpass) issued and signed on November 13, 1944, in Budapest, Hungary, by the Ambassador of the Holy See, Apostolic Nuncio Monsignor Angelo Rotta who was honored as a Righteous Among The Nations in 1997.

  17. Landesarchiv Berlin records

    Contains questioners, protocols, name lists, correspondence, and other administrative and judicial documents relating to the Jews and non-Aryans of the city of Berlin since 1925 to 1945. Collection contains files pertaining to the Jewish properties, artwork, refugees, and other war a related issues in Berlin (Germany).

  18. Excerpts of Auschwitz liberation film

    Excerpts of "Oswiecem" film showing Auschwitz after liberation filmed by the Soviet military. Film clips including: Men and women behind barbed wire, winter, snow, view from the air of concentration camp barracks, electrified fence, interior of the women's area, corpses in front of buildings with a woman and child walking near them, children's concentration camp, children behind barbed wires showing the numbers [tattooed] on their arms, emaciated corpses, crematoria where they were burned, canisters of poison gas, Soviet soldiers in front of open mass graves, piles of cut hair, dentures, go...

  19. Signal Corps Cameramen; Nazi SS Trial

    21:00:41 (LIB 6866) Combat Cameramen, Germany, March-April 1945. LS, jeep pulls up to street corner, camera team gets out and still man pockets film in paratroop trousers. MLSs, CUs, two soldiers lead cameramen through rubble-strewn street. Cameraman stops to take pictures with a Speed Graphic. LS, still cameraman takes pictures of two infantrymen walking past burning building in Schweigen. LS, officer takes picture with still camera of advancing column of the 100th Div in Nussloch. LS, cameraman takes pictures of two soldiers as they pass burning rubble and buildings. CUs, cameraman using ...

  20. March of Time -- outtakes -- Iran, reel 2

    Reel 2: Iran. Trucks, nomads. Nomad migration, dancing, cooking, plowing, threshing grain. Ancient Persian watchtower. Food market. Washing clothes. Bathing in water from river, washing cattle. Life in a native oasis village. Truck assembly at water pump.