Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,101 to 16,120 of 58,960
  1. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 10)

    A Slovak newsreel shows Frick, Stuckart, and Globke with leaders of the collaborationist government of Slovakia. Globke is held responsible for the enactment of anti-Jewish measures (Judenkodex) in that country. Footage of the deportation by train of the Jews of Warsaw. Shots of sumptious meals that Globke might have eaten interspersed with footage of liberated women prisoners in the barracks at Auschwitz, containers of Zyklon B, and the death train at Dachau. Still photographs of the Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz; women waiting to be executed on the beach at Liepaja, Latvia, and in Mizocz, U...

  2. Treaty of Versailles; rebuilding German forces

    US propaganda film about "The German personality" and its national psyche and history. Reel 4 shows the Kaiser in exile in Holland and Ludendorff in Sweden and focuses on 'a German tradition of militarism.' Describes the Treaty of Versailles and the hard times of the Weimar Republic with inflation and depression. Allied occupation forces withdraw and depart. Describes the establishment of German veterans' and athletic clubs. German munitions factories are retooled and armed forces built. Gen. Hindenburg becomes President of the Weimar Republic.

  3. Damage to Polish railway system; Jewish forced labor

    (events in 1939) Film about the railroad system in Poland after start of war. Newspaper style titles: Reichs Railroad Film Unit. Early September 1939, map of Poland and railroad system. Bromberg (Bydgoszcz, Poland) Destroyed RR installations, RR bridges in Poland, areas close to German border. Narrator identifies different locations, damage. 01:21:45 "Refugees...Jews fleeing" (on wagons, with hats and coats). 01:26:49-01:28:14 Dwelling near the RR station damaged by bombs. The local inhabitants clear up. Jewish inhabitants, who often comprise more than 50% of the population, must do physica...

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Experimental rocket; launching platform

    Goldstone Lake, California and White Sands, NM. WAC corporal experimental rocket. Rocket launching platform.

  5. Control Office for Germany and Austria and Foreign Office, Control Commission for Germany (British Element), Prisoners of War/Displaced Persons Division (FO 1052). Selected records.

    Selected records of British Public Record Office fond FO 1052. Contains records relating to Jewish displaced persons, British DP policy, education and training programs for Jewish DPs, and information regarding emigration to Palestine (Operation "Grand National").

  6. Oral history interview with Lou Dunst

  7. Agricultural exhibition

    Agricultural exhibition in the town of Radomyshl in the Zhitomir area of the Ukraine. For some reason, a map of Italy flashes for a split second, then cuts to a road sign reading "Radomyschl" (the German spelling). German officers, accompanied by farmers, walk about, inspecting farm equipment and machinery. Farmers look at model houses, signs advertising seed prices, and bundles of grain. VS, women and children looking at a demonstration on bee keeping and fish in glass tanks. Translation of Ukrainian narration: An agricultural-scientific exhibition is opened in Ukraine under German supervi...

  8. Workers deported to Germany

    Workers of Donbas (Ukraine) deported* to Germany. VS, men being transported by bus to Germany. They are escorted off the bus by uniformed military personnel. They are escorted to their new living quarters and then to the factory. MS, several workers in an open rail car in what seems to be a miners' tunnel, the car exits the tunnel and the men jump out of the car, they are all carrying flashlights and wearing work clothes. Men being escorted around the grounds of a factory by soldiers, the men are dressed in suits and almost all are wearing caps. Workers and a man in uniform seated around a ...

  9. Chava Meir collection

    Consists of a black and white photograph, dated 1946, of the donor at a hospital in Jordenbad, Germany, peering out a window with two other women; and a black and white photograph, dated 1947 of the donor, four women and one man standing behind a table with stacks of bowls, washing the dishes. The latter was taken in Cyprus prior to the donor's emigration to Israel..

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Sweden

    Stockholm free harbor from neighboring hill. Merchant ship at anchor, crane derricks in FG. Loading coastal and Baltic steamers at Stadsgarden Stockholm. LS, coal wharves in Stockholm with Swedish ship from Germany unloading coal. LS, cranes at work. Shot from bridge of collier, showing coal being hoisted from ship's hold. CU, coal grab leaving ship's hold. Coal truck outside wharf being filled with coal. LS, coal trucks laden with coal. CU, workmen loading coal. Coaster steamer. Passenger boat from Finland arriving in Stockholm. Finnish flag. Stern of passenger ship "Nordstjernan." Passeng...

  11. Alfred Rosenberg's "Myth of the Blood" presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 483) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 9, 1946. Rear views, prosecution presents evidence of Alfred Rosenberg's "Neo-Pagan Myth of the Blood" to the court. The counsel also discusses the looting of art objects in Nazi-occupied countries, which was a part of Rosenberg's dealings. LS, prisoners' dock during attorney's address to the court.

  12. Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives records

    Contains reports to Helsinki (Finland) from the following Finnish Embassies: Vienna (Austria), Washington, D.C. (USA), Warsaw (Poland), Stockholm (Sweden), Prague (Czech Republic), Paris (France), Oslo (Norway), Hague (Netherlands), Budapest (Hungary), Berlin (Germany), Bern (Switzerland). Also contains records of incoming and outgoing cables to and from these embassies and copies of the Finnish Foreign Ministry files on various matters related to Jews, including files on the "Jewish question," and Finnish emigration policy. Other miscellaneous documents include personal name lists of Jewis...

  13. Persecution of Christians discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 479) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 8, 1946. LS, MSs, US prosecutor Col. Wheeler presents evidence pertaining to the persecution of the Catholic church and other Christians in Germany and occupied countries. Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe makes an opening statement on procedures to be followed by the prosecution for the individual defendants.

  14. Mannheim synagogue program

    This program for the music sung during the High Holy Days in 1938 at the Hauptsynagogue in Mannheim, Germany. It was written by Samuel Adler's father, Hugo Adler, the last chief cantor of the synagogue, and brought to this country by the second cantor of the synagogue, Erwin Hirsch. At the end of this memo, Hugo Adler writes: "Last High Holy Days in Germany; to be continued in the world to come. (Baolam Haba) All of the Mannheim synagogues were destroyed on Nov. 10, 1938, and by 1940 there were no Jews left in Mannheim. There were also no more services after the Yamim Horaim of 1938.

  15. Ribbentrop visits Italy; Hungarian takeover of East Slovakia

    Reel 1. VS of German and Italian soldiers. Reviewing troops, parade, etc. Official visit of Joachim von Ribbentrop to Italy. Ciano, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, is also present. He and Ribbentrop converse inside a place. People cheering and waving in the streets, carrying large letters that spell out "DUCE". 00:57:00 Hungarian takeover of East Slovakia. Hungarian troops enter easternmost town of East Slovakia (closest to Ukrainian border). Troops march through streets, welcomed by crowds of civilians with flowers, banners, etc. CU of older man, a decorated war veteran with many meda...

  16. Liberation of Kiev

    Liberation of Kiev. VS of the city. Soviet troops take the city by storm, routing the German forces. Tanks roll in. A huge icon, perhaps of Jesus, is shown covering the side of a demolished building. A woman cries. Soviet troops greet and embrace women, who thank them for liberating the city. Children walk about. VS, children, women, destruction and rubble in the streets, etc. VS, on a train of German official Hans Frank and advisors discussing plans for the region. Animated maps of Ukraine and Kiev city map. 01:13:37 Translation: They [Soviet army soldiers] reached Kyiv's suburbs. The flas...

  17. Robert Goldberg papers, 1943-1946

    The Robert Goldberg collection contains material collected and created by Robert Goldberg during his service in the U.S. Army during World War II, as well as his post-war experiences serving as an administrator in displaced persons camps. His primary responsibility was the monitoring and procurement of supplies for the Pocking displaced persons camp, and Included in the records are military orders and a notebook pertaining to the shipment of supplies. Goldberg’s papers include a typescript memoir, a letter to his family, clippings, and army directives and orders. His memoir details the admi...

  18. R. Lauterbacher, F. Wieshover, and F. Sauckel testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 195) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 27, 1946. MS, Richard Lauterbacher, witness for von Schirach, is sworn in and begins testifying under questioning of defense attorney Dr. Fritz Sauter. MS, Fritz Wieshover, formerly 1st Lieutenant in SS, sworn in and questioned by Dr. Sauter. MS, Dr. Robert Servatius, counsel for Fritz Sauckel, questioning his client on the recruitment of slave labor. Documents are handed to Sauckel by the attendant.

  19. Feature film about a Russian army officer: wartime fighting

    Feature film about a young Russian army officer. Begins with his participation at a Russian youth military school and follows him as he advances in the army. Film portrays youthful patriotism through the willingness of young Russian men and women to enlist. The inhumanity of war is illustrated through scenes of extreme and ruthless German aggression. There are many any scenes of camaraderie between soldiers, battles with the Germans, and the destruction of war. Reel 5: Scenes of smoke, fire and burning buildings with superimposed images of elderly women in despair to portray the atrocities ...