Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,161 to 16,180 of 58,960
  1. Tweezers

  2. Prussian militarists and German combat

    US propaganda film about "The German personality" and its national psyche and history. Reel 2 contrasts the British and French tradition of representative government with the totalitarianism of Germany. Describes Prussia and Frederick the Great's wars with Austria. Shows portraits of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, founders of the General Staff. Describes the dictums of Clausewitz, crushing of the 1848 revolt, German emigration to the US, and Bismarck's policies. Dramatizes combat during the Franco-Prussian War, forming the German empire, and the crowning of Wilhelm I.

  3. Captured soldiers

    Captured Soviet soldiers, long columns of captured soldiers guarded by Germans, and several destroyed military vehicles. Translation of Ukrainian narration: The number of prisoners constantly increases. Their long columns are being sent to the rear.

  4. Yakov Neuman papers

    Contains two notebooks, handwritten and hardbound. The notebooks were written in displaced persons camps in Germany and Cyprus by three rabbis (sometimes the rabbinate from Stuttgart is used). The notebooks contain notes on permits for "agunot" (women whose husbands had disappeared or who had died without witnesses, and men who could not prove that they are single or widowed) to marry and a list of names of women who are permitted to marry. The notebooks also contain testimonies of survivors regarding the circomstances surrounding the death of the above mentioned spouses. Each notebook cont...

  5. Max and Pearl Obstbaum papers

    Contains six black-and-white photographs from the Landsberg Displaced persons camp and a memoir that describes the Holocaust experiences of Pearl Spiegel Obstbaum.

  6. Ceremony; train production; German troops advance in Russia and Africa

    Military ceremony, swearing-in. Train. Women swimming in winter. Producing advertisement/poster. Entertainment - dancers on stage. Factory for trains. Train with "1000" sign. Map, German troops advancing in Latvia/Russia. Planes, soldiers, military equipment, snow, ice, military vehicles, fighting. POWs. In Africa, German soldiers riding in open vehicle, natives welcoming/cheering, looking at map, fighting. Prisoners, CUs faces, marching in columns with belongings. Troops at sea, firing cannons. INT, boat, various mechanisms.

  7. Soviet Prosecutor Rudenko at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 545) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 8, 1946. Rear views of Chief Russian Prosecutor Lt. Gen. R A Rudenko addressing the Tribunal (in Russian). Pan from prosecutor to defendants in prisoners' dock. Return pan to prosecutor. Note: There are no shots completely showing Rudenko's face.

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- MacArthur's speech to Allied Control Council, part 1

    General MacArthur's speech to Allied Control Council. Members listening. MacArthur speaking. Flags in room. MacArthur: "Our job to help Japan get on its feet - the principles of freedom, democracy will be applied."

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- Men in office; Ministry of Information in Prague

    1150 N (14:09:45) Man at desk. Another man meets him in office. Signing documents, talking. Crucifix on the wall. Cameraman in shot. EXT, man with top hat and black coat walking (shots repeat). Looking at trees and grass. 1150 O (14:12:47) Prague, Czechoslovakia. LS, entrance of Kolovratsky Palace where the offices of the Ministry of Information are. CU, plaque, "Ministry of Information" on the building. Vaclav Kopecky, Minster of Information, holds a press conference after the elections, in the Kolovratsky Palace. Kopecky explains to the chief editors what would be the policy of the new Go...

  10. Cigarette case engraved with Camp Buchenwald

  11. Nazi propaganda film about people with disabilities: occupational therapy at hospital

    Reel 4 of 8: "Noch eine Karteikarte eines Schizophrenen" (woman). Natural sound during occupational therapy. Nun encouraging young woman. VAR scenes of women and occupational tasks. CU of nun with moustache. 00:17:53 Greenhouse and surroundings. New plants, men working, MS transplanting to baskets. 00:18:43 Kitchen, cabbage, vats of soup. 00:19:41 Women in laundry, wooden tubs, hands working. 00:20:27 WS ironing. Sewing machine. Women at work; look quite normal; work at looms. Nun working alongside. Men in woodshop: sawing, sanding, building furniture, making mats. Women: weaving, spinning.

  12. Records relating to Auschwitz and other camps from the Central State Archive of the Ministry of Defense, Podolsk

    Contains commission reports on the following: mass graves, disposition of elements of the Polish population towards the Red Army, damage inflicted on Polish towns by the Germans, the construction and running of a concentration camp in Lublin, the killing of populations at Sobibor and Odessa, and atrocities in the Minsk area. It also includes photographs of camp victims and executed people; descriptions of concentration camps at Auschwitz, Brzezinka, and Jaworzno; a declaration describing atrocities committed by the Romanian Army against the Jews; and a declaration by a captured German soldi...

  13. Prime Minister's Office: Operational Correspondence and Papers Related to Palestine (PREM 8). Selected records.

    The collection consists of correspondence of the Prime Minister's Office primarily related to Palestine immigration issues in the years immediately after World War II during the Labour administration of Clement Attlee (1945-1951). The microfilmed records were copied from record group PREM 8 at the National Archives, United Kingdom.

  14. Babi Yar, Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine

    Ukrainian narration. Title: "Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg speaks." He and several men, are seated around a large table having a discussion. Anniversary of Sholem Aleichem. Staged wedding in a kolkhoz. Jewish people, song in Yiddish. Intertitle in Russian reads, "Kiev met those who would surrender not an inch of our land". Prewar Kiev, before the arrival of the Germans. Red Army parade. Soldiers dancing with local women. The merriment is inter-spliced with shots of approaching German bombers for heightened dramatic effect. Bombardment of Kiev, AVs of city, bombs dropping (stock shots), explos...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Tojo on witness stand; Iran, reel 1

    1425 RR (15:54:25-15:55:13) Tojo on witness stand at his trial. Prisoners' box. Ex-premier Hideki Tojo on the witness stand. US army official reads from paper. Tojo listens and stands. 1425 XX (15:55:15-16:01:45): Teheran, Iran. REEL 1: The Shah of Iran and wife at military review and inspecting US installations. LSs, MS of statue of Shah of Iran in Teheran. Modern buildings and apartment houses. Royal Palace. Street scenes in Teheran. Camel caravans, automobiles. Veiled ladies, modern-dressed women. Marketplace. Natives and camels.

  16. Repatriation in Prague

    News Film - The Week in Film: Ten thousand repatriates return home to Prague from concentration camps.

  17. Lahousen testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 399) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 30, 1945. MS, rear view, Russian Gen. Rudenko speaking to the court. MS, rear view, German defense counsel addresses the court. Gen. Lahousen (Austrian Intelligence Service) taking stand and being sworn in. Lahousen identifies Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Jodl and proceeds to testify, recalling what was said and decided of a conference, and mentions Ribbentrop. Rear view, Soviet counsel Gen. Rudenko questions Lahousen. Voice is heard asking, "Were orders for the killing of the Russians in written form?" He answers saying, that yes, he...

  18. Prof. Leo van der Essen testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 541) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 4, 1946. Pan of courtroom; Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence is heard saying, "Do any defense counselors wish to ask any questions?" MSs, MLSs, Professor Leo van der Essen, General Secretary of the Louvain University in Belgium, testifying. A defense attorney questions the professor. LS, Thomas J. Dodd of the US prosecution states that the prosecution does not wish to question the witness. MSs, Professor van der Essen being sworn in. Rear views, French prosecutor Faure questioning Van der Essen.

  19. Warsaw ghetto and Stutthof liberated

    Warsaw ghetto, women walk and stand about on a street, some with armbands. Children play a game. LS of Stutthof concentration camp liberated by the Soviets. VS of camp: barracks, piles of hair, pan, clothing, a man and woman standing upon a mountain of shoes, Zyklon B (poison gas) canisters, ovens. More scenes of the camp, road, barbed wire, etc., ends on CU of stone tablet/memorial plaque, engraved on wall, that reads: "Bojownikom O Wolnosc Pomordowanym W Sztutowie W latach 1939-1945 [To all who fought for freedom and were tortured at Stutthof in 1939-1945.] Translation of voiceover narrat...