Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,981 to 13,000 of 58,959
  1. Postwar destruction; Dachau?; U.S. soldiers

    EXT, traveling shot on a lake or a river. MCU, destroyed plane in clearing, destroyed army camp. VS, destroyed buildings, rubble, etc. 00:19:04 Barracks at Dachau? (unclear if these buildings were part of a camp or a farm). VS, unidentified town, buildings, bell tower, some civilians walking around. CU, bundles (probably victims' belongings) laying on ground in front of building, American soldiers milling about, more bundles/belongings, they seem to be smoldering.

  2. Book

    A condensed version of Hitler speaks.

  3. documentary film about Babi Yar

    Documentary film about Babi Yar including archival footage and interviews. At times, the narration does not accurately support the footage, images are sometimes misused. Captured Nazi footage, photographic stills, and newsreel footage were obtained from various Russian archives (see notes for more details). Scenes show Kiev, Hitler, Hitler Youth, Nazi flags with swastikas, US protest posters, neo-Nazi scenes, deportation, piles of victims' belongings, Dina Pronicheva's testimony at the war crimes trials in Kiev, Jewish boycotts, undressing sequences, the chief of Kiev Ukrainian Police Kajva...

  4. Dr. Leonore Goldschmidt papers

    The Dr. Leonore Goldschmidt papers include biographical material, immigration material, correspondence, subject files, and photographs relating to the life of Leonore and her husband, Ernst Goldschmidt, in Berlin, Germany and Folkestone, England before and during WWII, as well as Leonore’s professional career as an educator. The collection also includes documents, correspondence, and photographs relating to the establishment, development, and operations of the Dr. Leonore Goldschmidt Schule, a private Jewish school originally located in Berlin, Germany. Biographical materials include a birt...

  5. Hungarian Ministry of Internal Affairs: Central Authority for Controlling Foreigners (KEOKH) [MOL K 490-492]

    Miscellaneous correspondence reports from the head of the KEOKH (National Central Authority for Controlling Foreigners) in Budapest. Includes individual files of foreign citizens, most of them Jewish, who came to the attention of KEOKH. The files are arranged in alphabetical order.

  6. Fritz und Fratz cartoon about an expedition in India

    Degeto Schmalfilm-Schrank "Fritz und Fratz" "Jumbo Als Retter" Fritz und Fratz cartoon featuring an elephant in India. Scenes show canoeing, a hot air balloon crashing, a broken air pump, the boys tempting an elephant with a banana, the elephant providing air for the hot air balloon, and all characters taking off. The balloon reads "Indien Expedition Prof. Pax". Professor Pax is better known as General Baden-Powell

  7. Barbie Trial -- Day 2 -- Crimes committed by Barbie in France

    14:45 A clerk lists various submissions by civil and related parties concerning crimes committed by Barbie. 14:53 The clerk lists components of crimes against humanity and war crimes. 14:59 Barbie's career in the SS. 15:03 The character of the criminal Nazi organizations. 15:06 Barbie's actions in Lyon.

  8. Towns in ruins as German troops advance; dead Russian soldiers

    Reel 1: 00:22:06 First scene appears to be in German territory(?), view of a large church and a city street with people walking. Several different shots of a city with severe damage, including civilians carrying on with their business. German soldiers work to clear a road of debris (vehicle wreckage). CU of a dead Russian soldier on the ground. CUs of several Russian prisoners with hands raised. A vehicle blazes in the middle of a road. German soldiers and young Soviet prisoners (some appear to be boys) talking, close views. Planes circling overhead, with German soldiers watching explosions...

  9. "My Life": Dr. Asher Miller memoir

    Consists of one memoir, 46 pages, entitled "My Life," by Dr. Asher Miller, originally of Koszyce, Slovakia. Dr. Miller graduated from medical school in Bratislava, and worked as a doctor in a government hospital until 1944, when he went into hiding in Bully, Slovakia. He was captured in January 1945 and taken to Lichtenrade, Germany, before being transferred to Sachsenhausen. In 1949, he and his family emigrated to Israel.

  10. Jewish sport organization Maccabi in Lithuania (Fond 349)

    The collection contains records relating to the activities of the Jewish sport organization, Maccabi, in Lithuania from 1920 to 1940. The collection includes minutes of board meetings, resolutions, regulations, announcements, bulletins of the Maccabi Central Board, correspondence with the local branches of the organization in Siauliai (Shavli) and Zagare, and Lithuanian government authorities ( Ministry of Education, City Council), bylaws of the organization and its branches, lists of members, donors' list, cashiers' books, financial reports etc. Files #96-354 contain personal files of memb...

  11. Selected records from the collections of the Timiş branch of the Romanian National Archive

    Includes records, mostly from the war years, concerning Jewish matters and the policy of local offices toward Jewish questions. They include selected records from the prefecture of Timiş-Torontal, the Legion of Gendarmerie of the Severin district, the regional police inspectorate and Chief of the municipal police of Timişoara, the police headquarters of Oraşului Lugoj, and the Comitetul Democratic Evreiesc Timisoara.

  12. Selected records of the Royal Belgian Archive

    Contains clandestine underground bulletins, newsletters and other publications selected from the Royal Belgian Archive's Inventory 253. Also contains records of the Belgian Communist Party, papers of René Greindl (wartime governor of the Luxembourg province), an inventory of the German Foreign Ministry Archives, and records concerning the German occupation administration in Belgium, the Belgian National Movement in Luxembourg, partisan armies, the battle of the Ardennes, the Feldkommandatura in Bastogne, and the situation in the Luxembourg province.

  13. Letter to Louis Kuttenplum

    A letter with envelope sent to Louis Kuttenplum [donor's father-in-law] in N.Y. from his sister in Drogobycz (Drohobych), Poland (now Ukraine), in which she explains that they are in good health but asks for "please a soon answer" [sic] to her letter.

  14. Captured high-ranking Nazis, including Goering, Galland, Kesselring, Bodenschatz

    An American military truck carrying several high-ranking German officers arrives at an airfield. The officers get out of the truck and board a C-47 plane. Good shots but it is difficult to see their faces. The plane taxis and takes off. Shot of the sky and a formation of B-17s overhead. Sign beside a road lines with trees reads: "Only Road Surface Cleared of Mines." Two young women walk their bicycles down the road as American military vehicles drive by. An American interrogator stands beside a German general. Close-ups of the general. 01:15:47 Luftwaffe general Adolf Galland is shown on th...

  15. Frieda Szpigner Aharonson collection

    Consists of photographs, documents, and a transcript related to the Holocaust experiences of Frieda (Fryda) Szpigner Aharonson, originally of Stanislawów, Poland. Her family perished in Treblinka, but Frieda was saved by Aleksandra Gawrych, who hid her in her house in Stanislawów, and a nun, Marjanna Reszko, the mother superior of a convent in Ignacow. Includes copies of family photographs as well as a photograph of Mother Superior Reszko and a photograph of a memorial to Mrs. Gawrych's husband, Jan Gawrych, who was executed in 1943. Also includes the translation (in Hebrew) of an oral hi...

  16. Barbie Trial -- Day 15 -- Elie Wiesel and two other witnesses testify

    15:02 Witness Elie Wiesel testifies, describing the particular emotional challenges of life in the camps as a child; Prosecutor Jakubowicz asks the witness to give his opinion on the definition of a crime against humanity 15:09 Mr. Wiesel describes genocide as, "a philosophy, more than a war strategy." He describes the uniqueness of the Nazi genocide, and explains his opinion that we should never compare it to other genocidal acts, because "to compare is to minimize." He comments on France's complicity in the Holocaust, saying that France's actions should be put to trial, but not in conjunc...

  17. Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A witness testifies and is questioned

    14:54 The witness, Michel Thomas, recounts his escape from the Milles deportation camp in September 1942, his subsequent arrival in Lyon in order to recruit Resistance members, and his presence at the UGIF on the day of the raid in February 1943, where he had gone to recruit young Jews into the Resistance 15:02 The witness comments on the Swiss authorities' lack of help or protection toward Jews fleeing France 15:03 The witness recounts his memory of the UGIF raid 15:09 The witness recalls his encounter with Barbie 15:20 The witness implores Cerdini to compel Barbie to appear before him in ...