Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,021 to 13,040 of 58,959
  1. German military welcomed in Estonia

    Reel 2: 00:24:31 A German military convoy crossing a bridge into a town (Narva, Estonia). Panning shot of a long line of German soldiers on bicycle riding down a dirt road. Men with armbands herd a group of captive local men and women down a street. (Bundesarchiv notes the men with armbands are likely affiliated with a local Baltic security service.) Several panning shots of German soldiers and locals standing and talking in a street. CUs of Russian soldiers taken captive, marching next to a train depot. Reel 3: 00:26:50 Several quick shots of captured military supplies/munitions. Soldiers ...

  2. Daily activity in French town

    VS, EXT, panning a large garden. MS, civilians, mainly women in an unidentified town. Four women meet in the street, talk in front of a doorway or entrance to a neighbor's home. VS, townspeople, walking, talking, shopping. Large baguettes carried by women who walk past camera, FG, screen right. Women on bicycles, young girls socializing. LS, down street through the center of unidentified town that leads to the sea, a boat is visible, docked in the BG.

  3. Dunson family in Washington and Oregon

    This is wartime footage shot stateside. Harold Dunson was stationed near Lake Steilacoom in Washington state before being shipped to the Aleutian Islands where his unit wintered. VS, two women with a toddler girl (the donor, Joy Marshall) playing in front yard of wood frame house. Playing with puppy, feeding ducks in the lake, etc. MCU, soldiers and their families getting out of car in the state capital of Oregon in Salem, all soldiers are in dress uniforms. Joy is wearing army hat with her dress. VS, large municipal building, woman and child pose on steps of building, insignia and words vi...

  4. Levin and Kulmanas families' papers

    The papers consist of a birth certificate for "Abram Levin" [donor's husband] issued by the Rabbinate of Vilna, Poland (Vilnius, Lithuania); a photograph of a family wedding with an inscription in Yiddish; and a Red Cross document about the fate of members of the Kulmanas family.

  5. Partially embroidered tablecloth made by a Belgian Jewish woman recovered postwar

    White tablecloth partially embroidered by Salomea Fejnman Poler circa 1940-41, in Anderlecht, Belgium, and recovered by David Poler, her father-in-law, after the war. The persecution of Jewish persons in Belgium by German authorities after the May 1940 invasion, made it extremely difficult for Salomea, 33, to care for her five children, ages ten to two: Jeannine, Lilian, Rosette, Fanny, and Abraham. Salomea sought safe hiding place for them, and Abraham was placed with Catholic priests and the girls in a convent. In September 1942, Salomea was sent to Mechelen (Malines) transit camp and the...

  6. Lilly Felddegen papers

    This collection contains primarily correspondence with some documents and pamphlets pertaining to Lily Felddegen’s rescue of the Belgian children of La Hille and efforts to bring them to the United States with the assistance of HIAS and several other wartime rescue organizations. Series 1, Refugee Project: general information, contains letters, newspaper clippings, and booklets requesting assistance for children in Belgium and the rest of Western Europe. Series 2, Refugee assistance: Names of Child Refugees and of Organizations Providing Assistance, contains files with the names of refugee ...

  7. "The Planet and other stories"

    Consists of one collection of stories, 95 pages, entitled "The Planet and other stories," by Eva Kronenberg Zysman, originally of Łódź, Poland. After the German invasion in 1939, her family relocated to Radom. She was deported to Auschwitz from the Radom ghetto and liberated from Bergen-Belsen. After liberation, she immigrated to the United States. The book contains short stories of her experiences and the experiences of friends and family members both during the war and after liberation; some events have been fictionized.

  8. Fernbach family papers

    The papers relate to Werner Fernbach and Margot Lewandowski Fernbach [donor's parents] and their experiences immigrating to Palestine in 1938 and to the United States in the 1950s.

  9. Jakov Davetsky collection

    Collection includes postcards (1940-1941) from Tsilya Zhidovetskaya to Dina Zhidovetskaya regarding the situation for Jews in Russia, family photographs, a memorial book for the victims of the Babi Yar massacre, a newspaper commemorating the 50th anniversary of Babi Yar, and identification cards identifying Anatoli Oliker as a veteran of World War II.

  10. Heinz Loewy postcard

    The collection consists of a postcard received by Heinz Loewy (later Henry Long), who fled to Shanghai, China after surviving imprisonment in several German concentration camps from 1936-1939. The postcard was written by Siegmund "Israel" Meyersohn in Berlin, Germany and dated 17 April 1941.

  11. Barbie Trial -- Day 17 -- A witness testifies

    15:48 A witness, Mrs. Francine Gudefin, testifies; she describes torture carried out by Francis André and by Barbie, and being forced to watch her brother being waterboarded; the witness describes a serious injury to her ear, as well as to her vertebral column; she describes the "chambre des torturés" (room of the tortured people) in the basement of the Gestapo headquarters at Place Bellecourt; description of an injury sustained during torture which left her face permanently disfigured 16:07 President Cerdini asks the witness how many times she was interrogated, and whether Barbie ever expl...

  12. Interwar Germany, Nuremberg rally 1923

    Scenes from "German Day," September 2, 1923, with onscreen titles that describe some of the action. This was a rally of nationalist parties, which took place two months before the Munich Putsch. The "German Day" rally was the prototype for the official Nazi Party Day rallies held in Nuremberg after the seizure of power in 1933. Men from various nationalist parties march down the street in Nuremberg. Among them are World War I veterans, Nazi SA members, and others. Crowds of onlookers line the street and lean out windows, waving flags or handkerchiefs. The angle switches to show the parade f...

  13. Barbie Trial -- Day 1 -- Opening statements

    14:52:00 Lawyer Ravez of the prosecution, makes his opening statement. He brings up the application of a law passed on December 12, 1964, article 639, concerning the Code of Criminal Procedure, concerning crimes against humanity. 15:01:00 Lawyer Ravez describes the events which happened to Mr. Robert Cohen during the Holocaust, which bring him to testify against Klaus Barbie. He was a 7 year old Jewish child when his parents were sent to Auschwitz. He was the only Jew to survive, out of the entire hotel. Living at L'Hotel de France in St. Claude. 15:08:00 Lawyer Nordmann asks the Presiding ...

  14. Military Government in Cologne; Dedication of monument to Holocaust survivors

    (LIB 6939) SPX-G Military Government, Cologne, Germany, June 6, 1945 LSs, truck loaded with medical supplies from bombed-out drug store pulls away from camera. LSs, MSs, bombed-out store front with sign "Cafe Zahn". CU, sign, "Civilian Labor Office". LSs, MSs, walls of bombed buildings; wrecked equestrian statue. SEQ: Dedication of monument in city to Holocaust victims. Speakers are Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish chaplains of the US Army. Buchenwald survivors and civilians attend the services. SEQ: German farmers threshing and baling wheat and weighing sacks of grain. LS line of children ...

  15. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- An expert testifies

    13:40 President Cerdini calls the session to order; asks that the accused present himself; Barbie refuses to appear; Cerdini calls on the bailiff to compel the accused to appear 13:41 The bailiff reads the names of the witnesses scheduled to give testimony in the session; one witness has not yet arrived 13:41 Cerdini suspends the session while the bailiff goes to Barbie to compel him to appear 14:28 Cerdini calls the session to order; the bailiff reads Barbie's statement that he refuses to appear 14:30 Cerdini reads the Court's decision regarding the Defense's exception taken to an earlier ...

  16. Jehuda and Pola Stopnicki papers

    The papers consist of documents and 21 photographs relating to the experiences of Jehuda and Pola Stopnicki (donors' parents) during and after the Holocaust. Includes restitution papers and correspondence; testimonies of Jehuda and Pola Stopnicki's and their families' experiences; poems written by Jehuda Stopnicki shortly before her wedding; and family photographs from before World War II, while living as displaced persons in France, and after their immigration to Israel and later to Bolivia.