Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,961 to 12,980 of 58,959
  1. U.S. military police; soldiers; wreath-laying

    MS, Military Police in uniform, in formation, most likely American MPs. MS, African (possibly French West African Colonial) troops in formation. Uniform is light colored shirt, dark shorts and hat. All soldiers are carrying weapons. Banners, flags (unidentifiable in footage), military parade, procession, wreaths are laid at the foot of a large stone monument/memorial. Marching bands pass by many civilian bystanders.

  2. Dunson family in Ft. Sumter and at Christian mission

    VS, family footage, shot stateside, the first scenes are at Fort Sumter and Fort Sumter State Park, Fort Sumter, NJ, USA. Young blonde girl (the donor, Joy Marshall) in front of cannon, climbing atop a stack of cannon balls, with mother, on boardwalk, overlooking ocean. CU, monument at Fort Sumter, NJ. 01:00:37 Possibly at the Christian Mission in Oklahoma, VS, woman picking up milk bottles from front porch, children in tow. Large group of children exiting church or school house, lining up and saluting camera. Playing on playground. VS, EXT, hillside, river visible below, trees, etc. New ho...

  3. German troops advance in Russia; captured Russians; wounded soldier

    Reel 1: A tank rolls past several waiting trucks. German soldiers mill about next to a burning Russian tank. Panning shot of German military vehicles and soldiers at the edge of a forest clearing. 00:01:10 Box marked "Akten" [files] and box marked "I a" with other items at outdoor HQ. CU of a soldier sleeping next to the base of a tree. A German soldier looks at a grieving Russian soldier (?). Panning shot of captured Russians. 00:01:55 General Baron von Funck (Commander of the 7th Panzer Division) without hat, exits large vehicle. 00:02:07 Gen. Zorn (?) in coat and hat, close view (before ...

  4. Selected records from the Prefettura di Trieste

    This collection contains documents on Italy’s fascist racial laws and their implementation in the city and region of Trieste; a registry of Jews in 1938; lists of Jews deported from Trieste and Adriatic region; and lists of Jewish refugees to Palestine. Documents mention the Risiera di San Sabba transit camp, part of Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland (OZAK), a German-occupied enclave on the Adriatic coast. The records also concern Jewish communities in the coastal provinces of Fiume, Gorizia, Pola, Trieste, and Zara.

  5. Hygiene Institute der Waffen SS-Polizei, Auschwitz

    Notebooks, protocols and files documented result of medical tests performed on Auschwitz-Birkenau prisoners of the KL Auschwitz-Birkenau prisoners, from April 1943 to January 1945.

  6. Agro-Joint colony of Mulatov

    LS of hospital run by a German Jewish refugee doctor. An intertitle notes that over 112 refugee physicians were placed in Russia during 1935. MLS of electrical tractor being operated (devised by one of colonists). CU of Morris Troper talking to a man. More shots of the tractor at work.

  7. Ralph Markowitz papers

    The papers consist of a medical card issued to Rafal Markowicz [donor] for immigration, a photograph of Markowicz wearing a police uniform in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp, a photograph of Markowicz and Allan Greenstein, who was also a member of the police force in the Zeilsheim DP camp, and a photograph of [from left to right] Nathan Shanak, David [last name unknown], and Celia and Harry Markowitz [donor's brother and sister-in-law] taken in the Zeilsheim DP camp.

  8. Isaia Zabludowski collection

    Consists of a letter, written on the letterhead of the Embassy of Japan in Rome, Italy, to Towja Zabludowski in Trieste, Italy. The Embassy informed Towja that Japanese law prohibited issuing entrance visas to persons of Jewish origin.

  9. Rabbi William Z. Dalin family papers

    The collection includes documents, correspondence, photographs, and clippings illustrating Rabbi William Z. Dalin’s service as a United States Army chaplain, primarily regarding his deployment in post-war Wiesbaden, Germany; post-war correspondence of his wife Bella Dalin; wartime correspondence of Helene Dreydel with her sister Alice before she and Helene’s parents, Ferdinand and Johanna, were deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp; and Leo Loeb’s experiences as a Jewish refugee in Shanghai, China. Rabbi William Z. Dalin’s papers include documents, correspondence, photographs, a...

  10. Portrait of Albins family

    The photograph, taken during a family reunion in Gitomir, Ukraine, depicts members of the Albins family sitting and standing in two rows; the little girl standing center front is Tamara Korina.

  11. Barbie Trial -- Day 11 -- Witnesses testify

    The President of the Circuit Court, André Cerdini, enters and the session begins. Witnesses are called from the viewing public and brought out of the court room to a separate chamber. One witness is not present as a result of travel complications. The session is temporarily suspended as the witnesses exit. 13:44:42 The President enters and the session restarts. The first witness, André Frossard, is called. He describes the conditions within the "Jewish Barracks" at Montluc, the meaning of the alleged crimes against humanity, and his personal relationship with Barbie. Frossard says that he n...

  12. Jehuda Widawski photograph collection

    The collection consists of 16 photographs depicting all aspects of life in the ghetto in Łódź, Poland, dated 1940-1943. Also included in the collection are five copy photographs of images from an album made by Arie Ben-Menachem in the Łódź ghetto.

  13. Norbert and Mina Butterklee letters

    Consists of letters written to Samuel and Paula Butterklee from their parents, Norbert and Mina Butterklee, from 1938-1942. Norbert (Nissen) and Mina (Menie) Butterklee, of Vienna, Austria, sent their children, Samuel and Paula, to the United States to escape Nazi persecution. Though they attempted to obtain visas for themselves, Norbert and Mina were unsuccessful, and perished during the Holocaust. The letters discuss their attempts to escape and their love and hopes for their children.

  14. Records of the Moscow State Jewish Theatre (GOSET) (Fond 2307 and Fond 2308)

    Contains records related to the history of the Soviet culture and theater, Jewish theater, Jewish avant-garde art and the Kremlin's policy toward Jewish society and culture from 1919 until the early 1950s. The collection contains correspondence with ministries, state organizations, authors, administration, plays, notes (with comments of censors) and the personal archives of Aleksey Granovskiy, Solomon Mikhoels, and other actors and writers. Also contains press reports from the Soviet and foreign periodicals about the theater and its tours in Europe, posters, drawings, theater programs and d...

  15. Crocodile hunting in Asia

    Somewhere in Asia, possibly Cambodia or Vietnam. At riverside, bird, men on expedition, canoeing, hunting crocodiles with a spear. Larger boat with flag passes in BG. Men feed the crocodiles. LS, landscape, view of men in knee-deep waters herding the crocodiles, slapping wooden sticks in the water, pulling crocodile on muddy ridge.

  16. Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A previous expert witness asks to give additional testimony and is questioned; a witness testifies

    13:40 President Cerdini opens the hearing; asks for the accused to present himself; Barbie refuses to appear 13:41 Cerdini asks a bailiff to summon Barbie 13:41 Another bailiff reads the list of witnesses set to appear; identifies those who are absent 13:44 Cerdini suspends the hearing until the bailiff returns from summoning Barbie at the jail 14:05 Cerdini resumes the hearing; the clerk reads the bailiff's report; Barbie refuses to appear 14:08 Cerdini reads a decree stating that the trial will continue in Barbie's absence 14:09 German Attorney General Streim, a previous witness, asks to ...

  17. Buchenwald war crimes trial collection

    Consists of documents related to the Buchenwald war crimes trial (the United States of America vs. Josias Prince zu Waldeck et al.), which took place in Dachau, Germany, in 1947. Includes the official case booklet, photographs of the grounds of the Dachau camp, an album of newspaper clippings related to the trial, and copies of the charge sheet, sentencing transcripts, signatures of the defendants, and reports of the investigative team.