Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,941 to 12,960 of 58,959
  1. canceled envelope with an Arthur Szyk designed stamp

    “Save Human Lives” poster stamp used on an envelope sent in March 1944 to Edwin Howe Halsted, Jr. in Ohio, from his aunt, Mrs. Donald Budd Armstrong, in New York. It has an image of two distressed looking children: a young girl and a boy with side curls and yarmulke with Star of David armbands. These stamps were sold by the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe, in order to raise money to stop the genocide of Jews in Europe and to raise awareness that those most at risk were children and the elderly. The stamp was created by Arthur Szyk, a Jewish emigre artist originally f...

  2. Barbie Trial -- Day 2 -- Barbie's career in the SS

    The examination of Klaus Barbie's career in the SS continues.

  3. Fattel Wolf photograph

    Consists of one photograph of Fattel Wolf, born in 1892, in the uniform of a Polish Army officer. The photograph was taken circa 1920, in Krakow, Poland.

  4. Lt. Col. Samuel Harby photographs

    Consists of photographs taken by Lt. Cdr. Samuel F.Harby of fellow American soldiers in Germany, the destruction of various cities and towns, and of the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp. Harby, who held a PhD in Educational Research, was producing training and education films for the United States Navy and came to Germany under those auspices.

  5. Pencil portrait of a concentration camp inmate drawn by a fellow inmate

    Drawing of Stanley Cioth done when he was a concentration camp prisoner in July 1941, presumably by another inmate. Stanley was a Catholic Pole arrested in Krakow, Poland, in 1941 and sent to prison. He was given prisoner number 129993 and transferred to several concentration camps, including Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Gros Rosen, and Mauthausen, where he worked as a civil engineering technician. He was liberated in Ostrach-Hohens on April 22, 1945.

  6. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- Discussion of Gestapo hierarchy in France

    14:55 Barbie's lawyer, Vergès, argues that the court has overridden France's judicial traditions in the trial so far, and that using force to make him appear in court would reduce the trial to a lynching 15:00 President Cerdini calls for a recess to deliberate 15:34 President Cerdini reads a decision noting the refusal of Klaus Barbie to appear in court and indicating that this will be ignored in the proceedings; reads a motion receiving the testimony of plaintiff Vogel, née Eissner 15:38 Prosecution lawyer Rappaport gives information concerning the recent desecration of a monument erected ...

  7. Alexander Loewinger collection

    Consists of three DVD-ROMs containing a videotaped oral history with Alexander Loewinger, originally of Reteag, Romania. In the oral history, Mr. Loewinger discusses his childhood in Reteag, the events leading up to his deportation in 1944, and his experiences in the Dej Bungar ghetto and the Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Magdeburg, and Swalber concentration camps. He also discusses his post-war experiences in Europe and in the United States. Also includes four copyprints of pre-war and wartime family photographs.

  8. Paramount Newsreel, Year 1945, Issue 33 (part)

    The War Crimes Trial in Nuremberg with shots of the justices, prisoners dock, translators, Goering, Hess, German counsel. 01:46:30 features archival footage of soldiers and liberation shown in the courtroom.

  9. "The Life of Irene Berger"

    Consists of one memoir, 16 pages, entitled "The Life of Irene Berger," by Irene Berger Glassberg, written in August 2004. In the memoir, she describes her childhood in Łódź, Poland, her life in the Łódź ghetto, her deportation to Auschwitz in 1944 and her experiences in the Auschwitz, Freiberg, and Mauthausen concentration camps. After her liberation from Mauthausen, she returned to Łódź, and then lived at the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp before immigrating to New York in 1946. There, she obtained a nursing degree, became an American citizen, and started a family.

  10. Warsaw liquidation photographs

    Consists of nine photographs from a photograph album used as evidence in the Nuremberg war crimes trials. The photographs depict the German liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto. Also contains one large photograph of soldiers working inside a mass grave.

  11. German advance; officers confer; German wounded; mail and packages at the front

    Reel 2: 00:00:00 German military advance with horse-drawn camouflaged artillery. Men digging holes. Troops advance on horseback. German soldier operates a radio; views of/from the radio tower. The camera pans across the landscape from the radio tower, a large column of smoke is visible in the distance, figures moving across an open field. Panning shots of a small military camp at the edge of a tree line; soldiers dig a trench, operate a radio. CU of a Russian prisoner (Asian features) digging a trench. 00:02.18 Group of men taken prisoner, in civilian clothing, caps. Marched off under guard...

  12. Agro-Joint in Pervomaysk

    Intertitle describes the first stop, which was the colony of Pervomaysk, which is one of 216 such colonies and consists of 216 families. Pan of Pervomaysk. LS of several houses, horse pulling wagon in FG. S of long low building and silo structures. CU of older man with beard cap and glasses with family. Isaac Jacobson, president of the Kolkhoz (colony) walks toward the camera. LS new home being built with brick. Stables are separated from homes. LS Modern school house in Kalininsk. LS looking back at local houses.

  13. Selected records of the Romanian Ministry of Justice

    Contains records related to the Iron Guard, reviews of citizenship, seizures of Jewish property, decrees concerning servants of Jews and trade with Jews, status of foreign Jews, and the return of Jewish goods.

  14. Marc Ratner papers

    The papers consist of documents and letters relating the experiences of Marc Ratner after World War II. Includes a letter of recommendation for Marc Ratner from the Provisional Engineering team in Ebensee, Austria; a certificate from the Cham Jewish transient camp for Gustava, Marijan, and Alicia Ratner; a transit visa for Venezuela from the Central Committee for Liberated Jews for Alicja [donor's sister] and Manau (Marian) Ratner issued on September 11, 1946; and two letters from the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) certifying that Marian and Simone Ratner were employed in the Paris, Fra...

  15. Harold Goldstein photographs

    Consists of six photographs taken by Harold Goldstein, a member of the 45th Division of the United States Army, during World War II. Photographs depict a warehouse of Nazi plunder, German prisoners and Armistice Day in France, and a memorial service in Munich, Germany.

  16. Manek and Ilona Werdiger papers

    The Manek and Ilona Werdiger papers contain primarily identification and photographs of the Springut family prior to and during their incarceration in the Jewish ghettos in Krakow, Poland. The identification papers are from the Jewish Community of Krakow, and identify his mother Malka and brother Henryk, and his cousins as Jewish. The photographs are family portraits and group photos of the Springut family and Manek’s wife, Ilona Mandel.

  17. Ajbeszyc family papers

    The collection consists of document, correspondence, and photographs regarding the Holocaust-era experiences of Gerszon Ajbeszyc and his wife Adela Ajbeszyc (née Fiszel). Included are false-identity identification papers used by Gerszon and Adela, birth certificates, marriage documents, restitution paperwork, and family photographs.

  18. Bronze abstract sculpture with a marble base depicting a group of men, women, and children crowded into a boat, Exodus

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn516364
    • English
    • 1948
    • a: Height: 26.500 inches (67.31 cm) | Width: 31.500 inches (80.01 cm) | Depth: 15.250 inches (38.735 cm) b: Height: 15.875 inches (40.323 cm) | Width: 29.750 inches (75.565 cm) | Depth: 12.875 inches (32.703 cm)

    Sculpture created by Nathan Rapoport representing the voyage of the Exodus 1947. The sculpture depicts several figures gathered around a central bearded male figure positioned on a small sailing vessel. It is thought that Rapoport began drafting designs for this sculpture soon after the event and around the same time that he was creating his best-known work, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Memorial. However, the exact date and place of creation are unknown. The Exodus was a cargo ship that left France in 1947 intending to illegally transport 4500 Jewish Holocaust survivors to British ruled Pales...

  19. Popper family collection

    Consists of documents and photographs regarding the experiences of the Popper family, originally of Vienna, Austria. The family was forced to flee to the United States in 1938 in order to escape imprisonment. Includes attempts by Olga Popper to secure restitution for family members lost in the war as well as Austrian pensions after the death of her husband, Julius, in 1947. Also includes the family's pre-war and wartime papers, including passports, and photographs taken in pre-war Vienna (including photographs taken of Julius and Olga's daughter, Suse).