Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,721 to 5,740 of 58,959
  1. Isaac Sevi recordings

    Recording of Isaac Sevi singing traditional songs in Ladino and possibly Hebrew. The recording is on an audiocassette.

  2. Selected records of the Collection "Z" (materials collected by the Main Commission for Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland) containing fragments of German files and post-war materials regarding the places and facts of Nazi crimes Zbiór „Z” (akt zebranych przez Główną Komisję Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce) zawierający fragmenty akt niemieckich i materiały powojenne dotyczące miejsc i faktów zbrodni hitlerowskich (GK 166)

    Original documents collected by the Main Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes in Poland: materials on Joseph Meisinger (chief of Einsatzgruppe IV, than chief of Sipo and SD in Warsaw), materials on the crimes committed in Zamość region (“Zamojszczyzna”), files on the children's camp Dierżężnia near Łódź, reports of gendarmerie in Biłgoraj county, District Lublin, materials regarding Major Henryk “Hubal” Dobrzański, a diary from the Łódź ghetto in Yiddish, memories of Tadeusz Bednarczyk about the Warsaw ghetto, personal files of Wilhelm Koppe (SS- und Polizeiführer, SSPF in GG), testimonies...

  3. Evvy Eisen collection

    Biographies and related documents of the Holocaust survivors photographed by Evvy Eisen for the "Multiply by Six Million: Portraits and Stories of Holocaust Survivors" project.

  4. Nazi photo album

    Photo album of Adolf Hitler with Heinrich Hoffmann photos inscribed "K. Steiger 1942"

  5. Touring Budapest and Vienna

    At Heroes Square in Budapest, Hungary, an American family poses and smiles. Flags hang between the two structures. The youngest boy is bouncing around and twirling, laughing and smiling. (1:31) The older woman, a man, and a boy walk in front of the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest. (1:39) Visiting the zoo, seals swim around in the water in an enclosure. Polar bears on rocks above. Peacocks strut around. (2:33) A band marches on the street below. Soldiers march behind them, followed by cars. (3:27) A couple walks on top of a walkway overlooking a city, probably at Fisherman’s Bastion in Budap...

  6. Gdynia-America. Shipping Lines S.A. Bucharest branch Gdynia-Ameryka. Linie Żeglugowe S.A. Oddział w Bukareszcie (Sygn. 258)

    Records related to Jewish emigration from Poland via the Gdynia-Ameryka. Linie Żeglugowe S.A. (Gdynia-America. Shipping Lines S.A. ). Incudes reports, summaries, timetables, balance sheets, receipts, passenger lists, correspondence, tickets, and telegrams.

  7. 1942 news roundup

    News documentary with intertitles produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. "The News Parade of the Year 1942" "Yanks Fighting Around the Globe!" .... Includes the Flying Tigers in China, Dieppe Raid, Battle of Midway, Allied Chiefs Meeting, and more.

  8. Służba Specjalna Batalion Zastępczy w Lublinie SS- und Polizeigericht VI. Zweiggericht Lublin (GK 698)

    Files of criminal investigation against German, Ukrainian and Polish policemen from the Lublin District: Hans Walter, Herbert Christensen, Heinrich Hass, Emil Jess, Karl Kothe, Franz Letzel, Werner Lippert, Michael Marczuk, Franz Pantil, Rudolf Pfau, Alois Repp, Paul Rau, August Reichert, Heinrich Reinwarth, Alfred Ritter, Wilhelm Schuttler, Jacobus von der Speck, Hans Siem, Anton Tyssen, Rudolf Seer, Kurt Zimmermann, Josef Rodz, Wilhelm Rotarmel, Joahnn Jurkiw, Willi Ortmann, Jurij Huzelo, Stefan Schmigel, Vincent Pawlowski, Waclaw Petrol, Jan Opacki, Bolesław Dobrzyński, Mieczysław Cyrank...

  9. Selected records from the Salzburger Landesarchiv

    Records pertaining to the Nazi office of the Reichsstatthalter in Salzburg, as well as of the Bezirkshauptmannschaften and Landräte. Includes the expropriation records ("VMS Arisierung") for the provincial state of Salzburg, records of the city of Salzburg, records pertaining information on Roma people, camps in Salzburg, labor camps for "asocial "prisoners, Russian labor workers and prisoners of war.

  10. Presidium of the County Council in Kielce Prezydium Powiatowej Rady Narodowej w Kielcach (Sygn.314)

    Files related to abandoned Jewish properties in Daleszyce, Szczecno, and Makoszyn, Poland. Includes some situational plans of individual properties.

  11. Selected records of the Public School Hugo Kołłątaj in Kazimierza Wielka Publiczna Szkoła im. Hugo Kołłątaja w Kazimierzy Wielkiej (Sygn. 2267)

    Files the school's activities, certificates and lists of children, include 127 Jewish children.

  12. Selected records of the commune Gowarczów Akta gminy Gowarczów (Sygn. 525)

    Statistics, registers of the owners of real estate buildings, various records of trade and industry firms, lists of school children, reports on social assistance, a list of persons who own real estate from 1941-1943, and the book of permanent population of Gowarczów. 1917-1932,

  13. Wiera Pupko collection

    Documentation, photographs, albums, and correspondence documenting the experiences of Wiera Pupko and her attempts to leave Europe, and ultimately come from Cuba to the United States.

  14. Sailing on the Queen Mary to Europe

    American family prepares to visit Europe. Small dog, boy and father walk around a suburban neighborhood. The boy pretends to shoot the person holding the camera with a gun. He tries to catch a bug. Mother exits and enters the home. The top of a building with a sign in English that says: “For all Europe. French Line.” Harbor. Ship with a group of people standing on the bow. “Queen Mary” on the side of a ship. People play shuffleboard and badminton on the boat. Waves crash alongside the ship. INTs of the ship, people look out the windows. A destroyer ship goes by. D78 is on the hull, possibly...

  15. Oral history interview with Sergei Ackerman

  16. Social Anti-Communist Committee ANTYK Społeczny Komitet Antykomunistyczny ANTYK (Sygn. 1346/0)

    Selected records collected by the Społeczny Komitet Antykomunistyczny ANTYK (Social Anti-Communist Committee ANTYK). Includes instructions, reports, correspondence, files of members of the Komunistyczna Partia Polski, KPP (Communist Party of Poland), the Polska Partia Robotnicza, PPR (Polish Workers' Party), and the Gwardia Ludowa (People's Guard), propaganda materials, documentation of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, judgments of special military courts, and reports of the Armia Krajowa (Home Army), and various publications.The materials were collected and hidden in a secret archive-the so-ca...

  17. Special Section of the Appeals Court of Paris Section spéciale de la cour d'appel de Paris (1941-1944)

    Files of the Special Section of the Appeals Court of Paris judging individuals arrested for infractions against the pre-war penal code for communist or anarchist activities as well as “social and national subversion” and “crimes and misdemeanors against State security.” The sentences, ranging from prison with or without fines, to forced labor for life, or death, were to be executed immediately. Most of those arrested were communist, and entire cells were arrested at the same time – Spanish Republicans, Armenians, and Polish Jews.

  18. Rosenbaum family papers

    The Rosenbaum family papers consist of identification documents, a business card, and announcements that document the experiences of Hans Rosenbaum [the donor’s uncle], his parents Theodor and Martha, and his brother Erich before, during, and after the Holocaust. Documents relating to Hans include a birth announcement, a driver’s license, and a German passport, both issued in 1927 and 1938, respectively, that bear his photos. Also included is a business card for Rodenberg & Rosenbaum, the cigar box factory that was co-operated by the family. In addition, documents chronicling their natu...

  19. Ruth Taub Feldman papers

    Collection comprised of documents, correspondence, photographs, postcards, and a ketubah, as well as photocopies, some of the originals are in 1995.A.0736.

  20. WWI medal

    Medal awarded to Hugo Morck for service on the front in WWI.