Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,781 to 5,800 of 58,959
  1. French Anti-Semitic Illustrated Leaflet Issued by Action Française

    A large, illustrated French leaflet (newspaper-format) issued by the political movement Action Française. One of its sides deals with the 40 French kings (Les 40 rois qui, en mille ans, firent la France) and the other side with the Jews "who in sixty years have ruined France": Adolphe Crémieux, Alfred Naquet, Dreyfus, Karl Marx, Rosa Luxemburg, Leon Blum and more – Marxists, communists, Bolsheviks, and others. The illustrations are by the caricaturist Ralph Soupault. Les Mille Juifs, qui, en soixante ans, ont ruiné la France [The Thousand Jews, who in sixty years have ruined France], Paris:...

  2. US Army drills

    Roll 0007

  3. Robert Weinel photograph

    Photographic print: black and white image of sign reading, “This Area is being retained as a shrine to the 238,000 individuals who were cremated here / Please don’t destroy.” With urns and cross hanging on the wall behind it; inscription on verso: “Dachau / April 1946.” Brought home from WWII by Cpl Robert Weinel (donor’s father) who was stationed with the US Army in Germany during this time.

  4. Communist organizations in 1940-1942. Collection of various files Organizacje komunistyczne w latach 1940-1942. Zbiór akt (Sygn. 1475)

    Consists of appeals, declarations, papers, training materials, and correspondence of various Communist organizations.

  5. Selected records of the School Inspectorate Kielce Inspektorat Szkolny Kielecki (Sygn.109)

    Consists of personal files of teachers employed in schools in Kielce region, among them are files of Jewish teachers: Brykman Pesa from Lelów, Bursztyn Nachyma from Suchedniów, Chmielnicki Zelman from Bodzentyn, Ejbuszyc Majlech from Łopuszno, Elwing Zyla Majloch from Małogoszcz, Katz vel Kluger Hadesa from Wodzisław, Wajnsztok Izrael Mendel from Bodzentyn, Wajfelnera Mirla from Włoszczowa, Zylberberg Aron from Kielce and Białogon, Zylbersztajn Mojżesz from Jędrzejów.

  6. Selected records of the commune Prząław Akta gminy Prząsław (Sygn. 1664)

    Consists of correspondence and name lists of Jewish people residing in the Prząsław who belonged to the Jewish Religious Community in Jędrzejów and who were obliged to pay fee to the Jewish community (so called “składka bóżnicza” in Polish). The lists contain standard information: name and surname of the person; place of residence; amount of arrears of fees.

  7. Rebecca Knaster papers

    Documents, certificates, identification, correspondence, and restitution papers relating to Baruch and Cyla (Cila) Knaster.

  8. Selected records from the State District Archive in Blansko

    Records of the District National Committee of Boskovice, District Court of Boskovice, District Office of Boskovice, Boskovice Municipal National Committee, Municipal Archives of Boskovice and Lomnice, pertaining to laws and regulations against Jews, Jewish residency applications and emigration, the expropriation of Jewish property, and anti-Jewish and anti-Roma measures. Records feature name lists of Jews, passport applications by Jews, residency permit applications by Jewish refugees from Nazi-annexed Austria, work permit applications by Jews, evictions of Jewish tenants, expropriation lis...

  9. Selected records from the IG-Farbenindustrie collection (R 8128)

    Consists of selected records from the institutional archive of Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, commonly known as IG Farben, a German chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate. Records pertain to slave labor at the IG Farben complex at Auschwitz, as well as forced labor throughout the IG Farben complex (such as the arms production and the mining industry such as the Riebek'sche Montanwerke AG), the purging of Jewish employees and workers, the nexus between Stickstoff production and explosive weapons production, internal correspondence and minutes of meetings, monthly reports, the 1...

  10. Liberation photographs and ration book

    Collection of post-liberation photographs showing corpses, graves, crematorium, and survivors at multiple concentration camps. These include an image of the Jewish cemetery in Neustadt, and recurring liberation images from Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps, 1945 - 1946. A ration book in Russian from 1941 is also included.

  11. Selected records of the commune Nowy Korczyn Akta Gminy Nowy Korczyn (Sygn. 2173)

    Books of permanent population of the Nowy Korczyn commune from 1902-1931, and files regarding abandoned Jewish property (property that belonged to Jews before the war.)

  12. Kreisgericht Wiener Neustadt: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The collection includes following cases: Vr 229/92 Otto Merich; Vr.517/74 Franz Kandler; Vr 671/72 Erwin Johann Schober, and StA Wiener Neustadt Bruno Eggerth.

  13. Selected records of the commune Pianów located in Słupia Konecka Akta gminy Pianów z siedzibą w Słupi Koneckiej (Sygn. 534)

    Files of the Jewish kehilla in 1931; applications for identity cards from 1929-1939; population statistics from 1927-1932; alphabetical list of voters for the Sejm (Polish Parliament); register of the residents possessing assets, 1923; population census, 1942.

  14. Provincial Information and Propaganda Office in Kielce Wojewódzki Urząd Informacji i Propagandy w Kielcach (Sygn. 319)

    Situation reports and press articles related to anti semitic events and Jews properties after World War II. Includes newspaper clippings related to German crimes committed during WWII.

  15. Oral history interview with Carla "Carol" Holtz

  16. Kielce County II Starostwo Powiatowe Kieleckie II (Sygn. 308) : Wybrane materialy

    Files on national minorities, statistics and registers of population in Kielce region. Includes lists of cemeteries and industrial plants for nationalization

  17. Map promoting German tourism acquired by Max and Irene Bray

    Large map promoting regional tourism throughout Germany. The map was acquired by Max and Irene Bray, an American couple, in the mid 1930s. Max Bray, an optical scientist and pioneer of advanced optics, was being courted for employment in Germany at the time. The map was among other items left for the Brays in their hotel room. In later years, the Brays gifted the map to their friends and neighbors, the Connors family. Audrey Connors donated the map in the name of her teacher Paul Lowes, who drew on the map in his classroom when educating students about the period and the threat of Nazi fasc...

  18. Fritz Linnenbuerger FBI file

    Copy of the FBI file for Dr. Fritz Linnenbuerger.

  19. Oral history interview with George Schwab

  20. Sztafety Ochronne. Straż Wiejska w Lublinie. Inspekcja w Zamościu SS Landwach Lublin. Inspektion Nord-Zamość (GK 697)

    Orders, correspondence, protocols of interrogations, criminal reports; judgments of the Police Court SS No. VI in Lublin, name lists of members of the SS Rural Guard, and a list of men of German nationality in the commune of Miaczyn from March 1, 1944. Records relate to personal matters of the members of SS-Landwacht-Inspektion-Nord Zamosc; trainings, regulations, promotions; the search for Jewish escapees; and investigations into the death of Sonderndienstmann, Heinrich Schmidt.