Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,801 to 5,820 of 58,959
  1. Reichswehr training activities; von Hindenburg

    Ozaphan film.Title: “Deutsche Reichswehr Manöverbilder” [German Reichswehr-Maneuver pictures.] Horse-drawn carts driven by German soldiers on a dirt road in the countryside. Title: “Marschfahigkeit aller Waffengattungen ist die Vorbedingung des Erfolges.” [Eligibility of all branches of arms is a prerequisite for success.] Soldiers marching on a dirt road. Some of them are marching with dogs, or riding bikes. Title: “Rast” [Rest] Soldiers dismount from their horses, sitting on the sides of the road in the shade under some trees. Title: “Die Gulaschkanone.” [The Goulash Cannon.] A large obje...

  2. Selected records of the Citizens' Militia Headquarters in Łódź Komenda Milicji Obywatelskiej w Łodzi (Sygn. 236)

    Reports, orders, ordinances and claims of the Milicja Obywatelska (Citizens' Militia) relating to civilians in Łódź, including Jews, in the first period of German occupation of Poland. Documents relate mainly to the robbery of Jewish enterprises, breaking into Jewish flats and theft of their property, street incidents and arrests, lists of premises, shops, workshops, enterprises, horses, motor vehicles and others, as well as lists of militia officers.

  3. Selected records of the Legation of the Republic of Poland in Stockholm Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Sztokholmie (GK 186)

    Records relating to German war criminals, descriptions of crimes, description of everyday life in concentration camps in the Third Reich, territories incorporated to the Reich and in the General Government (Poland). Includes file cards of orphan children of Polish parents murdered or missing during World War II, as well as individual and collective photographs of children - depicting the help of Polish welfare committees

  4. Rosa Goldmann death certificate

    Contatins a death certificate issued on November 2, 1942 stating that Rosa Goldmann, transported to Theresienstadt concentration camp on October 7, 1942 with transport "Ae/677," perished in Thereisenstadt on November 2, 1942. On the reverse is a note written in English to "American Censor" stating that the writer has been in concentration camp and this is the first time they can write. It is unsigned, but appears to have been written by someone fluent in English.

  5. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Grodzisk Mazowiecki Sąd Grodzki w Grodzisku Mazowieckim (Sygn. 1648) : Wybrane materialy

    Selected files of the Sąd Grodzki w Grodzisku Mazowieckim, records so-called “Zg”. Records of "Zg" relate to declaring someone dead or issuing a death certificate. This includes persons who perished during the Soviet or, mainly, Nazi occupation: either including persons arrested by Soviets or Germans, deported to the USSR or the Third Reich, sent to concentration camps, murdered in ghettos or in other places of extermination. The files (approximately 5-20 pages) contain an application declaring the death of a person, testimonies of witnesses filled out on standard forms, correspondence and ...

  6. Paul Steinberg collection

    The Paul Steinberg collection consists of a leather notebook which illustrates Paul Steinberg's [Morton Steinberg's father] experiences living with his relatives in Vienna, Austria, circa 1919-1920.

  7. Selected records of the County Office in Końskie Starostwo Powiatowe w Końskich (Sygn. 1107)

    List of 108 persons registered in the Council of Elders of the Jewish Community in Końskie, February 28-April 28, 1941.

  8. Selected records of the Provincial Information and Propaganda Office in Łódź Wojewódzki Urząd Informacji i Propagandy w Łodzi (Sygn. 641)

    Records relating to German war crimes committed in the Łódź province. Includes reports on committed crimes, lists of graves of soldiers and murdered people, copies of the "Biuletyn Żydowskiej Agencji Prasowej (ŻAP) from 1945-1946, memories of Mieczysław Słowikowski from KL Auschwitz (born on 4th Sept. 1900 in Suwałki, prisoner number 5363).

  9. Presentation by Seymour Caplan

  10. Selected records of the Electoral Commissions of the Kielce Voivodeship Komisje Wyborcze Województwa Kieleckiego (Sygn. 103)

    Selected records related to elections to the Legislative Sejm (Polish Parliament) in 1918, elections to the Sejm and Senate in 1928, 1930, 1935 and 1938; the Socialist Left Bloc (Bund and NSPP), the Żydowski Robotniczy Komitet Wyborczy "Polej Sjon" (Jewish Workers' Election Committee), Zjednoczony Żydowski Blok Gospodarczy (United Jewish Economic Bloc), Ogólno-Żydowski Narodowy Blok Gospodarczy (General-Jewish National Economic Bloc), Blok Obrony Praw Narodowości Żydowskiej w Polsce (Bloc for the Protection of the Rights of Jewish Nationality) and others.. Consists of correspondence, announ...

  11. Urząd Okręgu Warszawskiego Selected records of the Amt des Distrikts Warschau Amt des Distrikts Warschau (GK 101)

    Telephone and address book of the Office of the Head of Warsaw District and subordinate German authorities and institutions in Warsaw; ordinances and circulars, reports regarding the political, economic and cultural situation in the Warsaw District at the end of March 1940. Includes official correspondence, personal files of prison guards at Rakowiecka Street in Warsaw, reports on escaped prisoners, and situational reports.

  12. Selected records of the General Prosecutor of the Republic of Poland in Warsaw Prokuratura Generalna RPL w Warszawie (Sygn. 842)

    Files against German generals, doctors. other Nazi criminals and collaborators, many of whom were sentenced to death. The documents collected in this collection are hand-held files of the prosecutor who were used it to prepare the indictments. Amongst others, includes files of investigations against Erich Koch and Albert Forster, and files of investigations against some Polish underground organizations [e.g. the Armia Krajowa (AK), Narodowe Siły Zbrojne (NSZ), Bataliony Chlopskie (BCh), Polska Partia Robotnicza (PPR), Armia Ludowa (AL) and others], prepared based on the Decree of August 31,...

  13. Selected records from the State Archives of Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine related to the history of the Jewish Communities of the region before, during, and after WWII

    Records of the history of the Jewish communities of the Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine. Includes leaflets, minutes and reports submitted to the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Headquarters on the activities of the Zionist Jewish Party in Transcarpathia; correspondence of the police and district authorities on the activities of various political parties operating in the Zakarpatsʹka oblastʹ; reports of the police and district authorities on Jewish parties in various locations; reports on activities of Jewish associations (preparing Jews for emigration to Palestine), and the New Zi...

  14. Private film of Nazi officers' party in occupied France

    Handmade title card: “Referat Film der Propaganda-Abteilung Frankreich.” [Film section of the Propaganda Department of France.] Title card: “Am Mittwoch den Mai 14 1941” [Wednesday, May 14, 1941] On this day, roughly 3600 Jewish men were arrested and forced from their homes in Paris. "PAF" INTs, formal event/party. Nazis from the Propaganda-Abteilung Frankreich in uniform sitting around, the focus is on two men in particular, one who is wearing circular glasses. (1:44) Title card: “Der Kontra-punkt” [The counterpoint.] Back of bald-headed Nazi. Men and women are sitting around a large room,...

  15. Selected records of the commune Wąchock Akta Gminy Wąchock (Sygn. 2698)

    Minutes of meetings of the Commune Board, a list of owners of farming land, and statistics of land taxes.

  16. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Grodzisk Mazowiecki Sąd Grodzki w Grodzisku Mazowieckim (Sygn. 1647) : Wybrane materialy

    Selected files of court civil and criminal cases related to repayment of debt, beatings, insulting public officials, embezzlement, theft and other matters. The cases relate to Jews who were inhabitants of Grodzisk Mazowiecki. The files contain personal data about participants of lawsuits.

  17. Oral history interview with Simon Kagan

  18. German soldiers; loading train; command post

    Landscape with trees, powerlines, and a road. Town, church, possibly in France. Crossroads in a path. Sign with an arrow pointing “Befehlsstelle” and “Keimer.” Traveling shots. Checkpoint with a German soldier standing beside. Sign: “Einbahnstrasse.” German military compound. Brief shot of man at a table writing while a German soldier leans over him. Men shoveling beside barrier. German soldier looks directly at the camera. Farming in a field. Traveling on the road. Sign/stone marker: "St. Gabriel 1k Creully 3k" Pan of snowy landscape. (4:26) German officials oversee cars being loaded onto ...

  19. Oral history interview with Moshe Leshem