Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,701 to 5,720 of 58,959
  1. Géza Winter diary

    Illustrated Poetic Diary of a Jewish Hungarian forced into Labor Service during WWII. [Budapest]: Unpaginated. [108] loose pages, as issued. Original wrappers, with illustration pasted on front cover. Géza Winter's illustrated poetic diary documenting his personal experiences in the labor service in 1940. Winter was a Hungarian Jew from Budapest, and was enrolled in the service in 1939. In the beginning, his company was serving around Budapest, later they were sent to Transylvania. The following cities are mentioned: Szentendre, Budakalász, Pomáz, Szatmámémeti (Satu Mare), Kolozvár, Kraszna...

  2. Political groups in the country during the occupation-collection of records Polityczne ugrupowania w kraju w okresie okupacji-zbiór akt (Sygn. 1332)

    Selected records of the small Polish organizations working during the German occupation: “Racławice”-Chłopska Organizacja Wolności; Kompania Dozorowania im. Gen. W. Sikorskiego; Konfederacja Warszawska; Legion Unii Narodów Słowiańskich; Narodowo-Chrześcijański Związek Walki; Obóz Narodowy; Obóz Polski Walczącej; Oddział Wydzielony Wojska Polskiego majora Hubala; Młody Orzeł-Polska Organizacja Patriotyczna; Znak-Polska Organizacja Zbrojna; Polski Związek Wolności; Powstańcy Polscy-Centrala Krakowska, Oddział Schronu; “Świt”-Samodzielna Polska Partyzantka Robotniczo-Chłopska; “Wolność”-Socjal...

  3. Selected records of the Prison records of persons convicted of communist activities Akta więzienne osób skazanych za działalność komunistyczną (Sygn. 1508)

    Files of prisoners (Polish Jews) convicted of communist activities; most of them perished during the Holocaust. Files are from the following prisons located in: Kielce, Krasnystaw, Lwów, Piotrków Trybunalski, Płock, Radom, Sanok, Sandomierz, Sieradz, Tarnów, Warszawa-Mokotów, Zamość, Sosnowiec, Koronowo, Wronki, Kalisz, Gniezno, Bydgoszcz-Fordon, Częstochowa.

  4. Presentation by Gene Meisels

  5. Selected records of the commune Topolice located in Żarnów Akta gminy Topolice z siedzibą w Żarnowie (Sygn. 538)

    Budget records for 1935/36 with a list of building owners and tax payers in Żarnów; lists of births, marriages and dead from 1920-1929 in Białaczów, Topolice, Wielka Wola and Żarnów.

  6. May and Wolff families papers

    Correspondence primarily sent by Julius and Hermine May (donor Julie Wolff's grandparents) in Frankfurt, Germany, addressed to their daughter and family in the United States. The letters are dated between 1938 and until Julies and Hermine were deported in November 1941 from Frankfurt to Kovno, Lithuania, where they were killed. Includes memoirs written in 1946 in Johannesburg, South Africa, by Josef Wolff (donor Roy Wolff's grandfather), who was arrested after Kristallnacht in November 1938 in Munich, Germany and deported to the Dachau concentration camp. After some weeks he was released an...

  7. Selected records of the County Office in Jędrzejów Starostwo Powiatowe Jędrzejowskie (Sygn. 726)

    Situation reports relating to communist activity of Jews, actions of the National Party (Stronnictwo Narodowe) against the Jewish minority and reactions of the Jewish community in Jędrzejów region. Includes reports on Jewish reactions on the resolution of ritual slaughter in Poland and antisemitic events in Germany; activity of the Zionist Aid for Workers in Palestine, Mizrachi, and other organizations; elections to the Board of the Jewish Religious Community

  8. Selected records of the Primary School No. 2 in Opoczno Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 2 w Opocznie (Sygn. 604)

    Organizational files of the school, regulations, reports and ordinances regarding education, registers of resolutions, minutes of meetings, student attendance, grades and plans of classes .In almost the entire interwar period, only Jewish children attended this school. Only after 1935, some Roman Catholic children appear in the classes.

  9. Edward Kossoy collection Akta Edwarda Kossoya (Sygn. 2633)

    Archives of Edward Kossoy (Jewish lawyer and publicist) consists of his education records, university diplomas, emigration and naturalization, official and private correspondance, fragments of memoirs of the victims, materials regarding German crimes, the chronicle of German capitulation, reports of the Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo) from Polish teritories, press clippings, articles and other publications, and numerous documents related to his private life. Includs biographies of clients, a letter from Andrzej Olechowski to Donald Tusk (2009), correspondence with Norman Davis (1993, 2002-2005), ...

  10. Painting attributed to Edmond Goergen

    Consists of a 14.5 x 18 inch painting attributed to Edmond Goergen (1914-2000). Goergen, a native of Luxembourg, was arrested and later interned at Mauthausen and Sachsenhausen concentration camps for resistance activities. An artist prior to his internment Goergen created small sketches in camp, and later resumed his career in the postwar era. He is known for a broad range of artworks including those documenting his experiences and scenes he witnessed. Though undated the piece was given (approximately during the 1970s) to friend and fellow Luxembourgian resistance member, Fernand Paulus (1...

  11. Awards Documentation Department of Yad Vashem (Righteous Among the Nations) Dział Dokumentacji Odznaczeń Yad Vashem (Sprawiedliwy Wśród Narodów Świata) (Sygn. 349)

    Consists applications, testimonies, protocols, letters and correspondence related to award documentation "Righteous Among the Nations."

  12. Wedding of Red Orchestra resistance members

    January 25, 1941 wedding of Günther Weisenborn and Margarethe (Joy) Schnable in Berlin. Günther and Joy belonged to the important German resistance group labeled "Rote Kapelle" [Red Orchestra] by the Gestapo. Both were later arrested and survived only with great fortune. Resistance members pictured in the film include Harro Schulze-Boysen and his wife Libertas, the actress Marta Husemann, and famous publisher Ernst Rowohlt. The film opens with a hand-drawn title: “Hochzeit in Schoeneberg”. Horse-drawn carriage with driver. Günther and Joy seated. Berlin street scenes - street cars, tall bui...

  13. 1943 news roundup

    News documentary with intertitles produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. "The News Parade of the Year 1943" "Battling the U-Boats!" "Tragedy at Tulon!" "MacArthur's Smashing Offensive!" "Argentina Revolts!" "Allies on the March!" "Bombs Over Hitlerland!"

  14. Selected records of the Public High School in Małogoszcz Publiczna Szkoła Powszechna w Małogoszczu (Sygn. 1757)

    Nominations for teachers of Jewish religion at the school w Małogoszczu; circulars; minutes of meetings; correspondence; and various types of lists. Documents relate to matters of teaching religion at school, Jewish children attending school, and conflicts related to the teaching of Jewish religion at school.

  15. Służba Specjalna Batalion Zastępczy w Lublinie Sonderdienst Ersatz-Bataillon Lublin (GK 689)

    Personal files of SS-Sturmbannführer Anton Binner along with his private correspondence. administrative files: correspondence, service assignments, promotions, lists of members of the SS Substitute Battalion of the Special Services in Lublin, orders, reports on business travel, and financial settlements. Includes a protocol on the dissolution of Sonderdienst E-Bataillon, February 22, 1941, and photographs of the 1th company.

  16. Komendant Policji Bezpieczeństwa i Służby Bezpieczeństwa na Litwie Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des Sicherheitsdienst Litauen (GK 700)

    Correspondence, reports, instructions, interrogations, reports, telegrams of the German intelligence offices about the Polish and Lithuanian resistance movement in Lithuania, Latvia, and the Bialystok region (Bezirk Bialystok), Poland. Includes also a list of Catholic clergy and leading activists of underground organizations.

  17. Selected records of the Prison in Busko Więzienie w Busku (Sygn. 695)

    Court and prison correspondence, protocols and personal files of individual Jewish prisoners. Includes personal data of prisoners, and short sentences for common crimes such as theft.

  18. Gestapo office Würzburg (State Archive Würzburg, Germany) Gestapostelle Würzburg (Staatsarchiv Würzburg)

    Contains 24,780 arrest files, including photos of suspects (mug shots), private photos (for the most part ID photos), and a Gestapo photo album. 3,071 of the arrest files refer to Jews. The majority of the collection consist of the personal files; organized alphabetically by the name of the respective suspects (family name; first name; birth date; birth place; profession). The letters A to G; and V are missing. The cards give a short content description of the respective file. There is only a small percentage of thematic or administrative files; concerning the pogrom 1938, the deportation o...

  19. Huey M. Barber collection

    Photographic prints: black and white images taken in the Buchenwald concentration camp after liberation. Depicted are the remains of victims, the crematoria ovens, the monument erected in the camp, groups of survivors, a child survivor with adults, American soldiers, a German officer in custody, and general camp scenes. On verso: all photos incorrectly dated as “1944” & captions inscribed in English by SFC Huey M. Barber (donor’s maternal uncle) who served as a medic with the US Army during WWII, retiring from active military service in 1962. Envelope of souvenir photos: set of 24 black...

  20. Alexander Bachnár papers, Bratislava component collection

    Copies of documents on the Holocaust in Slovakia collected by Alexander Bachnár during his research in various archives, as well as the study of press and testimonies, original versions of his personal archives, correspondence, his own and other author's works. The documents include Anti-Jewish regulations, decisions, regulations of the Ministry of Interior, the State Council and Jewish Center; the Jewish Census from before the concentration of Jews and transports in 1942; the Census of Jewish Property (and documents relating to Aryanization, lists of persons imprisoned in labor and concent...