Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,681 to 5,700 of 58,959
  1. Selected records of the Central Committee for Social Welfare in Warsaw Centralny Komitet Opieki Społecznej w Warszawie (Sygn. 164/0)

    Questionnaires of children who were abroad (in Denmark and Norway), correspondence and name lists on the persons returned to Poland after the Second World War. Includes documents related to financial assistance for children and lists of former KL Auschwitz-Birkenau prisoners who survived the camp.

  2. Selected records of the Commune Suchedniów Akta Gminy Suchedniów (Sygn. 141) : Wybrane materialy

    Population books and registers of the Suchedniów commune, Suchedniów village, and other villages in Kielce region, Poland. Includes information related personal data about residents, payment of taxes, security and public order.

  3. Selected records of the Communal Council in Sobków Gminna Rada Narodowa w Sobkowie (Sygn. 1914)

    List of Jewish buildings within the Sobków commune, files for 1949.

  4. Marian and Moscuna families papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of the Marian family of Cîmpulung and Suceava, Romania and the Moscuna family of Bucharest, Romania. Included is wartime family correspondence, immigration documents, and a document regarding stolen family valuables after they were deported from Cîmpulung to Transnistiria in 1941. There is also a donor-provided family history, and documents of Octav Moscuna regarding his forced-labor in Bucharest.

  5. Eckdish family papers

    The Eckdish family papers include correspondence and immigration documents relating to Paul Eckdish and his family's experience emigrating from Germany in 1939. Correspondence includes originals and photocopies of letters sent to Paul in the United States, mainly from his brother, Martin, and Martin’s wife Ilse, in Palestine. Immigration documents include clearances, a job referral, and a receipt for passage on the SS Rotterdam. Also included is correspondence and receipts from Paul’s attempts to assist his parents in leaving Europe to go to Shanghai.

  6. Selected records of the commune Przysucha Akta gminy Przysucha (Sygn. 1130)

    Registers of residents from the following settlements: Gwarek, Drutarnia, Janów, Kozłowiec, Puszcza, Huta, Lipno, Mazniczka, Plebania, Jakubów, Pomyków, Młyny, Hamernia, Topornia, Mechlin, Browarek, the settlement of Przysucha, Zapniów, Gródek, village Przysucha, Zajezierze colony, and index of the displaced persons from Warsaw. These registers include notes about the population returning from Germany and Jews who emigrated to Brazil, Palestine, Argentina, etc. The collection Includes also correspondence and other files of the Commune Office in Przysucha relating to n the judiciary, detenti...

  7. Selected records of the Generalgouverneur in Polen Gubernator Generalnego Gubernatorstwa w Polsce (GK 95)

    A diary of Hans Frank (Hans Frank Tagebuch). a governor of occupied Poland during World War II. The diary entries relate to all aspect of Generalgouvernment (GG) administration from its seat in the royal Wawel castle in Krakau (Kraków). The journal is in typed in chronological order. The entries reflect careful, thoughtful consideration of administrative matters, rather than the spontaneous thoughts or feelings usually found in a diary.

  8. Geoffrey and Hansi Lynfield collection

    Consists of manuscripts, drafts, original documents and photographs, correspondence, and research material related to the writing of "The Four Sisters," and "In Search of Gustav." The manuscripts were written by Geoffrey Lynfield, ca. 2005-2006. "The Four Sisters' documents the experiences of his wife, Hansi Sternberg Lynfield, and her three sisters, all of whom were deported from their hometown of Munkacs (now Mukacheve), survived Auschwitz and Tannenberg concentration camps, and worked for the Red Cross or UNRRA after the war. "In Search of Gustav" traces the family history of the Lilienf...

  9. Selected records of the commune Topola Akta Gminy Topola (Sygn. 2230)

    Lists of commercial and industrial plants and their owner, lists of tax payers; files called "religious issues", 1926-1928 related to Jewish religious community; lists of inhabitants of the commune,1932-1948 and lists of those born between 1930-1932. Also consists files of the official correspondence regarding the forced labor of Jewish population, registration obligations, property registration and others. Includes very rare lists of Poles from the commune employed to transport Jews during the liquidation of ghettos in Miechów county, 1941-1944.

  10. Henry Cohn postcards

    Five postcards (containing the contents of three letters), sent by Henry Cohn, of Paris, from September - November 1944, to his uncle, Albert Cohn (the donor’s grandfather), in London. In the postcards, Henry Cohn describes some of his experiences during the German occupation of France, as well as what happened to his mother, Meta Johanna Cohn (1896-1942) who was deported to Auschwitz in July 1942. The contents of the first letter, dated 23 September 1944, are written on three separate postcards that were mailed in succession, and numbered accordingly.

  11. Kurt Dreyer papers

    The collection consists of two letters written by Kurt Dreyer, a member of the Essen Reserve Police Battalion 67, to his wife and son Hans-Jürgen in Essen regarding his actions in Krasnobród, Poland. In the first letter, dated 15 November 1942, he discusses his participation in a killing operation in Krasnobród on 13 November 1942 where accused partisans were placed in a barn and burned alive. He writes that he also shot at those who tried to escape, and that they later burned down the farmer’s house and executed the family as accomplices. He then discusses the capture and execution of 3 Je...

  12. Kreisgericht Krems: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court in Krems, Austria.

  13. Hanukkah lamp

    Hanukkah lamp which belonged to the Altman family in Germany. It was given to Theodore Levite, whose mother was Marie Altman Levite and later to the donor who was a relative by marriage.

  14. Personal collection of Georges Neu

    Consists of digital scans of the handwritten diary (tagebuch) of Mr. Neu's grandmother, Clementine Neu (1923-1943), with family phographs, identity cards, correspondence, letters, immigration documents, and press clippings. Also includes an English translation of a book on the Neu family by Martin Ruch, published by Hartung-Garre Verlag Konstanz in 1998, entitled "Aus der Heimat verjagt"; and an 18th century book by Isaac Berr, which Mr. Neu found among his father Erwin's belongings at his death. The French translation of Clementine Neu's diary is included.

  15. Leather document holder

    Leather document holder belonging to Rabbi Lajos Izsak (later Louis Isaac), who emigrated from Sátoraljaújhely, Hungary to the US in 1938. Letters of reference were stored in the holder.

  16. Young people train for jobs in the US military work program

    Short film produced by the National Youth Administration in 1941 about the United States military work program which prepared young people for future jobs in the defense industry. Depicts NYA youth at work with machinery, airplane assembly, welding, tool and dye making, grinding and milling, etc. NYA provided young people with practical experience and training for jobs in the war industry. Some of the 400,000 NYA youth (men, women, African Americans) who went into private employment since 1940 are shown at work in a large aircraft plant. Melvyn Douglas provides the commentary.

  17. Eisenhower returns to Washington, DC

    Pathe News. Milestones of the Century. "General Ike Comes Home". Arc de Triomphe. General De Gaulle presents Medal of Liberation to General Dwight Eisenhower. Eisenhower returns home and is welcomed by General Marshall in Washington DC. There is a victory parade down Pennsylvania Avenue. Eisenhower addresses Congress. Eisenhower is decorated by President Truman (3:05) Film ends.

  18. Paris 1945

    Three rolls: Paris 1 (18:22) Paris 2 (17:09) Paris 3 (10:35)

  19. Day of Mourning in the Yishuv Poster announcing a day of mourning for the deportation of the illegal immigrants of SS Exodus

    A poster announcing a day of mourning and a protest rally subsequent to the deportation to Germany of the illegal immigrants of SS "Exodus."