Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,741 to 5,760 of 58,959
  1. Posterunek Żandarmerii w Żyrardowie Gendarmerie Posten Żyrardów (GK 657)

    Reports, correspondence, interrogation’s protocols regarding work and events with the intervention of the gendarmerie. Includes personal files of the gendarmes.

  2. Selected records of the County Office in Opoczno Starostwo Powiatowe Opoczyńskie (Sygn. 731)

    Situational reports on security and the political situation in Opoczno region, Poland.

  3. Landesgericht Feldkirch: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the state court in Feldkirch, Austria. Contains a court case against August Kűng, a member of the Stryj gendarmerie, Ukraine (Stryj district: Zawadow [Zavadiv], Mykolaiv [Mykolaiv] and Rozvadov) from the end of August 1941 to the beginning of January 1943 (one file). Kűng was involved in German violent crimes against Jews.

  4. Selected records of the commune Kliszów located in Kije Akta Gminy Kliszów w Kijach (Sygn. 2317) : Wybrane materiały

    Books of permanent population with an alphabetical index, files related to fiduciary matters and Jewish properties from the Kliszów region.

  5. American visits Vienna during the Anschluss and tours Germany (color)

    An American visits Vienna in March 1938. City street with telephone booth. Bridge in BG, someone steps into the phone booth. Belvedere palace and sprawling garden with the city in the distance. A long line of Jewish people, most likely attempting to obtain visas to exit the country in March 1938. “Jüdisches Geschäft” [Jewish Business] sign on shop. Narrow street with swastika flags on some of the buildings. The Ankeruhr clock on Hohen Markt street. Nazis in uniform line up in a square. Swastika flags in different shapes hang at the Heldenplatz where Hitler announced the Anschluss on March 1...

  6. Selected records of the City of Iłża Akta miasta Iłży (Sygn. 2683)

    Lists of voters for local authorities (Rada Miejska Miasta Iłży) and for the Sejm (Polish Parliament), files of the Jewish religious community, materials concerning trade and industry, vital records, statistics, correspondence, lists of the real estates (land and buildings)

  7. Selected records of the commune Radzynów located in Olganów Akta Gminy Radzanów w Olganowie (Sygn. 2141)

    Lists of voters to the Sejm (Polish Parliament) from 1922 and 1930; census of Jews from 1930; index to permanent population books and records of postwar fate of the property belonging to Jews.

  8. Furman family papers

    The Furman family papers document the pre-war lives of the Furman family in Krynki, Poland and Palestine, including Hanoch Furman’s education and employment at a Tarbut school in Krynki, his immigration to Palestine in 1926, and his mother Zelda Furman’s immgration to Palestine in 1936. Documents include Tarbut school certificates and report card, marriage certificate for Hanoch and Dina Flaumenbaum, a Ketubah, Palestinian immigration certificates for Hanoch and Zelda, Palestinian naturalization certificate for Hanoch, and Zelda’s Polish passport and health card for immigration. Photographs...

  9. Margolius family papers

    Collection of documents, correspondence and photographs surrounding the experiences of the Margolius family during the Holocaust.

  10. Selected records of the Municipal Government in Końskie Zarząd Miejski w Końskich (Sygn. 778)

    Records of the Municipal Government in Końskie: administrative files, registers of minutes of meetings (1945), abandoned real estate in Końskie region (1946), and factories, questionnaires related to German war crimes, and correspondence relating to reporting of new born children (1945-1946.)

  11. Letters searching for relatives

    Five paper items related to the search for relatives during and after World War II. Includes a document sent from a branch of the Jewish Agency in London to the Agency's representative in Jerusalem, containing information about Holocaust survivors in Europe, July 1944; a letter by the Chief Rabbi's Religious Emergency Council, with a request to track down a Holocaust survivor's sister, who was alone in Belsen, August 1945; a telegram on a form of the Hungarian Red Cross, sent from Újpest, Budapest, to Kibbutz Tel-Yosef, by a father who had not heard from his son for nine months, December 19...

  12. The Eckstein family at a fair and playing in their garden

    June 1939. The children in striped jackets outdoors in their garden in Bítýška. Greenhouse. 01:01:13 Pan of the family home at Vev. Bítýška. 01:01:20 The children ride the carousel with the nanny in a checkered jacket. 01:01:54 Michael helps Antonín off the carousel. 01:02:00 The family and nanny pose for a portrait in the funhouse mirror (notice mother Toni with the camera standing at right behind her son Antonín). Very brief shot of only the couple, Toni and Michael, at 01:02:08. [These are the only images of mother Toni across the films]. Antonin and Michaela play in piles of hay in thei...

  13. Silent animated film

    Titles: Gemeinnutziger Kulturfilm-Vertrieb zeigt" “Der Löwe und die Maus” [Boy in Circus]. An animated short film. Ends 01:05:13

  14. Selected records of the County Department in Pinczów Wydział Powiatowy w Pińczowie (Sygn. 2310)

    Minutes of meetings of the County Department in Pinczów and Busko on various matters of the Jewish population; a list of the property owners in Pińczów and Skalbmierz, files on social and health care with registration cards of recipients of help, as well as lists of craft workshops, enterprises and trading companies.

  15. Selected records of the County National Council and Department of County in Łódź Powiatowa Rada Narodowa i Wydział Powiatowy w Łodzi (Sygn. 2126)

    Registers of Jewish properties, population books, copies of birth certificates, and photographs.

  16. Collection of materials from the "Kurier Polski" Editorial Board: Competition "This is how People's Poland began" Kolekcja dokumentacji Redakcji „Kuriera Polskiego”: Konkurs „Tak zaczęła się Polska Ludowa” (Sygn. 572)

    Memories, documents, publications, clippings, evacuation cards, certificates, ID cards, announcements, photographs, postcards, and other documents sent by readers for the competition to the newspaper "Kurier Polski" after WWII. Includes documents related to land reform, contingents, a map of the so-called Recovered Territories, and book ordinances of the City Board in Biskupiec.

  17. Rose and Oscar Bender collection

    Correspondence between Rose (Magilnitsky) Bender and her husband Oscar Bender with relatives in France, Lithuania, and in Russia, 1938-1945. Also includes a family photo (with text on verso) and correspondence with other organizations who are assisting the Benders so that they can help their relatives in Europe.

  18. Kopolovic family papers

    Documents including certificates, correspondence, and identification information, family photographs, and restitution-related papers, relating to Olga Schuman (formerly Ester Kopolovicova) of Drahova, Czechoslovakia (Drahovo, Ukraine), who survived Auschwitz and Stutthof. Also includes a DVD photos and Olga's oral history, in addition to a guidebook, Nový Tlumaĉ Americky [The American Interpreter] in Czech and English that Olga used when she arrived in the United States.

  19. Ruins in Italy; American pilot

    Outdoor amphitheater in Italy. Tower and a domed building in the distance. Ruins. (1:13) US soldier posing in front of the ruins. Town on the side of a hill. People walking around covered vehicles. (2:42) An impressive cathedral with many spires along the top. A distinct looking building on the top of a hill, overlooking a body of water. (4:02) US soldiers driving in an open aired vehicle up a winding road. Soldiers hefting large duffels onto a US naval transport ship. Woman smiles and pets a dog. (5:03) A damaged Red Cross vessel on its side sinking into the water. (5:28) Women handing out...

  20. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Żyrardów Sąd Grodzki w Żyrardowie (Sygn. 1747) : Wybrane materialy

    Selected files of the records of the Sąd Grodzki w Żyrardowie. Contains so-called “Zg" records, cases of establishing someone as deceased, issuing birth, death and marriage certificates. or applying for inheritance rights, Includes also a list of seized properties. Records of "Zg" relate to declaring someone dead or issuing a death certificate. This includes persons who perished during the Soviet or, mainly, Nazi occupation: either including persons arrested by Soviets or Germans, deported to the USSR or the Third Reich, sent to concentration camps, murdered in ghettos or in other places of...