Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,201 to 5,220 of 58,959
  1. The Bed family visits Capri and Rome, 1939

    Meijer, Kaatje, Elly (Jetje) and John Bed on vacation. In color, flowers, a house, and the ocean, from high up in the hills of Capri. Jetje, John, Kaatje, and an unidentified little girl hold grapefruits. Capri town square with lots of people. Jetje and John walk toward the camera playing recorders. John on a dock wearing blue shorts, tie and beanie with his camera case around his neck. More scenes of flowers, landscapes. 04:19 In Rome (black and white), landmarks, including the Forum, the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Vatican, the Trevi Fountain. 07:45 Dark shots of a column of people march...

  2. Captured German troops and GIs; airfield

    Stevens standing in front of sign that reads: "Frankenburg." Pan to several hundreds, possibly a thousand, captured Germans. German troops (excellent pan of German soldiers) captured filing into trucks. Pan to remainder of troops. Troops loading onto open trucks. CUs of German soldiers. Stevens, Moffat and others standing with the Germans. American GI climbs on truck with stick, reaching into soldiers with stick. GI sending soldiers up the hill. They run to the truck. German officer in front of truck. Cameraman shooting CU of young German soldier. Sign reads: "Frankenau/Kreis Frankenberg/Re...

  3. German invasion of Crete

    This is an excerpt from the six reel film about the German invasion of Crete from 21-27 May 1941, the first mainly airborne invasion in history. This clip is from reel 2 of 6. German soldiers in battle. Sound of bombing and shooting, Stukas drop bombs, sinking ship. British POWs raising their hands, marching past a harbor. Pile of seized weapons. Cheerful music over POWs sitting in a group. The narrator alludes to the British and their traitorous helpers. POWs in a gated compound. A pair of hands pages through a folder marked “Secret.” POWs receive rations out of the back of a truck while t...

  4. Treblinke

    Arnold Friedman performs "Treblinke" ["Treblinke dort"], the song probably created in the Warsaw ghetto, in the original Yiddish and in his own English translation. Piano accompaniment by Laura Paglin.

  5. German Naval Light Forces

    Amateur footage shot by the Nazi party official, Regierungsbezirkdirektor of Arnsberg (director of the administrative district Arnsberg). German Navy forces leave unknown German port. Ships from the dock. Navy ships head out to sea with sailors visible on deck. Vessels are identified in the IWM catalog record as minesweepers and Raumboote. One ship sails slowly past the camera (filmed from another ship); men on deck salute. Civilians, including a woman, stand on the dock and talk to men in Navy uniform. Different types of ships, many of them with numbers painted on their bows (75, 96, 122, ...

  6. Belsen after liberation

    CU, pan up to clothed corpses scattered on the ground, group of survivors in BG. MLS, makeshift tent with survivors. CUs, survivors.

  7. At leisure

    Stevens and others leaning against rail, camera pans to show bathers at sea. Sign in German and Russian reads: "Americans are forbidden." Another sign reads: "Beach Club" with a picture of two GIs and an Army insignia with the number 2 on it ("Hell on Wheels"). Two men pitching golf balls on a putting green.

  8. Kazimierz, Jewish district

    Intertitle reads: "At the foot of 'Wawel' Kazimierz, 15th century Jewish district." Kazimierz of Krakow. Buildings and Jewish pedestrians.

  9. German newsreel excerpts: Gen. Franco; Mussolini; Winter Aid; British air raids

    Reel 1, Part 1, General Franco and German officials visit the Alcazar in Seville, and review Moorish guards, Part 2, Mussolini decorates Italian airmen and reviews troops in Rome. Part 3, crowds, including children, attend a military, exhibit in Vienna. Contributions for "winter aid" are collected. Part 4, Flemish musicians perform in a Berlin cabaret. Part 5, a wedding is performed in Le Meuse, France. Part 6, factory workers attend a concert performed by the Berlin Philharmonic. Part 7, cultural and religious monuments in Lubeck, Germany, rubbled by British air raids.

  10. Liberation special exhibition monitors A-D2

    Monitors A-D2 exhibited as part of "Liberation 1945" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from May 9, 1995 to May 8, 1996.

  11. Smithsonian Folklife Archive broadcast recordings

    Holocaust audio collection containing radio broadcast recordings in English and Yiddish.

  12. Private L. Gurewicz co-educational seventh grade school with the Yiddish as the language of instruction in Vilnius Prywatna 7 klasowa koedukacyjna szkoła powszechna im. L. Gurwicza z żydowskim językiem nauczania w Wilnie (Fond 607)

    The collection contains activity reports prepared by teachers' commission for organizing extracurricular activities, teachers’ lesson plans, and pedagogical diaries and other school related documentation. Teacher’s diaries arranged alphabetically according to surname.

  13. Bergen-Belsen

    Contains information about the establishment of health care facilities after liberation, the activities of Hadassah and Josef Rosensaft as leaders in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp, and the closing of the camp in 1950.

  14. USHMM public programs: Eichmann Trial

    AV production shown at the Eichmann Trial public program at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on February 12, 2002. Three clips from USHMM Film IDs 2036, 2039, and 2108 feature survivor testimonies about the Warsaw ghetto uprising and gassing experimentation, CUs of Eichmann, Abba Kovner's testimony, and Servatius questioning Eichmann.

  15. Letters of congratulations for Hadassah Rosensaft on her eightieth birthday

    Contains copies of letters of congratulations for Hadassah Rosensaft on the occasion of her 80th birthday from President George Bush; David Dinkins, mayor of New York City; Chaim Herzog, president of Israel; and Teddy Kollek, mayor of Jerusalem.

  16. Bookburning special exhibition monitors 1-5

    AV monitors 1-5 exhibited as part of "Fighting the Fires of Hate: America and the Nazi Book Burnings" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from April 30, 2003 to October 13, 2003.

  17. Belsen: Medics moving typhus patients

    Medics loading trucks with people suffering from typhus. Red Cross truck. Women walking in a forest.

  18. Family heirlooms; visiting mountains

    Family photographs. Men gather for picture/filming at log cabin in mountains [Caucusus?], EXT. Julien Bryan gives the men instructions and backs out of frame.

  19. Transit camp in Eindhoven

    Scenes from a transit camp located in the Philips factory in Eindhoven, Netherlands. According to the IWM record, the camp was run by the 506 Detachment, Civil Affairs, and the nationalities of the laborers include Dutch, French, Polish, and Russian. Adult and children civilians (former foreign forced laborers) and British soldiers in front of military trucks. CUs of a woman talking and laughing with a British soldier. Military truck carrying civilians enters a gated compound. Passengers disembark from the back of the truck. Quick shot of slate indicating 3/15/1945 and cameraman Sgt. Collin...

  20. Records relating to Jews and Roma in Berlin Oberfinanzdirektion case files of Roma in Berlin

    Includes approximately 250 case files created by the Oberfinanzdirektion of Berlin concerning the evacuation of Roma in Berlin and the confiscation of their personal property. After comparing the individual case files to the name list, the accessioning archivist discovered that 20 files are missing from the collection. The missing files are: Buchler, Josef; Frolian, Peter; Haustein, Adolf; Haustein, Else; Haustein, Paul; Haustein, Rudolf; Keck, Max; Maatz, Oswald; Meinhardt, Adam; Petermann, Heini; Peterman, Hildegard; Peterman, Josef; Pohl, Hermann; Rebstock, Rosa; Rose, Karoline; Schmidt,...