Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,181 to 5,200 of 58,959
  1. DPs boarding truck

    Displaced persons getting onto truck, boy with a guitar being lifted onto truck, female servicewoman nearby. Children on truck waving goodbye to camera. Side view of truck.

  2. War Crimes Trial: Dostler testifies

    LT GEN ANTON DOSTLER, GERMAN WAR CRIMINAL TRIAL, Palace of Justice, Rome, Italy. Gen. Dostler testifies through his interpreter about checking higher command to determing if these American soldiers came under the Fuehrerbefehl order. In learning that they did, and that he was ordered to have the men shot, he instructed his chief of staff to carry out the order.

  3. 4 video progams about the Holocaust: propaganda, children, the Nazi police state, and deportations

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Fourth floor (4.13) - Power of Propaganda (see revised version on Laser Disk A) Second floor (2.09c) - Children: In Ghettos and Camps Fourth floor (4.26a) - Nazi Society/Police State Third floor (3.21) - Deportations

  4. Deadly Medicine special exhibition monitors 2, 5, 6, 7, 12

    AV monitors 2, 5, 6, 7, 12 exhibited as part of "Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race"" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from April 2004 to May 29, 2006. The exhibition focused on the physicians, psychiatrists, anthropologists, public health officials, and others who supported and, ultimately, implemented the Nazi racial eugenics program that culminated in the Holocaust. 01:00:00 Monitor 2: Weimar Clinic 01:01:30 Monitor 5: Nazi Racial Science 01:06:35 Monitor 6: Anthropology in the Field 01:09:59 Monitor 7: Building Public Support 01:13:28 Monitor 12: Testimony

  5. Croatian fascists

    Pan and CU of posters supportive of the fascist government of the Independent State of Croatia (NHD). One gives the dates 1941 and 1945. MS, Bust and portraits of NHD leader and Ustasa founder leader Ante Pavelic. Men in uniform (Ustasa and German) sit at the base of a statue. Pan down from a clock tower to a busy street scene in Zagreb, including German soldiers and many civilians. Poster showing an antisemitic cartoon (an oversized Jewish caricature standing over a smaller Croat family). Part of the text reads Smrt fasizmu (death to fascism) and Sloboda Narodu (freedom to the people). Str...

  6. Functions of V-1

    SUMMARY: This is a three reel composite technical information film on the operation and launching of the FZG-76 (V- 1). Reel 2. SEQ, Complete function of the air mileage unit and veeder counter. CU, Fuse, lines and miniature blisters. CU, Trailing antenna being pulled out. CU, Underside of rocket showing the movement of the flaps. Organization chart showing the flow of parts and rockets from the manufacturer to the field. Rocket in assembled condition standing and being wheeled across field. VS, Launcher ramp, firing tube, firing tube breech, damper and diffuser vanes. Man adjusting trip ca...

  7. Germany advances into Poland; Polish POWs

    Part 3 (Reel 1): German assault troops land on river edge and advance rapidly through city streets. LS, bombed buildings explode as soldiers move forward along streets. HS, harbor. MCU, CU, heavy artillery fire. Telescopic view of area which is being shelled. LS, battleship in harbor fires directly upon port city. MS, civilians of Poland exit from shelters. Travel shot, troops and mobilized equipment move through streets and over bridges. Hitler in car rides through streets and is saluted by German soldiers. German soldiers rush forward, surround car and greet Hitler and high command. Hitle...

  8. Records relating to the Committee for Refugee Education "Progress Reports" from the Committee for Refugee Education, 1940-1942 and 1949

    Contains Committee for Refugee Education "Progress Report" for 1940, 1941, 1942, and 1949. The reports include information about the Committee for Refugee Education and its work; statistics on students participating in English training courses offered by the Committee; teaching methods used by Committee instructors; and other agencies, including the American Committee for Christian German Refugees and the Jewish Welfare Board, that cooperated with the CRE.

  9. 4 video programs about the Holocaust: war crimes trials

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" Second floor (2.08) - The Killers: Nuremberg Trials #1 Second floor (2.08) - The Killers: Nuremberg Trials #2 Second floor (2.08) - The Killers: Eichmann Trial Second floor (2.08) - Other Trials

  10. Sport events; opening of new synagogue in Munich; Landsberg DP camp

    Life in the Landsberg displaced persons camp. DP children writing in journals. Hebrew "Olympiad" sports events: calisthenics, flag-raising, ceremony, spectators, track races, high jump, sack races, crowd, award ceremony. People gathered in streets, on bicycles. DPs getting off truck. DP family walking slowly down road. Raking/gardening. Children, families, playing in park. Babies. Girls dancing the Hora. INT, men talking at table. EXT, synagogue in Neu Freimann DP camp. 01:06:31 Dedication of a new synagogue on Reichenbach Street in Munich, Germany on May 20, 1947 (see Photo Archive WS 2222...

  11. Liberated Jews in Kairouan, Tunisia

    (from previous reel) Wounded soldier, destroyed German tanks (one has the name “Paula” painted on it), and German prisoners of war resting in a field. 00:58 (Entry into Kairouan). A group of people pose for the camera, smiling and making the “V” sign. Most of them have Star of David badges on their clothes. A man and a woman (she wears a white pith helmet) in the center of the group appear to be better dressed than the others. The man holds a dog on a chain leash. British soldiers and young men wearing star badges pose next to a jeep. WS of a street with locals and a couple of British soldi...

  12. Nazi propaganda film about the "problem of world Judaism"

    A propaganda film declared as a "documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism," in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans; "international crime"; "financial Judaism"; "assimilated Jews"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts.

  13. Hidden History of the Kovno Ghetto special exhibition monitors

    AV monitors produced by Wentworth Films exhibited as part of "Hidden History of the Kovno Ghetto" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from November 21, 1997 to October 3, 1999.

  14. Destroyed town in France; dead German soldiers; campsite

    Jeep coming through severely bombed town. Stevens gets out. Camera on jeep. Good coverage and panning shot of a number of vehicles in front of small building called "Hotel D'Lion." Sign reads: "Carantilly 4 kms, Cerisy-La Salle 10 kms." Trucks with soldiers passing through town (very well shot). Stevens and Sergeant Hamilton inspecting a gun casing, walking through rubble of large bombed out building, church steeple still visible. Stevens looking at stretcher containing what is apparently a dead German soldier. CU of dead German soldier. VS of dead German soldiers, including CUs. Tracking s...

  15. Sphinx; battle in desert; bazaar; fighter plane

    This story is a compilation of a number of small reels shot in the deserts of Egypt/North Africa. Fire truck with men in black uniforms, shot of the Sphinx. Stevens and Bill Mellor in summer uniforms standing in front of a station wagon, pan to Sphinx. VS of Sphinx with pyramid in BG. Stevens walks to FG, Mellor and Stevens in front of Sphinx. VS of tank battle in desert (Sahara) with dust, smoke, tanks advancing. Men on foot behind firing tanks, dust and smoke blowing in strong wind. VS of scrub brush in desert. Soldiers running with weapons, large explosion screen right, FG, more views of...

  16. Oral history interview with William Serog and Kitty Hart

  17. Infantry; roadblocks; First Army at Nordhausen

    LIB 5342 Tanks and Infantry Firing Near Tarnbach, Germany (?) April 9, 1945 LSs, smoke rises from shell hits in distant mountainous area. Short scene, trucks full of soldiers and a US tank passes through town. MCU, soldier fires rifle from behind tank. CU, officer of 87th Infantry Division speaks over field phone directing operations in wooded area while looking at a map. MSs, CUs, infantrymen of 345th Regiment, 87th Division and M-4 tanks of 743th Tank Battalion fire on German positions in wooded area. US infantrymen firing and taking new positions in wooded area. LIB 5452 Roadblocks Oster...

  18. Moving into the Krakow Ghetto

    CU, Jewish man with winter hat and star armband in the Krakow ghetto. Cart loaded with furniture and belongings moves along a snowy road. Men gathered in front of a building. Boy pulls a small wagon with his possessions. Man with a framed picture. 00:19 Schoolchildren walk down a sidewalk with chairs over their heads. Woman hunched over a pile of belongings on the ground. Moving furniture into a new home. Street activity with pedestrians, horse and wagon, and streetcar.

  19. GIs; battered corpses; Dachau camp victims

    Campfire burning. Hamilton, Stevens and others on ground cooking, drinking coffee. Change of scene, jeep Toluca covered with snow. Stevens in front of jeep Toluca shakes hands with crewcut American (Major Dick Cahoot). CUs, they are smoking, dressed in winter parkas (handwritten annotation to LoC cataloger's notes indicates that this footage was shot in Belgium). At Dachau, by a railroad track, empty boxcars, some snow on ground. Frozen corpse lying in coal beside track. Gruesome CU of snow covered huddled corpse by boxcar. Several gruesome shots of battered corpses of German SS. Frozen bod...

  20. Nuremberg Trial interpreters; closing speech at Malmedy Trial

    Munich 225 - War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany July 1946. Individual CUs of interpreters speaking into microphones. 03:04 Munich 294 - Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany July 11, 1946. Lt. Col Burton J Ellis continuing his closing speech to the court.