Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,161 to 5,180 of 58,959
  1. Hungarian Press House; men speaking; Horthy at live performance

    Special Film Theatre Edition of Hungarian Newsreel / Híradó Filmszínház Különkiadása 54. “A MAGYAR SAJTÓ ÜNNEPE” [The Celebration of the Hungarian Press]. MS, building completely covered in ivy. A guard stands at the front gate and a person walks by the sidewalk. Sign with the Hungarian coat of arms: “A MAGYAR SAJTÓ HÁZA ORSZÁGOS MAGYAR SAJTÖKAMARA MAGYAR UJSÁGIRÓK EGYESÜLETE PÁTRIA KLUBJA, MAGYAR HIRLAPIRÓK ORSZÁGOS NYUGDIJINTÉZETE UJSÁGIRÓK SZANATORIUM EGYESÜLETE”. This is the Hungarian Press House. INT a man in a suit reads from a piece of paper. MS, audience, large group of men. The man...

  2. Refugees, liberation, and an illegal ship (some staged)

    This is a compilation reel, the title on the reel reads: "Jewish Life in Budapest", however, this title does not correspond to anything seen on the reel, except a few seconds of unidentified amateur footage, which may have been shot in Hungary. This footage contains a number of scenes from a fiction (staged) film, with Hebrew subtitles, that indicate the year as 1946 to 1948. There are also a number of scenes in concentration camps (staged or liberation: unable to confirm at time of record entry), scenes on boats, people fleeing, being captured, etc. Shots from behind, crowds marching in st...

  3. I Believe

    3 grooved discs inside a disc jacket. "I Believe" A Collection of Songs by Emma Schaver (soprano) in Yiddish and Hebrew. Repertoire performed by Schaver during her UNNRA-sponsored tour of Jewish DP camps in occupied Germany. Disc contents include: Disc 1 Side A: Kaddish Disc 1 Side B: Ani Maamin Disc 2 Side A: Partisan Song (Zog nit keynmol) Disc 2 Side B: Yugend Hymn Disc 3 Side A: Es Brent Disc 3 Side B: Eyns, tsvey, dray

  4. 2 edited programs about the Holocaust: Auschwitz survivors (sound) and Nuremberg trials (video)

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Third floor (3.34) - Voices from Auschwitz (audio theater) Second floor (2.08) - The Killers: Nuremberg Trials #1 (1945)

  5. Oral history interview with Trudi Birger

  6. Soldiers eating; at leisure

    Soldiers line up and receive food. They pose next to a boxcar that says “15 Fin USA Bound.” A sign for Thionville. Soldiers eat at Camp Boston in Reims, France. Children wave at the camera. Soldiers play cards and smoke cigarettes. Scenes at Camp Boston.

  7. Agro-Joint activity in prewar Russia

    Excerpt of "Founding a New Life: A Story of Rehabilitation." Chickens. Sheep herds, milking sheep. Cattle, women milking cattle. People bring milk to cooperative. Unloading goods at cooperative store. LS of town. Classroom scenes at school, children dance in circle.

  8. Oral history interview with Sarah Lichtman

  9. Compilation for Representations of the 'Other' at West Chester University

    Compilation of Nazi propaganda films in the SSFVA collection shown during a presentation given by Raye Farr at the Representations of the 'Other' conference at West Chester University in Pennsylvania in March 2007. Kaufmann nicht Haendler [Merchant, not Peddler], 1933/1936: Story #3294, Film ID #2504A. To 01:02:37 Juden, Laeuse, Wanzen [Jews, Lice, Bugs], 1941: Story #3295, Film ID #2504A. To 01:04:55 Kampf dem Fleckfieber [Fighting Typhus], 1942: Story #3297-3300, Film ID #2504A. To 01:06:32 Warsaw Ghetto, 1942: Film ID #2270. To 01:22:41

  10. Compilation for "The Nazi Rise to Power" film

    Research edits for the Permanent Exhibition monitor 4.08 The Nazi Rise to Power. Compilation includes still photographs and step-printed footage.

  11. Food; bazaar; vendors; shop; market

    HAS, INTs, crowds at food bazaar, probably in summertime. CUs, vendors, food and clothing for sale. 01:04:35 Quick sequence of designer sketching seen earlier on this Film ID 3038. Close shots of Russians, appear uneasy in front of camera. Stacks of sardines and canned fish. INTs, women, cashiers, children. CUs, serving/weighing caviar for sale. HAS, cafe. INTs, activity in shop, patrons, register, sales. 01:06:23 Quick, EXT, market woman picking over vegetables for sale. Pan down, chandelier in shop, HAS, INTs shop. 01:06:52 EXT, market, women with babushkas, child drinking. INT, woman tri...

  12. Oral history interview with Wolf Gauster

  13. Visiting France and returning by ship to New York City, 1936

    Boat on the ocean. People sitting on deck chairs, playing a game on the deck, children are playing on the deck and couples are strolling on the deck. (1:26) Sea plane lands on the water. A small boat goes out to meet the sea plane. The plane is lifted onto the boat, then the small boat is being lifted onto the large boat. (2:49) A man and a woman at a train station with a sign in the background says “Herbesthal”. Another sign says “Koln Herbesthal Liege Namur, Charlepol Paris”. Taking train from Herbesthal Train station, near German border, to Paris. Man and woman lean out of a train window...

  14. Nuremberg: Medical Case No. 1 - Trial of Karl Brandt & others

    Short film produced by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive for screening at a medical conference in Berlin on December 9, 1996. Final Edit dated November 21, 1996. Audio Only from RG-60.2210: Roll call over opening title. From RG-60.2376: HAS, courtroom. Audio Only from RG-60.2210: "The secretary will call the roll of the defendants..." [barely audible]. Intertitle. From RG-60.2376: Secretary calls "Karl Brandt". Audio Only from RG-60.2210: Defendants names are called, including Karl Gebhardt, Kurt Blome, Rudolf Brandt, Gerhard Rose, Siegrie...

  15. The United States Holocaust Memorial Commission and United States Holocaust Memorial Council

    Contains information about the establishment of the President's Commission on the Holocaust by President Jimmy Carter in 1978 and the establishment of the United States Holocaust Council in October 1979.

  16. Belsen: Jewish Thanksgiving Service

    Jewish religious service outdoors. Sunny day, large gathering, organized event, lots of people. Young women with arms around each other, staring without apparent emotion. Rabbi holds up Torah. Makeshift ark, tapestry. VLS from above of gathering, big circle of people crowded together, outer ring of people stand on benches. Long line of little kids coming together, join and enter circle. CU, Rabbi reading. More CU of women, very serious, sad, clinging to each other.

  17. Oral history interview with Lev Malach and Riva Malach

  18. Kurt Frederick interview

    Radio interview with New Mexico Symphony conductor Kurt Frederick broadcast on November 19, 1979 over KHFM (Albuquerque, NM). Mr. Frederick discusses his Viennese upbringing, flight from Europe and subsequent career in the United States (58:46). Brief introduction by Mrs. Gladys Frederick.

  19. Illich family visits the Dolomites, 1937

    Introduced with Maexie Films logo (drawing of Maexie holding a film camera), "Agfa 1937", and German titles. The Illich family exits a car with their luggage. INTs of a train. Good CUs of Grandfather Fritz and the boys. The family tours the countryside (mountains, farms) by automobile on their tour of the Dolomites (a mountain range in the Alps). They stop in the medieval town of Lienz in Eastern Austria (Tyrol) - shops, bicycles, pedestrians, hotels. They cross the border from Austria to Italy and sightsee by Mercedes car - filming mountains and villages from the window. They stop at looko...

  20. County Health Fund in Ostrowiec Powiatowa Kasa Chorych w Ostrowcu (Sygn. 3178)

    Personal files of doctors and dentists of Jewish origin employed in the Health Fund.